Getting out of the shower to find the wife sitting in front of the computer, staring at the online bank account, and crying. Not hating on her for that reaction, but on me for not making things happen and keeping us above water.
In other news, I may not be on here much for awhile. Need to focus on some more important things.
Praying for you bub.
That's heartbreaking. I'll be praying for you and your wife.
Getting out of the shower to find the wife sitting in front of the computer, staring at the online bank account, and crying. Not hating on her for that reaction, but on me for not making things happen and keeping us above water.
In other news, I may not be on here much for awhile. Need to focus on some more important things.
Praying for you bub.
That's heartbreaking. I'll be praying for you and your wife.
Sorry to hear this, prayers to to you and your family!
Thanks, brothers. I didn't mean to dump on the forum like that. Sometimes commission sales is the best gig in the world... and sometimes it sucks. We'll get through it and things will pick up. Just hate when the lean times put stress on the family. I really do appreciate the prayers and encouragement, though.
"When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I'm in Santa Fe being a tourist and popped into a little cigar shop to pick up a couple sticks. I picked out an AVO classic no. 9 and an LFD double press. When I got back to my hotel and went to fire up the AVO I found two spots of white mold on the wrapper. Upon further inspection I found mold on the foot of the LFD. Now I'm headed back over there today to get my money back.
The idiot that is clear cutting about 40 acres of old trees that boarder 2 sides of our property. Watershed, animal habitat and a wind brake. It seems the old fellow who owned it passed away and his ignorant and uncaring son didn't even wait for the father's body to be buried before he started raping the land. He has cut our boundary fence, cut the power line (nice big fine) and some of the prettiest and old red maples, black walnut and pecan trees you have seen. The snakes, turtles, foxes, mice, deer, birds and everything else trying to escape and dying. We called the "police", about the boundary line, and all they would say is we have to file a civil suit, what kind of crap is that..? I can't find a local EPA office anywhere close by and their site is no help. Guess only politicians no how to file a complaint.
I hate pharmacy's that insist changing name brand scripts for generics. My pharmacy has tried once before and I had a seriously bad reaction after about 2 weeks of the generic being in my system. I went back and they had to order it but it was corrected. Now they are trying to tell me the doctor has to tell them no generics....why..?, they corrected it before. obozocare or profit margin..or just stupid?
When I came down with all my medical problems about 25 years ago the doctor I went to (the best doctor I ever had) told me never to use generics and never take a stress test. Because of him I did not end up in a wheel chair, was able to work until I wanted to retire, go fishing when ever I felt like it, win a bowling award or 2, be a gunsmith (apprentice) and knock some thugs on their *** a time or 2, and I have not killed anyone in a random act of violence , which are all good things.
Wjy would a pharmacy force a generic on someone when there is so much information out there..? Enough rant and venting......I am going to light up a double wide 5 Vegas Gold and have some ice tea.
I hate pharmacy's that insist changing name brand scripts for generics. My pharmacy has tried once before and I had a seriously bad reaction after about 2 weeks of the generic being in my system. I went back and they had to order it but it was corrected. Now they are trying to tell me the doctor has to tell them no generics....why..?, they corrected it before. obozocare or profit margin..or just stupid?
When I came down with all my medical problems about 25 years ago the doctor I went to (the best doctor I ever had) told me never to use generics and never take a stress test. Because of him I did not end up in a wheel chair, was able to work until I wanted to retire, go fishing when ever I felt like it, win a bowling award or 2, be a gunsmith (apprentice) and knock some thugs on their *** a time or 2, and I have not killed anyone in a random act of violence , which are all good things.
Wjy would a pharmacy force a generic on someone when there is so much information out there..? Enough rant and venting......I am going to light up a double wide 5 Vegas Gold and have some ice tea.
I have a good friend whose father is a researcher for a big pharma company. His wife's mom is a salesperson for the same company. Mom says generic's are bad. Dad says they're exactly the same except for some inert ingredients that may affect some people, but not change the way the drug works. I trust science over sales. Until I have a negative reaction to a drug, I never rule out generic unless I know there's something in it that I will react to.
Now, my related thing I hate is insurance companies that play doctor. My wife is diabetic. Doctor wants her to have the ability to test 7 times per day. Insurance will only allow 5 and 5 as a two week script, not a month. So suddenly, our medical budget just skyrocketed. Oh, and we were told her insulin would be cheaper in a 3-month supply, but come to find out that they no long have a negotiated discount price for either insulin she can use in her pump. $1500 may get her through 3 months. I don't blame Obama except for not forcing single-payer through. Private insurers ruined medicine long before mandatory healthcare. We've experienced this with several health care issues over the last 13 years. Insurance knows better than the doctor? I think not.
Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
For myself...tree pollen. No smoking for me right now. Allergies stink.
Southern pine! Turned my black Harley and my white Ford different shades of green. Mouth breathing now, until the nose spray kicks in.
WARNING: The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme. Proceed at your own risk.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
The idiot that is clear cutting about 40 acres of old trees that boarder 2 sides of our property. Watershed, animal habitat and a wind brake. It seems the old fellow who owned it passed away and his ignorant and uncaring son didn't even wait for the father's body to be buried before he started raping the land. He has cut our boundary fence, cut the power line (nice big fine) and some of the prettiest and old red maples, black walnut and pecan trees you have seen. The snakes, turtles, foxes, mice, deer, birds and everything else trying to escape and dying. We called the "police", about the boundary line, and all they would say is we have to file a civil suit, what kind of crap is that..? I can't find a local EPA office anywhere close by and their site is no help. Guess only politicians no how to file a complaint.
Check with your county planning/zoning/Community Development department, they usually do at least the initial investigation if not the full enforcement or they should be able to give you the place to file a complaint.
The idiot that is clear cutting about 40 acres of old trees that boarder 2 sides of our property. Watershed, animal habitat and a wind brake. It seems the old fellow who owned it passed away and his ignorant and uncaring son didn't even wait for the father's body to be buried before he started raping the land. He has cut our boundary fence, cut the power line (nice big fine) and some of the prettiest and old red maples, black walnut and pecan trees you have seen. The snakes, turtles, foxes, mice, deer, birds and everything else trying to escape and dying. We called the "police", about the boundary line, and all they would say is we have to file a civil suit, what kind of crap is that..? I can't find a local EPA office anywhere close by and their site is no help. Guess only politicians no how to file a complaint.
Check with your county planning/zoning/Community Development department, they usually do at least the initial investigation if not the full enforcement or they should be able to give you the place to file a complaint.
That is disheartening, JD.
Check with your county soil & water management office too, they may be able to help....
But I have a (bad) feeling you might be SOL....unless it is designated as a wildlife area/habitat....there's a protected species living/nesting there......or he's dumping the debris onto public land....probably not much you or the gov't can do to stop him unfortunately.
Get your property surveyed if you can't easily find the markers and if you find out he caused damage on your property .... you sure could take him to civil court for the boundary line, damage to your fence, and power line issues.
That some people are such damn pansies. A 20-inch water main ruptured two days ago about a block from my office so we haven't had any water in our building for two days. No biggie, the city brought in lots of bottled water and a couple port o' pots. Easy to get through a couple days right? Apparently not, one of the guys in the office above mine filed a friggin' grievance with the union because the bosses said that if they don't want to work anyone can use vacation time and stay home until the water came back. He didn't think he should have to use vacation to work in a, and I quote, "unsanitary work environment without easy access to restroom facilities." Seriously? down the stairs and 25 feet to the parking lot is SUCH a burden?
That some people are such damn pansies. A 20-inch water main ruptured two days ago about a block from my office so we haven't had any water in our building for two days. No biggie, the city brought in lots of bottled water and a couple port o' pots. Easy to get through a couple days right? Apparently not, one of the guys in the office above mine filed a friggin' grievance with the union because the bosses said that if they don't want to work anyone can use vacation time and stay home until the water came back. He didn't think he should have to use vacation to work in a, and I quote, "unsanitary work environment without easy access to restroom facilities." Seriously? down the stairs and 25 feet to the parking lot is SUCH a burden?
What a weenie. Sometimes I'm astounded by people like that, and I stop and wonder; how far through basic training would they have made it?
WARNING: The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme. Proceed at your own risk.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Layoffs... I didn't get hit ( I know things I like love thread)... but layoffs I hate. They destroy moral and terminate people who are doing their jobs. Being fired is something else. That is the consequence of not doing the job or not showing up. That I am in favor of... political firing not one bit.
That some people are such damn pansies. A 20-inch water main ruptured two days ago about a block from my office so we haven't had any water in our building for two days. No biggie, the city brought in lots of bottled water and a couple port o' pots. Easy to get through a couple days right? Apparently not, one of the guys in the office above mine filed a friggin' grievance with the union because the bosses said that if they don't want to work anyone can use vacation time and stay home until the water came back. He didn't think he should have to use vacation to work in a, and I quote, "unsanitary work environment without easy access to restroom facilities." Seriously? down the stairs and 25 feet to the parking lot is SUCH a burden?
What a weenie. Sometimes I'm astounded by people like that, and I stop and wonder; how far through basic training would they have made it?
the sad thing is that if it is who I think it is, he's a navy vet. Just shows there are asshats in any group.
Finding out from a trusted friend that the pretty girl who cut my hair and gave me her number is actually full-on batshit crazy. The exact comment was "She's as passive agressive-crazy as [name of the last woman I dated], with swirls my ex-wife, and little Lorena Bobbit sprinkles on top."
Not much of a story really but since you asked, in 30 years I've had to pick up 5 fingers from 3 different people. the first was at a french furniture place, walking thru the shop I saw one of the guys lineing up a 2" dowel pin on a table saw, asked him what he was trying to do and he tells me he needs 1" pins, told him to use the cross cut box, thats what it's for, nope too much trouble to set the box on the saw, lost about 3/4" off his index finger, not as much blood as you might think. Working on a house in Lubbock TX 19 year old kid strait out of high school, tells me he had 4 years of woodshop, sent him to rip down some 1/8" masonite off a 4x8 sheet, you have to roll it over your sholder to feed it thru, anyway he left the blade all the way up and when it started flapping he used his left hand to push it down, pinkie, ring and middle right across the 2nd knuckle's, nice blood fan this time, I was on the 3rd floor and the fastest way down was to slide down the roof, they were able to reattach with 'limited' use. The other day one of my guys tried to make a pocket cut in a 2 1/4"w, x 10"L peice of oak on a 12" table saw and lost 3/8" of the ring finger, not enough left to put back. He's more worried about missing work or losing his job than the finger.
When a pleasurable experience goes bad...I splurged and had ice cream last night. Not just ice cream, but in a sugar cone. All was wonderful until the cone splintered and stabbed me in the gums. I'm still sore and swollen from it.
Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
That USPS took my CCOM order on a little vacation to Puerto Rico on it's way to me....
"Priority Mail 2-Day" (LOL, "2 day")
April 24, 2014 --- Electronic Shipping Info Received
April 27, 2014 , 3:55 pm --- Processed through USPS Sort Facility --- SAN JUAN, PR 00936
April 28, 2014 , 2:46 am --- Depart USPS Sort Facility --- SAN JUAN, PR 00936
Seems like one of the post office employees near CCOM is throwing packages in the wrong bin again....
Women. I've come to the conclusion that one of three scenarios must be true:
1. There are no sane women in this town
2. There are no sane women anywhere
3. I just attract crazy women.
I'm leaning towards a combination of 1 and 3. There must be a few out there that aren't completely bonkers.
Also, women that wait until you've paid the tab for the date to drop "deal breaker" information on you. "I'm pregnant from an artificial insemination because I wanted to have a baby by the time I was 30 and got tired of waiting." Uhh... excuse me, waitress, lets open that tab back up. I need another drink. Make it gin this time.
Peripheral Neuropathy. I just spilled over $300 worth of Flea4X tick and flea doses for the dogs. And the ticks are worse I have seen since I have lived here. I actually cringed when I saw them big freakin Lima beans hanging off 2 of the back yard dogs. Had it all planed for a 2 stage attack on the parasites. Spray as much lawn as we could and then dose the dogs. It was a good plan gone up in smoke. That stuff actually ate the finish off the drawer...
Peripheral Neuropathy. I just spilled over $300 worth of Flea4X tick and flea doses for the dogs. And the ticks are worse I have seen since I have lived here. I actually cringed when I saw them big freakin Lima beans hanging off 2 of the back yard dogs. Had it all planed for a 2 stage attack on the parasites. Spray as much lawn as we could and then dose the dogs. It was a good plan gone up in smoke. That stuff actually ate the finish off the drawer...
When I worked in Alaska back in '69 I knew a guy who had some sled dogs. When the dogs got ticks he'd take a gob of Vaseline, wheel bearing grease, or whatever was handy with that viscosity and he'd plop the gob (notice the scientific language?) over the tick. In a few minutes the tick would back out trying to get to where it could breathe. Then the guy would pick them off and squash 'em. Worked pretty good.
When I came down with all my medical problems about 25 years ago the doctor I went to (the best doctor I ever had) told me never to use generics and never take a stress test. Because of him I did not end up in a wheel chair, was able to work until I wanted to retire, go fishing when ever I felt like it, win a bowling award or 2, be a gunsmith (apprentice) and knock some thugs on their *** a time or 2, and I have not killed anyone in a random act of violence
Wjy would a pharmacy force a generic on someone when there is so much information out there..? Enough rant and venting......I am going to light up a double wide 5 Vegas Gold and have some ice tea.
Now, my related thing I hate is insurance companies that play doctor. My wife is diabetic. Doctor wants her to have the ability to test 7 times per day. Insurance will only allow 5 and 5 as a two week script, not a month. So suddenly, our medical budget just skyrocketed. Oh, and we were told her insulin would be cheaper in a 3-month supply, but come to find out that they no long have a negotiated discount price for either insulin she can use in her pump. $1500 may get her through 3 months. I don't blame Obama except for not forcing single-payer through. Private insurers ruined medicine long before mandatory healthcare. We've experienced this with several health care issues over the last 13 years. Insurance knows better than the doctor? I think not.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
That is disheartening, JD.
Check with your county soil & water management office too, they may be able to help....
But I have a (bad) feeling you might be SOL....unless it is designated as a wildlife area/habitat....there's a protected species living/nesting there......or he's dumping the debris onto public land....probably not much you or the gov't can do to stop him unfortunately.
Get your property surveyed if you can't easily find the markers and if you find out he caused damage on your property .... you sure could take him to civil court for the boundary line, damage to your fence, and power line issues.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Being fired is something else. That is the consequence of not doing the job or not showing up. That I am in favor of... political firing not one bit.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
"Priority Mail 2-Day" (LOL, "2 day")
April 24, 2014 --- Electronic Shipping Info Received
April 27, 2014 , 3:55 pm --- Processed through USPS Sort Facility --- SAN JUAN, PR 00936
April 28, 2014 , 2:46 am --- Depart USPS Sort Facility --- SAN JUAN, PR 00936
Seems like one of the post office employees near CCOM is throwing packages in the wrong bin again....
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
1. There are no sane women in this town
2. There are no sane women anywhere
3. I just attract crazy women.
I'm leaning towards a combination of 1 and 3. There must be a few out there that aren't completely bonkers.
Also, women that wait until you've paid the tab for the date to drop "deal breaker" information on you. "I'm pregnant from an artificial insemination because I wanted to have a baby by the time I was 30 and got tired of waiting." Uhh... excuse me, waitress, lets open that tab back up. I need another drink. Make it gin this time.
When I worked in Alaska back in '69 I knew a guy who had some sled dogs. When the dogs got ticks he'd take a gob of Vaseline, wheel bearing grease, or whatever was handy with that viscosity and he'd plop the gob (notice the scientific language?) over the tick. In a few minutes the tick would back out trying to get to where it could breathe. Then the guy would pick them off and squash 'em. Worked pretty good.