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South East Herf!!



  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    Alex Williams:
    Really wish I could come guys but it doesn't look like ill be able to this go round. I am gonna make it a point to get over to hotlanta so I can have a mini herf with you good Georgians!!
    but then I won't be there cause I live 4 hours+ out and had to make pre-arrangements to make it tomorrow :(
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Alex Williams:
    Really wish I could come guys but it doesn't look like ill be able to this go round. I am gonna make it a point to get over to hotlanta so I can have a mini herf with you good Georgians!!
    but then I won't be there cause I live 4 hours+ out and had to make pre-arrangements to make it tomorrow :(
    sooo....you're not coming?

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    I was referencing whenever Alex comes down, I'll be there tomorrow all bright eyed and bushy tailed!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I was referencing whenever Alex comes down, I'll be there tomorrow all bright eyed and bushy tailed!
    lol, gotcha

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • I'll definitely be there. Making the final arrangements now. Guess TW has a lounge right? I'll figure out who you guys are somehow!
  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    I'll likely be there around 2:00 to start my browsing on the early side. I'll be wearing my Alienware hat (Just an alien head for those unfamiliar) just to be easily recognizable.
  • It'll be a ball cap kind of bunch! I'll be wearing my IDPA ball cap. It's got a pistol in profile on it for those guys who dont know what IDPA is.
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    It it doesn't piss down I will be on my bike, so if it does rain I will be the wet guy in jeans.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I'll be the guy wearing a ratty old braves hat that looks like he's had it since his freshman year of high school...

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I wanna say thanks to all the guys to came to the first (and hopefully of many) South East herfs! It was great to meet all you guys and thanks for all the fantastic cigars! Oh...and btw...I know all of you now have a better peace of mind knowing what kind of treatments are now available to treat kidney stones ;)

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    I second that it was great meeting everyone and getting to know you all a little better, with special thanks to the guys that had a long drive to make it here.

    Everyone's gift cigars are really greatly appreciated, lots of generosity (and tasty stogies) from you fellows! I know we'll be doing this again if for no other reason than we survived the "German Invasion" and there's likely not any greater obstacle that could get in the way of a future gathering.

    Definitely looking forward to herfing with you all again!
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    Yeah it was a great time. really looking forward to doing this again, but with out the kindey stones/directions in greman.
    Thanks to you all and hope to see you all again soon.
  • JZJZ Posts: 827
    I'm sorry I could not make it to this one. The wife was in desperate need of a vacation, between the kids (1 cutting teeth) and her job pissing her off she was at her wits end. Hopefully another one will materialize in the future.
  • I really enjoyed it even though I was sick. I look forward to doing it again minus the sinus infection. I have a sudden urge to learn German, or not. I really appreciate the guys making the drive in, and all of the great sticks that were traded. I slept until almost 2:00 today, but I seem to be improving, just in time to go back to work tomorrow.
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    Glad your feeling better. When is the next 4c event? I am going to try and get the day off and come up for that.
  • C4 cigar club meets for lunch the second Tuesday of every month at Bailey's. You should follow C4 on Facebook, and they have a website. The Christmas herf will be huge.
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    we got to do this again sometime in the near future... I had a supreme blast meeting everyone and smoking wayyyy too many sticks and watching the UFC fight, maybe next time a somewhat quieter place? Especially if Ross get's his B&M going ^ ^
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    C4 cigar club meets for lunch the second Tuesday of every month at Bailey's. You should follow C4 on Facebook, and they have a website. The Christmas herf will be huge.
    Glad to hear you are feeling better Tim and that you are getting some rest...unlike me...who had to wake up and feed the baby this morning :) I am hoping by next weekend I'll have this sinus crap out of my system. I am going to be taking Friday off this weekend, if u wanna meet up somewhere for a cigar - this goes for anyone else who might be off that day too--

    Christmas herf??? when is this going to be? I am taking a week and half off for Christmas, so I might be able to make this one.

    And thanks to everyone, and a special thanks to the guys who came in from out of state. I really enjoyed it. I hope you guys enjoy the cigars! Ross-- Let me know what you think of that Double Espresso!

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    C4 cigar club meets for lunch the second Tuesday of every month at Bailey's. You should follow C4 on Facebook, and they have a website. The Christmas herf will be huge.
    Christmas herf??? when is this going to be? I am taking a week and half off for Christmas, so I might be able to make this one.

    And thanks to everyone, and a special thanks to the guys who came in from out of state. I really enjoyed it. I hope you guys enjoy the cigars! Ross-- Let me know what you think of that Double Espresso!
    Not 100% certain I think he smoked it right after you gave it to him?
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    C4 cigar club meets for lunch the second Tuesday of every month at Bailey's. You should follow C4 on Facebook, and they have a website. The Christmas herf will be huge.
    Christmas herf??? when is this going to be? I am taking a week and half off for Christmas, so I might be able to make this one.

    And thanks to everyone, and a special thanks to the guys who came in from out of state. I really enjoyed it. I hope you guys enjoy the cigars! Ross-- Let me know what you think of that Double Espresso!
    Not 100% certain I think he smoked it right after you gave it to him?
    Did he?? I thought he went into the humi at TB World and got something and smoked it...

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    I think I'm out for this Friday. It's my better half's birthday weekend so we'll be celebrating for 3 days straight ;)

    So the next C4 Lunch herf is on 9/14? I may be able to make that one. What time do y'all generally meet at and go to? I can always burn a bit of vacation to make it anyways.

    Would be interrested in the X-mas herf for sure if I'm in town.

    Regardless I'm going to be at the TW anniversary event on 11/20 FOR SURE! :D
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I think I'm out for this Friday. It's my better half's birthday weekend so we'll be celebrating for 3 days straight ;)

    So the next C4 Lunch herf is on 9/14? I may be able to make that one. What time do y'all generally meet at and go to? I can always burn a bit of vacation to make it anyways.

    Would be interrested in the X-mas herf for sure if I'm in town.

    Regardless I'm going to be at the TW anniversary event on 11/20 FOR SURE! :D
    Trust me, whatever you do, don't miss the TW Anniversary! I usually get there about 30min before it starts, where I can get my shopping done and get a good place to sit and hang out. Last year, I was inside, about after a couple of hours, I had to get out of there and get some fresh air, I felt like i smoked 10 cigars. So I hung out in the tent and had some food and listened to the raffle...I won a box of Uppercuts!

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • It was great meeting you guys. We'll have to get together again for another one.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    It was great meeting you guys. We'll have to get together again for another one.
    Definitely should get together again, maybe we can all get together sooner than a year...

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    I agree!
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    Man I could do it ever quarter. That way they won't become dull, but they aren't too far apart. We could even try other B+M's every so often.
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    Man I could do it ever quarter. That way they won't become dull, but they aren't too far apart. We could even try other B+M's every so often.
    Like your's once you get it open? :D
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    I gotta say I'll be needing something in roughly that time, while we were smoking and having a good time the other prep cook I used to work with got fired, so it would seem for now I'm going to be working 6-7 days a week, good for the wallet and my stash since I've been too tired to light up anything other than an occasional cig. This crap almost always happens when I take a vacation. Just wanted to rant I could go into further detail but no need to spread the truth about someone nobody here knows.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Man I could do it ever quarter. That way they won't become dull, but they aren't too far apart. We could even try other B+M's every so often.
    That's what I was thinking too, I think once a QTR would work for me too. I know Tim (jacketsrule) would love if we visited Wish Ash, and I've been wanting to check it out too, and there is also a local cigar bar in my town we could hit up at some point, there is a ton of options out there for us! And I'm sure JZ would love to come hang out with us sooner rather than later.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I gotta say I'll be needing something in roughly that time, while we were smoking and having a good time the other prep cook I used to work with got fired, so it would seem for now I'm going to be working 6-7 days a week, good for the wallet and my stash since I've been too tired to light up anything other than an occasional cig. This crap almost always happens when I take a vacation. Just wanted to rant I could go into further detail but no need to spread the truth about someone nobody here knows.
    Sorry to hear about your prep cook, I know how tough it is being a chef. My wife's brother in law was a chef up in Maine, and they moved down here couple years ago. He got a job at some fancy restaurant in buckhead....which was a total 180 turn around from what he was used to. And he figured out real quick he didn't wanna be a chef anymore, lol. So he ended up moving back to Maine...but while he was down here, I did get him hooked on cigars!

    "Long ashes my friends."

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