I think that its totally appropriate to have a thread like this bumped to the top every now and then.
Im actually surprised it was dormant for over ayear.
///I was surprised to find it...thought it was very informative, explains the 'rules' of engagement, etc.....noticed it had been bumped a few times already since inception, so took it upon myself to do it again
2. Games, PIFs or Bombing someone is not the way to get rid of your Swisher Sweets. Use the Golden Rule. Give unto others what you would hope they would give to you.
But what if I like sweets? Give me youre tired, youre poor; your huddled masses of swishers, the wretched refuse of your machine made crap. Send these, the homeless to me, for they made wonderful kindling for my fire pit
Alright in light of some recent events I felt this was needed.
Cigar Bombs - An unsolicited gift of cigars (or cigar stuff) sent via the mail from a Sibling of the Leaf.
Trade - Pretty self explanatory but it is where two BOTLs engage in a swap of cigars with details worked out beforehand.
Pass - When a group of cigars are packaged up and sent to another BOTL with the intention that that BOTL will take a predetermined number of cigars out and replace them with cigars of equal value.
PIF - Pay It Forward- A game where you agree to be someone's "mooch" and accept a package of cigars from them. After agreeing to be their mooch you then post asking who wants to be your mooch and you in turn send a package of cigars to this person.
There are other games going on in the forum including the MAW, and Fun and Games. If you have any questions about the rules feel free to PM a senior member who will give you the rules and inside scoop.
///Just found this, thought it was very informative for me (& also entertaining) ...so I bumped it up!
Some Guidelines:
1. It's the thought that counts. Do not be offended at the contents or value of the contents in a package you receive.
2. Games, PIFs or Bombing someone is not the way to get rid of your Swisher Sweets. Use the Golden Rule. Give unto others what you would hope they would give to you.
3. Don't beg to be bombed. It's annoying and look what it got Saddam.
4. Acknowledge when you receive a package. The sender loves to see that happy reaction. Be aware that some people may wish that their package's contents remain classified. Ask before posting any details if you think the person may want the contents kept under-wraps.
5. Been Bombed? Return fire? That is up to you. A Bomb is given freely without the expectation of reward. But do you really want to let them get away hitting you?
6. Send a note. Go ahead and write a little note to the target. Let them know what you are sending them and why you like it.
7. Do not covet your neighbors package. At some point someone else will get cigars from a person who has sent to you. Don't compare. It is silly to feel cheated or jaded because someone else received a package that you would have preferred.
8. Don't use the N-word (Newbie) to describe people who have just started smoking cigars. We were all there at one point. If you are a member of cigar.com you are a Sibling of the Leaf no matter what your experience level.
9. Send what you can. When participating in a game or when bombing someone send what you can. Be aware of rules, i.e. 3 cigar minimum for the PIF, but feel free to send more. However, don't feel guilty if you can only send 3. Everyone else knows the rules and shouldn't be expecting more than the minimum.
10. Pass Participation. If you agree to participate, follow through! Do not agree to participate in a pass and then when it gets to you bail out for any reason. If you don't like the cigars in the pass, buck up princess, thats how it goes sometimes, find the ones you hate the least or that you could give to someoneone you know will like them. If the cigars are too high end for you collection check with the other members of the pass to see how to go about this. It may have been that someone was trying to be generous and it will be ok if you do the best you can to match. However, pay attention to the value of a pass before you agree to be involved.
Q and A:
Q: I begged to be bombed. Does everyone hate me?
A: No, I don't think so. But to be sure bomb someone quick!
Q: I got a cigar in a package that I know I don't like. What do I do?
A: Keep that knowledge to yourself. You can try and smoke the cigar and see if you still don't like it or you can keep it handy in your humi to give to another Sibling of the Leaf who may like it.
Q: I've just started smoking cigars but I want to get in on the games. My Humi selection is kinda lame. What should I do?
A: First of all don't worry. If its a bomb you can return fire now, later or not at all. Remember that Golden Rule? If you like the cigars in your humi, play with those. Send a note saying why you like them. You might be surprised to learn that others may never have tried a cigar in your collection. You can also go to your local B&M and get a few sticks you know the target would like.
Q: I sent a package someone but I forgot to leave a note. What will I do?
A: Relax, you can always send the note when the target has posted their acknowledgment.
Q: I want to bomb XXXXX. But I don't know their address, how can I get it?
A: Ask others who seem to know the target, they may know and keep the secret. If worse comes to worse, just ask the target. It wont be a surprise, but they should still be happy.
Q: Hey! How come they got an Opus X and all I got was Henry Clay?
A: Calm down there buddy. Someone thought of you and sent you some cigars. Be gracious.
Q: Who made you the Etiquette person on Cigar.com?
A: No one. I just like to spell Etiquette.
Q: I have a rash on my ...
A: Whoa! No! Don't tell me, I'm not an MD. Go to a Doctor.
I'll add the other Guidelines you may have.
thought I'd bump this for all newcomers to the forum...and thanks again to Maddy for starting this one a ways back.
////***hope this is still valid I thought it was interesting and informative so I bumped it
Alright in light of some recent events I felt this was needed.
Cigar Bombs - An unsolicited gift of cigars (or cigar stuff) sent via the mail from a Sibling of the Leaf.
Trade - Pretty self explanatory but it is where two BOTLs engage in a swap of cigars with details worked out beforehand.
Pass - When a group of cigars are packaged up and sent to another BOTL with the intention that that BOTL will take a predetermined number of cigars out and replace them with cigars of equal value.
PIF - Pay It Forward- A game where you agree to be someone's "mooch" and accept a package of cigars from them. After agreeing to be their mooch you then post asking who wants to be your mooch and you in turn send a package of cigars to this person.
There are other games going on in the forum including the MAW, and Fun and Games. If you have any questions about the rules feel free to PM a senior member who will give you the rules and inside scoop.
///Just found this, thought it was very informative for me (& also entertaining) ...so I bumped it up!
Some Guidelines:
1. It's the thought that counts. Do not be offended at the contents or value of the contents in a package you receive.
2. Games, PIFs or Bombing someone is not the way to get rid of your Swisher Sweets. Use the Golden Rule. Give unto others what you would hope they would give to you.
3. Don't beg to be bombed. It's annoying and look what it got Saddam.
4. Acknowledge when you receive a package. The sender loves to see that happy reaction. Be aware that some people may wish that their package's contents remain classified. Ask before posting any details if you think the person may want the contents kept under-wraps.
5. Been Bombed? Return fire? That is up to you. A Bomb is given freely without the expectation of reward. But do you really want to let them get away hitting you?
6. Send a note. Go ahead and write a little note to the target. Let them know what you are sending them and why you like it.
7. Do not covet your neighbors package. At some point someone else will get cigars from a person who has sent to you. Don't compare. It is silly to feel cheated or jaded because someone else received a package that you would have preferred.
8. Don't use the N-word (Newbie) to describe people who have just started smoking cigars. We were all there at one point. If you are a member of cigar.com you are a Sibling of the Leaf no matter what your experience level.
9. Send what you can. When participating in a game or when bombing someone send what you can. Be aware of rules, i.e. 3 cigar minimum for the PIF, but feel free to send more. However, don't feel guilty if you can only send 3. Everyone else knows the rules and shouldn't be expecting more than the minimum.
10. Pass Participation. If you agree to participate, follow through! Do not agree to participate in a pass and then when it gets to you bail out for any reason. If you don't like the cigars in the pass, buck up princess, thats how it goes sometimes, find the ones you hate the least or that you could give to someoneone you know will like them. If the cigars are too high end for you collection check with the other members of the pass to see how to go about this. It may have been that someone was trying to be generous and it will be ok if you do the best you can to match. However, pay attention to the value of a pass before you agree to be involved.
Q and A:
Q: I begged to be bombed. Does everyone hate me?
A: No, I don't think so. But to be sure bomb someone quick!
Q: I got a cigar in a package that I know I don't like. What do I do?
A: Keep that knowledge to yourself. You can try and smoke the cigar and see if you still don't like it or you can keep it handy in your humi to give to another Sibling of the Leaf who may like it.
Q: I've just started smoking cigars but I want to get in on the games. My Humi selection is kinda lame. What should I do?
A: First of all don't worry. If its a bomb you can return fire now, later or not at all. Remember that Golden Rule? If you like the cigars in your humi, play with those. Send a note saying why you like them. You might be surprised to learn that others may never have tried a cigar in your collection. You can also go to your local B&M and get a few sticks you know the target would like.
Q: I sent a package someone but I forgot to leave a note. What will I do?
A: Relax, you can always send the note when the target has posted their acknowledgment.
Q: I want to bomb XXXXX. But I don't know their address, how can I get it?
A: Ask others who seem to know the target, they may know and keep the secret. If worse comes to worse, just ask the target. It wont be a surprise, but they should still be happy.
Q: Hey! How come they got an Opus X and all I got was Henry Clay?
A: Calm down there buddy. Someone thought of you and sent you some cigars. Be gracious.
Q: Who made you the Etiquette person on Cigar.com?
A: No one. I just like to spell Etiquette.
Q: I have a rash on my ...
A: Whoa! No! Don't tell me, I'm not an MD. Go to a Doctor.
I'll add the other Guidelines you may have.
thought I'd bump this for all newcomers to the forum...and thanks again to Maddy for starting this one a ways back.
////***hope this is still valid I thought it was interesting and informative so I bumped it
Great bump MW, honestly a great set of guidelines for everyone new and seasoned and should certainly be read by us all!
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Alright in light of some recent events I felt this was needed.
Cigar Bombs - An unsolicited gift of cigars (or cigar stuff) sent via the mail from a Sibling of the Leaf.
Trade - Pretty self explanatory but it is where two BOTLs engage in a swap of cigars with details worked out beforehand.
Pass - When a group of cigars are packaged up and sent to another BOTL with the intention that that BOTL will take a predetermined number of cigars out and replace them with cigars of equal value.
PIF - Pay It Forward- A game where you agree to be someone's "mooch" and accept a package of cigars from them. After agreeing to be their mooch you then post asking who wants to be your mooch and you in turn send a package of cigars to this person.
There are other games going on in the forum including the MAW, and Fun and Games. If you have any questions about the rules feel free to PM a senior member who will give you the rules and inside scoop.
Some Guidelines:
1. It's the thought that counts. Do not be offended at the contents or value of the contents in a package you receive.
2. Games, PIFs or Bombing someone is not the way to get rid of your Swisher Sweets. Use the Golden Rule. Give unto others what you would hope they would give to you.
3. Don't beg to be bombed. It's annoying and look what it got Saddam.
4. Acknowledge when you receive a package. The sender loves to see that happy reaction. Be aware that some people may wish that their package's contents remain classified. Ask before posting any details if you think the person may want the contents kept under-wraps.
5. Been Bombed? Return fire? That is up to you. A Bomb is given freely without the expectation of reward. But do you really want to let them get away hitting you?
6. Send a note. Go ahead and write a little note to the target. Let them know what you are sending them and why you like it.
7. Do not covet your neighbors package. At some point someone else will get cigars from a person who has sent to you. Don't compare. It is silly to feel cheated or jaded because someone else received a package that you would have preferred.
8. Don't use the N-word (Newbie) to describe people who have just started smoking cigars. We were all there at one point. If you are a member of cigar.com you are a Sibling of the Leaf no matter what your experience level.
9. Send what you can. When participating in a game or when bombing someone send what you can. Be aware of rules, i.e. 3 cigar minimum for the PIF, but feel free to send more. However, don't feel guilty if you can only send 3. Everyone else knows the rules and shouldn't be expecting more than the minimum.
10. Pass Participation. If you agree to participate, follow through! Do not agree to participate in a pass and then when it gets to you bail out for any reason. If you don't like the cigars in the pass, buck up princess, thats how it goes sometimes, find the ones you hate the least or that you could give to someoneone you know will like them. If the cigars are too high end for you collection check with the other members of the pass to see how to go about this. It may have been that someone was trying to be generous and it will be ok if you do the best you can to match. However, pay attention to the value of a pass before you agree to be involved.
Q and A:
Q: I begged to be bombed. Does everyone hate me?
A: No, I don't think so. But to be sure bomb someone quick!
Q: I got a cigar in a package that I know I don't like. What do I do?
A: Keep that knowledge to yourself. You can try and smoke the cigar and see if you still don't like it or you can keep it handy in your humi to give to another Sibling of the Leaf who may like it.
Q: I've just started smoking cigars but I want to get in on the games. My Humi selection is kinda lame. What should I do?
A: First of all don't worry. If its a bomb you can return fire now, later or not at all. Remember that Golden Rule? If you like the cigars in your humi, play with those. Send a note saying why you like them. You might be surprised to learn that others may never have tried a cigar in your collection. You can also go to your local B&M and get a few sticks you know the target would like.
Q: I sent a package someone but I forgot to leave a note. What will I do?
A: Relax, you can always send the note when the target has posted their acknowledgment.
Q: I want to bomb XXXXX. But I don't know their address, how can I get it?
A: Ask others who seem to know the target, they may know and keep the secret. If worse comes to worse, just ask the target. It wont be a surprise, but they should still be happy.
Q: Hey! How come they got an Opus X and all I got was Henry Clay?
A: Calm down there buddy. Someone thought of you and sent you some cigars. Be gracious.
Q: Who made you the Etiquette person on Cigar.com?
A: No one. I just like to spell Etiquette.
Q: I have a rash on my ...
A: Whoa! No! Don't tell me, I'm not an MD. Go to a Doctor.
Alright in light of some recent events I felt this was needed.
Cigar Bombs - An unsolicited gift of cigars (or cigar stuff) sent via the mail from a Sibling of the Leaf.
Trade - Pretty self explanatory but it is where two BOTLs engage in a swap of cigars with details worked out beforehand.
Pass - When a group of cigars are packaged up and sent to another BOTL with the intention that that BOTL will take a predetermined number of cigars out and replace them with cigars of equal value.
PIF - Pay It Forward- A game where you agree to be someone's "mooch" and accept a package of cigars from them. After agreeing to be their mooch you then post asking who wants to be your mooch and you in turn send a package of cigars to this person.
There are other games going on in the forum including the MAW, and Fun and Games. If you have any questions about the rules feel free to PM a senior member who will give you the rules and inside scoop.
Some Guidelines:
1. It's the thought that counts. Do not be offended at the contents or value of the contents in a package you receive.
2. Games, PIFs or Bombing someone is not the way to get rid of your Swisher Sweets. Use the Golden Rule. Give unto others what you would hope they would give to you.
3. Don't beg to be bombed. It's annoying and look what it got Saddam.
4. Acknowledge when you receive a package. The sender loves to see that happy reaction. Be aware that some people may wish that their package's contents remain classified. Ask before posting any details if you think the person may want the contents kept under-wraps.
5. Been Bombed? Return fire? That is up to you. A Bomb is given freely without the expectation of reward. But do you really want to let them get away hitting you?
6. Send a note. Go ahead and write a little note to the target. Let them know what you are sending them and why you like it.
7. Do not covet your neighbors package. At some point someone else will get cigars from a person who has sent to you. Don't compare. It is silly to feel cheated or jaded because someone else received a package that you would have preferred.
8. Don't use the N-word (Newbie) to describe people who have just started smoking cigars. We were all there at one point. If you are a member of cigar.com you are a Sibling of the Leaf no matter what your experience level.
9. Send what you can. When participating in a game or when bombing someone send what you can. Be aware of rules, i.e. 3 cigar minimum for the PIF, but feel free to send more. However, don't feel guilty if you can only send 3. Everyone else knows the rules and shouldn't be expecting more than the minimum.
10. Pass Participation. If you agree to participate, follow through! Do not agree to participate in a pass and then when it gets to you bail out for any reason. If you don't like the cigars in the pass, buck up princess, thats how it goes sometimes, find the ones you hate the least or that you could give to someoneone you know will like them. If the cigars are too high end for you collection check with the other members of the pass to see how to go about this. It may have been that someone was trying to be generous and it will be ok if you do the best you can to match. However, pay attention to the value of a pass before you agree to be involved.
Q and A:
Q: I begged to be bombed. Does everyone hate me?
A: No, I don't think so. But to be sure bomb someone quick!
Q: I got a cigar in a package that I know I don't like. What do I do?
A: Keep that knowledge to yourself. You can try and smoke the cigar and see if you still don't like it or you can keep it handy in your humi to give to another Sibling of the Leaf who may like it.
Q: I've just started smoking cigars but I want to get in on the games. My Humi selection is kinda lame. What should I do?
A: First of all don't worry. If its a bomb you can return fire now, later or not at all. Remember that Golden Rule? If you like the cigars in your humi, play with those. Send a note saying why you like them. You might be surprised to learn that others may never have tried a cigar in your collection. You can also go to your local B&M and get a few sticks you know the target would like.
Q: I sent a package someone but I forgot to leave a note. What will I do?
A: Relax, you can always send the note when the target has posted their acknowledgment.
Q: I want to bomb XXXXX. But I don't know their address, how can I get it?
A: Ask others who seem to know the target, they may know and keep the secret. If worse comes to worse, just ask the target. It wont be a surprise, but they should still be happy.
Q: Hey! How come they got an Opus X and all I got was Henry Clay?
A: Calm down there buddy. Someone thought of you and sent you some cigars. Be gracious.
Q: Who made you the Etiquette person on Cigar.com?
A: No one. I just like to spell Etiquette.
Q: I have a rash on my ...
A: Whoa! No! Don't tell me, I'm not an MD. Go to a Doctor.
Okay, I've read through this thread with all of its attendant 'bumps' and I perused briefly the first portion of the 200+ page original thread explaining PIF but I haven't seen my question addressed. So, I'll ask it here and maybe one of you longtime forum BORKs can enlighten me a bit.
The original thread specifies a minimum of three sticks. In a number of subsequent posts I see photos of sticks including 5, 6, or more. So if a person sends the required minimum of 3, what if the person sending to him sends, say, 5? One doesn't want to appear cheap but, on the other hand, neither does one want to empty his humi trying to anticipate what he might receive. Does my question make any sense?
In other words, assuming I'm going to send x-amount of sticks to player C, shouldn't I have fore-knowledge of how many sticks player A is sending to me (player ?
Marty, are we talking trade, pass or bomb here? Im assuming trade, so if Im wrong then please feel free to disregard. In a trade, the sticks should be agreed on by both parties BEFORE either ships. As long as those sticks are included, the terms of the trade are satisfied, point blank. If someone chooses to "throw in" a stick or two or seven, thats their generosity and it should be lauded - but never expected. If someone agrees to their part of a trade being 5 Oliva G's, they should not be pouting because you sent the sticks agreed to and didnt throw in extras.
The thing I love most about this forum is whether you're talking trade, pass OR bomb, traditionally the joy comes from the GIVING, not the receiving.
Alright in light of some recent events I felt this was needed.
Cigar Bombs - An unsolicited gift of cigars (or cigar stuff) sent via the mail from a Sibling of the Leaf.
Trade - Pretty self explanatory but it is where two BOTLs engage in a swap of cigars with details worked out beforehand.
Pass - When a group of cigars are packaged up and sent to another BOTL with the intention that that BOTL will take a predetermined number of cigars out and replace them with cigars of equal value.
PIF - Pay It Forward- A game where you agree to be someone's "mooch" and accept a package of cigars from them. After agreeing to be their mooch you then post asking who wants to be your mooch and you in turn send a package of cigars to this person.
There are other games going on in the forum including the MAW, and Fun and Games. If you have any questions about the rules feel free to PM a senior member who will give you the rules and inside scoop.
Some Guidelines:
1. It's the thought that counts. Do not be offended at the contents or value of the contents in a package you receive.
2. Games, PIFs or Bombing someone is not the way to get rid of your Swisher Sweets. Use the Golden Rule. Give unto others what you would hope they would give to you.
3. Don't beg to be bombed. It's annoying and look what it got Saddam.
4. Acknowledge when you receive a package. The sender loves to see that happy reaction. Be aware that some people may wish that their package's contents remain classified. Ask before posting any details if you think the person may want the contents kept under-wraps.
5. Been Bombed? Return fire? That is up to you. A Bomb is given freely without the expectation of reward. But do you really want to let them get away hitting you?
6. Send a note. Go ahead and write a little note to the target. Let them know what you are sending them and why you like it.
7. Do not covet your neighbors package. At some point someone else will get cigars from a person who has sent to you. Don't compare. It is silly to feel cheated or jaded because someone else received a package that you would have preferred.
8. Don't use the N-word (Newbie) to describe people who have just started smoking cigars. We were all there at one point. If you are a member of cigar.com you are a Sibling of the Leaf no matter what your experience level.
9. Send what you can. When participating in a game or when bombing someone send what you can. Be aware of rules, i.e. 3 cigar minimum for the PIF, but feel free to send more. However, don't feel guilty if you can only send 3. Everyone else knows the rules and shouldn't be expecting more than the minimum.
10. Pass Participation. If you agree to participate, follow through! Do not agree to participate in a pass and then when it gets to you bail out for any reason. If you don't like the cigars in the pass, buck up princess, thats how it goes sometimes, find the ones you hate the least or that you could give to someoneone you know will like them. If the cigars are too high end for you collection check with the other members of the pass to see how to go about this. It may have been that someone was trying to be generous and it will be ok if you do the best you can to match. However, pay attention to the value of a pass before you agree to be involved.
Q and A:
Q: I begged to be bombed. Does everyone hate me?
A: No, I don't think so. But to be sure bomb someone quick!
Q: I got a cigar in a package that I know I don't like. What do I do?
A: Keep that knowledge to yourself. You can try and smoke the cigar and see if you still don't like it or you can keep it handy in your humi to give to another Sibling of the Leaf who may like it.
Q: I've just started smoking cigars but I want to get in on the games. My Humi selection is kinda lame. What should I do?
A: First of all don't worry. If its a bomb you can return fire now, later or not at all. Remember that Golden Rule? If you like the cigars in your humi, play with those. Send a note saying why you like them. You might be surprised to learn that others may never have tried a cigar in your collection. You can also go to your local B&M and get a few sticks you know the target would like.
Q: I sent a package someone but I forgot to leave a note. What will I do?
A: Relax, you can always send the note when the target has posted their acknowledgment.
Q: I want to bomb XXXXX. But I don't know their address, how can I get it?
A: Ask others who seem to know the target, they may know and keep the secret. If worse comes to worse, just ask the target. It wont be a surprise, but they should still be happy.
Q: Hey! How come they got an Opus X and all I got was Henry Clay?
A: Calm down there buddy. Someone thought of you and sent you some cigars. Be gracious.
Q: Who made you the Etiquette person on Cigar.com?
A: No one. I just like to spell Etiquette.
Q: I have a rash on my ...
A: Whoa! No! Don't tell me, I'm not an MD. Go to a Doctor.
Alright in light of some recent events I felt this was needed.
Cigar Bombs - An unsolicited gift of cigars (or cigar stuff) sent via the mail from a Sibling of the Leaf.
Trade - Pretty self explanatory but it is where two BOTLs engage in a swap of cigars with details worked out beforehand.
Pass - When a group of cigars are packaged up and sent to another BOTL with the intention that that BOTL will take a predetermined number of cigars out and replace them with cigars of equal value.
PIF - Pay It Forward- A game where you agree to be someone's "mooch" and accept a package of cigars from them. After agreeing to be their mooch you then post asking who wants to be your mooch and you in turn send a package of cigars to this person.
There are other games going on in the forum including the MAW, and Fun and Games. If you have any questions about the rules feel free to PM a senior member who will give you the rules and inside scoop.
Some Guidelines:
1. It's the thought that counts. Do not be offended at the contents or value of the contents in a package you receive.
2. Games, PIFs or Bombing someone is not the way to get rid of your Swisher Sweets. Use the Golden Rule. Give unto others what you would hope they would give to you.
3. Don't beg to be bombed. It's annoying and look what it got Saddam.
4. Acknowledge when you receive a package. The sender loves to see that happy reaction. Be aware that some people may wish that their package's contents remain classified. Ask before posting any details if you think the person may want the contents kept under-wraps.
5. Been Bombed? Return fire? That is up to you. A Bomb is given freely without the expectation of reward. But do you really want to let them get away hitting you?
6. Send a note. Go ahead and write a little note to the target. Let them know what you are sending them and why you like it.
7. Do not covet your neighbors package. At some point someone else will get cigars from a person who has sent to you. Don't compare. It is silly to feel cheated or jaded because someone else received a package that you would have preferred.
8. Don't use the N-word (Newbie) to describe people who have just started smoking cigars. We were all there at one point. If you are a member of cigar.com you are a Sibling of the Leaf no matter what your experience level.
9. Send what you can. When participating in a game or when bombing someone send what you can. Be aware of rules, i.e. 3 cigar minimum for the PIF, but feel free to send more. However, don't feel guilty if you can only send 3. Everyone else knows the rules and shouldn't be expecting more than the minimum.
10. Pass Participation. If you agree to participate, follow through! Do not agree to participate in a pass and then when it gets to you bail out for any reason. If you don't like the cigars in the pass, buck up princess, thats how it goes sometimes, find the ones you hate the least or that you could give to someoneone you know will like them. If the cigars are too high end for you collection check with the other members of the pass to see how to go about this. It may have been that someone was trying to be generous and it will be ok if you do the best you can to match. However, pay attention to the value of a pass before you agree to be involved.
Q and A:
Q: I begged to be bombed. Does everyone hate me?
A: No, I don't think so. But to be sure bomb someone quick!
Q: I got a cigar in a package that I know I don't like. What do I do?
A: Keep that knowledge to yourself. You can try and smoke the cigar and see if you still don't like it or you can keep it handy in your humi to give to another Sibling of the Leaf who may like it.
Q: I've just started smoking cigars but I want to get in on the games. My Humi selection is kinda lame. What should I do?
A: First of all don't worry. If its a bomb you can return fire now, later or not at all. Remember that Golden Rule? If you like the cigars in your humi, play with those. Send a note saying why you like them. You might be surprised to learn that others may never have tried a cigar in your collection. You can also go to your local B&M and get a few sticks you know the target would like.
Q: I sent a package someone but I forgot to leave a note. What will I do?
A: Relax, you can always send the note when the target has posted their acknowledgment.
Q: I want to bomb XXXXX. But I don't know their address, how can I get it?
A: Ask others who seem to know the target, they may know and keep the secret. If worse comes to worse, just ask the target. It wont be a surprise, but they should still be happy.
Q: Hey! How come they got an Opus X and all I got was Henry Clay?
A: Calm down there buddy. Someone thought of you and sent you some cigars. Be gracious.
Q: Who made you the Etiquette person on Cigar.com?
A: No one. I just like to spell Etiquette.
Q: I have a rash on my ...
A: Whoa! No! Don't tell me, I'm not an MD. Go to a Doctor.
Good bump brother. Like the "101 Things Newbs Should Know" thread, this one should be on top of this section forever. Would avoid a lot of confusion on the part of new members IMHO.
Good bump brother. Like the "101 Things Newbs Should Know" thread, this one should be on top of this section forever. Would avoid a lot of confusion on the part of new members IMHO.
Good bump brother. Like the "101 Things Newbs Should Know" thread, this one should be on top of this section forever. Would avoid a lot of confusion on the part of new members IMHO.
CCom - stickies for the Forums. PLEASE!
I'll 2nd that
I'll 3rd that
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
Alright in light of some recent events I felt this was needed.
Cigar Bombs - An unsolicited gift of cigars (or cigar stuff) sent via the mail from a Sibling of the Leaf.
Trade - Pretty self explanatory but it is where two BOTLs engage in a swap of cigars with details worked out beforehand.
Pass - When a group of cigars are packaged up and sent to another BOTL with the intention that that BOTL will take a predetermined number of cigars out and replace them with cigars of equal value.
PIF - Pay It Forward- A game where you agree to be someone's "mooch" and accept a package of cigars from them. After agreeing to be their mooch you then post asking who wants to be your mooch and you in turn send a package of cigars to this person.
There are other games going on in the forum including the MAW, and Fun and Games. If you have any questions about the rules feel free to PM a senior member who will give you the rules and inside scoop.
Some Guidelines:
1. It's the thought that counts. Do not be offended at the contents or value of the contents in a package you receive.
2. Games, PIFs or Bombing someone is not the way to get rid of your Swisher Sweets. Use the Golden Rule. Give unto others what you would hope they would give to you.
3. Don't beg to be bombed. It's annoying and look what it got Saddam.
4. Acknowledge when you receive a package. The sender loves to see that happy reaction. Be aware that some people may wish that their package's contents remain classified. Ask before posting any details if you think the person may want the contents kept under-wraps.
5. Been Bombed? Return fire? That is up to you. A Bomb is given freely without the expectation of reward. But do you really want to let them get away hitting you?
6. Send a note. Go ahead and write a little note to the target. Let them know what you are sending them and why you like it.
7. Do not covet your neighbors package. At some point someone else will get cigars from a person who has sent to you. Don't compare. It is silly to feel cheated or jaded because someone else received a package that you would have preferred.
8. Don't use the N-word (Newbie) to describe people who have just started smoking cigars. We were all there at one point. If you are a member of cigar.com you are a Sibling of the Leaf no matter what your experience level.
9. Send what you can. When participating in a game or when bombing someone send what you can. Be aware of rules, i.e. 3 cigar minimum for the PIF, but feel free to send more. However, don't feel guilty if you can only send 3. Everyone else knows the rules and shouldn't be expecting more than the minimum.
10. Pass Participation. If you agree to participate, follow through! Do not agree to participate in a pass and then when it gets to you bail out for any reason. If you don't like the cigars in the pass, buck up princess, thats how it goes sometimes, find the ones you hate the least or that you could give to someoneone you know will like them. If the cigars are too high end for you collection check with the other members of the pass to see how to go about this. It may have been that someone was trying to be generous and it will be ok if you do the best you can to match. However, pay attention to the value of a pass before you agree to be involved.
Q and A:
Q: I begged to be bombed. Does everyone hate me?
A: No, I don't think so. But to be sure bomb someone quick!
Q: I got a cigar in a package that I know I don't like. What do I do?
A: Keep that knowledge to yourself. You can try and smoke the cigar and see if you still don't like it or you can keep it handy in your humi to give to another Sibling of the Leaf who may like it.
Q: I've just started smoking cigars but I want to get in on the games. My Humi selection is kinda lame. What should I do?
A: First of all don't worry. If its a bomb you can return fire now, later or not at all. Remember that Golden Rule? If you like the cigars in your humi, play with those. Send a note saying why you like them. You might be surprised to learn that others may never have tried a cigar in your collection. You can also go to your local B&M and get a few sticks you know the target would like.
Q: I sent a package someone but I forgot to leave a note. What will I do?
A: Relax, you can always send the note when the target has posted their acknowledgment.
Q: I want to bomb XXXXX. But I don't know their address, how can I get it?
A: Ask others who seem to know the target, they may know and keep the secret. If worse comes to worse, just ask the target. It wont be a surprise, but they should still be happy.
Q: Hey! How come they got an Opus X and all I got was Henry Clay?
A: Calm down there buddy. Someone thought of you and sent you some cigars. Be gracious.
Q: Who made you the Etiquette person on Cigar.com?
A: No one. I just like to spell Etiquette.
Q: I have a rash on my ...
A: Whoa! No! Don't tell me, I'm not an MD. Go to a Doctor.
Alright in light of some recent events I felt this was needed.
Cigar Bombs - An unsolicited gift of cigars (or cigar stuff) sent via the mail from a Sibling of the Leaf.
Trade - Pretty self explanatory but it is where two BOTLs engage in a swap of cigars with details worked out beforehand.
Pass - When a group of cigars are packaged up and sent to another BOTL with the intention that that BOTL will take a predetermined number of cigars out and replace them with cigars of equal value.
PIF - Pay It Forward- A game where you agree to be someone's "mooch" and accept a package of cigars from them. After agreeing to be their mooch you then post asking who wants to be your mooch and you in turn send a package of cigars to this person.
There are other games going on in the forum including the MAW, and Fun and Games. If you have any questions about the rules feel free to PM a senior member who will give you the rules and inside scoop.
Some Guidelines:
1. It's the thought that counts. Do not be offended at the contents or value of the contents in a package you receive.
2. Games, PIFs or Bombing someone is not the way to get rid of your Swisher Sweets. Use the Golden Rule. Give unto others what you would hope they would give to you.
3. Don't beg to be bombed. It's annoying and look what it got Saddam.
4. Acknowledge when you receive a package. The sender loves to see that happy reaction. Be aware that some people may wish that their package's contents remain classified. Ask before posting any details if you think the person may want the contents kept under-wraps.
5. Been Bombed? Return fire? That is up to you. A Bomb is given freely without the expectation of reward. But do you really want to let them get away hitting you?
6. Send a note. Go ahead and write a little note to the target. Let them know what you are sending them and why you like it.
7. Do not covet your neighbors package. At some point someone else will get cigars from a person who has sent to you. Don't compare. It is silly to feel cheated or jaded because someone else received a package that you would have preferred.
8. Don't use the N-word (Newbie) to describe people who have just started smoking cigars. We were all there at one point. If you are a member of cigar.com you are a Sibling of the Leaf no matter what your experience level.
9. Send what you can. When participating in a game or when bombing someone send what you can. Be aware of rules, i.e. 3 cigar minimum for the PIF, but feel free to send more. However, don't feel guilty if you can only send 3. Everyone else knows the rules and shouldn't be expecting more than the minimum.
10. Pass Participation. If you agree to participate, follow through! Do not agree to participate in a pass and then when it gets to you bail out for any reason. If you don't like the cigars in the pass, buck up princess, thats how it goes sometimes, find the ones you hate the least or that you could give to someoneone you know will like them. If the cigars are too high end for you collection check with the other members of the pass to see how to go about this. It may have been that someone was trying to be generous and it will be ok if you do the best you can to match. However, pay attention to the value of a pass before you agree to be involved.
Q and A:
Q: I begged to be bombed. Does everyone hate me?
A: No, I don't think so. But to be sure bomb someone quick!
Q: I got a cigar in a package that I know I don't like. What do I do?
A: Keep that knowledge to yourself. You can try and smoke the cigar and see if you still don't like it or you can keep it handy in your humi to give to another Sibling of the Leaf who may like it.
Q: I've just started smoking cigars but I want to get in on the games. My Humi selection is kinda lame. What should I do?
A: First of all don't worry. If its a bomb you can return fire now, later or not at all. Remember that Golden Rule? If you like the cigars in your humi, play with those. Send a note saying why you like them. You might be surprised to learn that others may never have tried a cigar in your collection. You can also go to your local B&M and get a few sticks you know the target would like.
Q: I sent a package someone but I forgot to leave a note. What will I do?
A: Relax, you can always send the note when the target has posted their acknowledgment.
Q: I want to bomb XXXXX. But I don't know their address, how can I get it?
A: Ask others who seem to know the target, they may know and keep the secret. If worse comes to worse, just ask the target. It wont be a surprise, but they should still be happy.
Q: Hey! How come they got an Opus X and all I got was Henry Clay?
A: Calm down there buddy. Someone thought of you and sent you some cigars. Be gracious.
Q: Who made you the Etiquette person on Cigar.com?
A: No one. I just like to spell Etiquette.
Q: I have a rash on my ...
A: Whoa! No! Don't tell me, I'm not an MD. Go to a Doctor.
I'll add the other Guidelines you may have.
I have one to add. I dont know if its just me, but in every pass Ive been in, a separate collection of sticks outside of the pass has been taken up for the originator of the pass as a way of thanking him. The collection itself is NOT a requirement, nor is any individual participant in the pass REQUIRED to kick in anything to this.
Again, dont know if its just been the few passes I have participated in that this occured or it is actually a tradition here on the forums - but if its not, I feel like it should be. Remember, whoever starts a pass is sending a bunch of sticks out of his own personal stash out to numerous people he usually has never met personally... any one of whom could disappear with those sticks, never to be heard from again. The originator of the pass takes this risk out of the goodness of their heart, just to bring some fun into the days of the people who participate.
Personally, I think that sort of service to your fellow BOTL (and / or SOTL) deserves a little something. :-)
That's a nice sentiment Glen, but I don't feel as though it should be a requirement...maybe it's just me, but if you were to make it mandatory that people reward to pass originator, it kind of cheapens the gesture.
That's a nice sentiment Glen, but I don't feel as though it should be a requirement...maybe it's just me, but if you were to make it mandatory that people reward to pass originator, it kind of cheapens the gesture.
I dont think Glen was trying to say it was mandatory, and I agree with it not being mandatory. I think the focus should be on the pass itself and ensuring that the puts are equivalant if not better than the takes. Like Glen said if they "want" to throw in a bonus thats great but the priority should be on the pass itself, just my 2 cents.
Great bump MW, honestly a great set of guidelines for everyone new and seasoned and should certainly be read by us all!
if you call yourself a newbie its ok.
I am a perpetual newbie.
if you call others a newbie, that can be a problem.
The original thread specifies a minimum of three sticks. In a number of subsequent posts I see photos of sticks including 5, 6, or more. So if a person sends the required minimum of 3, what if the person sending to him sends, say, 5? One doesn't want to appear cheap but, on the other hand, neither does one want to empty his humi trying to anticipate what he might receive. Does my question make any sense?
In other words, assuming I'm going to send x-amount of sticks to player C, shouldn't I have fore-knowledge of how many sticks player A is sending to me (player
The thing I love most about this forum is whether you're talking trade, pass OR bomb, traditionally the joy comes from the GIVING, not the receiving.
Hope that helped. :-)
CCom - stickies for the Forums. PLEASE!
Again, dont know if its just been the few passes I have participated in that this occured or it is actually a tradition here on the forums - but if its not, I feel like it should be. Remember, whoever starts a pass is sending a bunch of sticks out of his own personal stash out to numerous people he usually has never met personally... any one of whom could disappear with those sticks, never to be heard from again. The originator of the pass takes this risk out of the goodness of their heart, just to bring some fun into the days of the people who participate.
Personally, I think that sort of service to your fellow BOTL (and / or SOTL) deserves a little something. :-)