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Things I Hate



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    MarkwellMarkwell Posts: 1,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
    While in traffic I have taken a lesson from the big rigs and leave plenty of distance so I can keep moving without braking. I've noticed that helps. But when it's one car holding up 8 or 10 on a two lane I let them know about it 
    “Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman – or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle.” – George Burns
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    jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    TN drivers are probably the worst drivers in the country.
    No turn signals.
    No stopping before they turn on to another road.
    Cell phones stuck in their ears.
    Slow cars in the passing lane.
    Abrupt turns.
    More drunk drivers then you can imagine.
    Do not get out of the way for EM vehicles.
    I think you can get a DL in TN by inheriting it or from box tops. 
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    deadmandeadman Posts: 8,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
    jd50ae said:
    TN drivers are probably the worst drivers in the country.
    No turn signals.
    No stopping before they turn on to another road.
    Cell phones stuck in their ears.
    Slow cars in the passing lane.
    Abrupt turns.
    More drunk drivers then you can imagine.
    Do not get out of the way for EM vehicles.
    I think you can get a DL in TN by inheriting it or from box tops. 
    Not just TN, same here
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    YankeeManYankeeMan Posts: 2,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    deadman said:
    jd50ae said:
    TN drivers are probably the worst drivers in the country.
    No turn signals.
    No stopping before they turn on to another road.
    Cell phones stuck in their ears.
    Slow cars in the passing lane.
    Abrupt turns.
    More drunk drivers then you can imagine.
    Do not get out of the way for EM vehicles.
    I think you can get a DL in TN by inheriting it or from box tops. 
    Not just TN, same here
    I agree.  Since I moved to NC, I can tell the NC drivers who came from out of state, because they use their directional signals!
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    MartelMartel Posts: 3,306 ✭✭✭✭
    I lived in Indy.  Driving 465, people thought they were in racecars but it was more like test runs 'cause they're mostly friendly.

    Chicago gets a bad rap, but the only frustrating thing is getting honked at to go before lights turn green.  Not dangerous.

    I went to college in LA.  Lots of volume.  It sucked, but not as bad as all that if you were careful and could avoid the rush. 

    Been to DC a number of times.  Beltway stinks.  Volume, speed, and some rudeness.

    83 between Baltimore and Harrisburg in rush hour is bad because the road stinks.  Chuck Hole has a permanent home.  No shoulders.  Narrow lanes.  Speed limit 55 but if you go 80, people ride you and flash lights to get out of the left lane you're in to pass people going the speed limit in the right.  Oh, and really short ramps cause problems in the right lane.  This is more a problem of the road than drivers, though.

    But the absolute worst driving I've ever experienced was Memphis.  Combine the worst of all those.  Add the rusted out hoopty going a mph or two under the speed limit to avoid getting pulled over for the drugs in the back, people who wait to get into the left turn lane until they pass the 20 cars already there, roll down a window and ask if you'll let them in. At an interstate split, these same folks will wait until the split has occurred and change lanes across the developing median.  People playing bumper cars when they merge.  It's the worst.

    But speaking of bumper cars, I was in Philly a while ago.  Visiting Geno's and Pat's parking stinks.  There's like one city lot with 20 spaces but it's narrow streets and congested housing with street parking only.  I saw a guy parallel park by nudging the car behind him to rock it back enough to squeeze in.  Then nudge the car in front to straighten, then settle between.
    Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

    I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot.  I will smoke anything, though.
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    deadmandeadman Posts: 8,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
    YankeeMan said:
    deadman said:
    jd50ae said:
    TN drivers are probably the worst drivers in the country.
    No turn signals.
    No stopping before they turn on to another road.
    Cell phones stuck in their ears.
    Slow cars in the passing lane.
    Abrupt turns.
    More drunk drivers then you can imagine.
    Do not get out of the way for EM vehicles.
    I think you can get a DL in TN by inheriting it or from box tops. 
    Not just TN, same here
    I agree.  Since I moved to NC, I can tell the NC drivers who came from out of state, because they use their directional signals!
     :D That’s great now teach them right and left.
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    MarkwellMarkwell Posts: 1,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    The worst driving I've ever experienced has been in the deep south. Georgia is flipping crazy, they think I-75 in and around Atlanta is the Daytona 500. Chattanooga, while beautiful, was just the same except add the druggies to the mix in this scenario. Then there's Louisiana; New Orleans and Baton Rouge are the worst. None of those drivers have an ounce of common decency. 

    @Martel you're absolutely right about Philly. They are the best parallel parkers I've ever seen. Last time we went to Pat's we took a bus because the parking is impossible there. 
    “Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman – or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle.” – George Burns
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    RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 8,961 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freaking colds!!!
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    0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hate people who think they are x-spurts in stuff they clearly aren't.
    Car enthusiasts are the worst. The backyard wrenchers loves to tell people they can't do certain things and some builds are not worth the time. Backyard wrenchers should shut the hell up.

    Well, anything can be done on a vehicle. With enough time, skill and money, any engine swap, any design can be done. Whether it should be or not, that's another thing.

    I always love the, "I know, cause my sister's brother's cousin's boyfriend had that problem and he tried to do this and it never did work."
    "She's my half sister. We have different dads, cause my Mom, she slept with my grandpa's best friend and found out she got pregnant from eating Cheetos."

    Well, that's because he was a moron with no tools and skills.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
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    Amos_UmwhatAmos_Umwhat Posts: 8,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WARNING:  The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme.  Proceed at your own risk.  

    "If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." --  Mark Twain
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    jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You never know when Darwin will show up.
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    0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gravity, physics and stupidity.
    What an entertaing combo.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
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    jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    0patience said:
    Gravity, physics and stupidity.
    What an entertaing combo.

    Yea I think they have reared their ugly heads in all our lives.
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    YankeeManYankeeMan Posts: 2,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    jd50ae said:
    0patience said:
    Gravity, physics and stupidity.
    What an entertaing combo.

    Yea I think they have reared their ugly heads in all our lives.
    No question, I look back in horror as some of the things I did when I was young.  Yet I am still alive with no criminal record.  How, I don't know!

    A lot of them started with, "Watch this!"

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    0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    YankeeMan said:
    jd50ae said:
    0patience said:
    Gravity, physics and stupidity.
    What an entertaing combo.

    Yea I think they have reared their ugly heads in all our lives.
    No question, I look back in horror as some of the things I did when I was young.  Yet I am still alive with no criminal record.  How, I don't know!

    A lot of them started with, "Watch this!"

    Hmm, most of mine started with "Check this out." LOL!

    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
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    YaksterYakster Posts: 26,417 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    When I go to post a long message and my fat finger hits new discussion instead.
    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
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    VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Achilles pain.....flat soda.....hard ****
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    peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 15,751 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Smoking a cigar, enjoying it immensely, buying a box or a 5'er hoping to repeat the enjoyment, finding the entire batch to be barely adequate.
    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
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    jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Buying a package of bacon.
    Qualtney. Formally a trusted brand.
    Get full wrapper off and find what looks like a half package.
    And the slices are so thin you can see through them.
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    jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    jd50ae said:
    Buying a package of bacon.
    Qualtney. Formally a trusted brand.
    Get full wrapper off and find what looks like a half package.
    And the slices are so thin you can see through them.

    Then I saw the price. $3.99. Might be the best deal there.
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    ForMudForMud Posts: 2,336 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hate replacing brake lines ( The metal ones ) six and half hours of pure misery.....The factory does it before anything is installed on the frame. Even with a lift, it's a pain.
    Took a header ( More like a asser ) off the step ladder didn't help much.....

    I also hate brake fluid....It makes your hands look like raisins. 
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    0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ForMud said:
    I hate replacing brake lines ( The metal ones ) six and half hours of pure misery.....The factory does it before anything is installed on the frame. Even with a lift, it's a pain.
    Took a header ( More like a asser ) off the step ladder didn't help much.....

    I also hate brake fluid....It makes your hands look like raisins. 

    Black lightning Nitrile gloves.
    I don't work on any brake, coolant or hydraulic systems without them.
    But then again, brake fluid and coolant can defy gravity and climb up your arm.

    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
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    ForMudForMud Posts: 2,336 ✭✭✭✭✭
    0patience said:
    ForMud said:
    I hate replacing brake lines ( The metal ones ) six and half hours of pure misery.....The factory does it before anything is installed on the frame. Even with a lift, it's a pain.
    Took a header ( More like a asser ) off the step ladder didn't help much.....

    I also hate brake fluid....It makes your hands look like raisins. 

    Black lightning Nitrile gloves.
    I don't work on any brake, coolant or hydraulic systems without them.
    But then again, brake fluid and coolant can defy gravity and climb up your arm.

    The only time I wear gloves is when I'm changing oil or when I'm using a grease gun. I don't like not feeling part when I have gloves on. I started today wearing some...It lasted about ten minutes before I took them off after I couldn't feel if a fitting was cross threading or not.

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    0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ForMud said:
    0patience said:
    ForMud said:
    I hate replacing brake lines ( The metal ones ) six and half hours of pure misery.....The factory does it before anything is installed on the frame. Even with a lift, it's a pain.
    Took a header ( More like a asser ) off the step ladder didn't help much.....

    I also hate brake fluid....It makes your hands look like raisins. 

    Black lightning Nitrile gloves.
    I don't work on any brake, coolant or hydraulic systems without them.
    But then again, brake fluid and coolant can defy gravity and climb up your arm.

    The only time I wear gloves is when I'm changing oil or when I'm using a grease gun. I don't like not feeling part when I have gloves on. I started today wearing some...It lasted about ten minutes before I took them off after I couldn't feel if a fitting was cross threading or not.

    I thought that 35 years ago.
    I now have no problem using the gloves.
    The years of solvent tanks, oils, grease, brake cleaner, carb cleaner and all that have taught me to slow down and wear the gloves.

    Work all day long and then use brake cleaner. You will find cuts you didn't even know you had.
    You will eventually discover that there are 2 things that your hands will thank you for working on equipment and vehicles.
    Hand cleaner with lanolin and nitrile gloves.

    I had a young pup tell me one time that getting it done fast was the primary goal.
    No, getting it done right is the primary goal. 
    I'm lazy, if I don't have to fix crap twice, I don't want to.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
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    0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ForMud said:
     I couldn't feel if a fitting was cross threading or not.

    Ok, the smart ass in me has to.......
    You know how you tell if it's crossthreading?
    If it turns by hand, it isn't crossthreading.
    If it doesn't want to turn by hand, it's crossthreading. 
    I have never had a fitting that didn't tell me right away if I was on the threads or not. And sometimes, they were very clear about it. LOL!
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
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    ForMudForMud Posts: 2,336 ✭✭✭✭✭
    0patience said:
    ForMud said:
     I couldn't feel if a fitting was cross threading or not.

    Ok, the smart ass in me has to.......
    You know how you tell if it's crossthreading?
    If it turns by hand, it isn't crossthreading.
    If it doesn't want to turn by hand, it's crossthreading. 
    I have never had a fitting that didn't tell me right away if I was on the threads or not. And sometimes, they were very clear about it. LOL!
    The ABS block I was threading some of them into was made of alum, so I only had one shot at it....Plus the "Pre bent lines" were close but some of the angles/lengths  were off...So I needed all the help I could get.
    I agree I should be wearing gloves, but after 30 years of not it's a hard thing to get used to.
    I remember when parts cleaners were non regulated and would take a couple of layers of skin off with each use. Then there was the 5 gallon metal bucket we used to soak carbs in. I swear it was left over nuclear  waste mixed with acid. :)
    On a side note, I've found carb cleaner is the best way to get rid of poison ivy...Only burns for a minute or two.  
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