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Whatcha smokin this morning?



  • gaberoxgaberox Posts: 824
    I'm sitting outside staring at the gulf of Mexico enjoying a NUB Cameroon. What a great vacation.

    Where abouts are you? I lived off the gulf in Tampa for 6 years. Oh how I miss my home there.

    Iced mocha and PDR sungrown for breakfast today. Wasnt expecting much but not a bad cigar.
  • gaberoxgaberox Posts: 824
    RCY pm to you sir.
  • Lakota72Lakota72 Posts: 1,269 ✭✭✭
    I'm here at PCB. Unfortunately we will be leaving tomorrow. It has been a great week though and weather has been perfect.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭
    Oliva G Toro.
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Posts: 2,963 ✭✭✭
    Maxim's de Paris, courtesy of MTuccelli. Very nice mild morning smoke. Woody and creamy with some 'kelner-esque' musk. Unique and tasty, thanks Mike!
  • Duke2Duke2 Posts: 393
    This morning while mowing the grass I had a Hoyo De Monterrey Excaliber Epicure Maduro Robusto. Since mowing grass is my least favorite job the cigar made it passable. Got to get a riding mower that way I could have a cigar and have a cup holder for a cold beer.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    This morning while mowing the grass I had a Hoyo De Monterrey Excaliber Epicure Maduro Robusto. Since mowing grass is my least favorite job the cigar made it passable. Got to get a riding mower that way I could have a cigar and have a cup holder for a cold beer.
    Problem solved:
  • gaberoxgaberox Posts: 824
    This morning while mowing the grass I had a Hoyo De Monterrey Excaliber Epicure Maduro Robusto. Since mowing grass is my least favorite job the cigar made it passable. Got to get a riding mower that way I could have a cigar and have a cup holder for a cold beer.
    Problem solved:

    Thats a great idea now that you can get some great craft beers in the can.
  • Duke2Duke2 Posts: 393
    That's a great idea. I have so many pine trees in my front and backyards that I have to mow under that I would always be stopping to pick up the hat and lose the beer. That would be enough to make a grown man cry.
  • Just beat the Oklahoma heat with a 5 vegas Gold
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Posts: 775
    Enjoying my first Diesel Shorty. Loving it thus far, even with only a month of rest.
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Posts: 775
    Just beat the Oklahoma heat with a 5 vegas Gold
    Love that cigar. Enjoy!
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    having a Davidoff Seleccion 702 LE pretty damn good thus far
  • MonteWhiteMonteWhite Posts: 200
    Davidoff 3x3
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    San Cristobal De La Habana
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    Gran Habano #1, no suprises..
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    The Kid:
    Gran Habano #1, no suprises..
    I love that cigar... one of my favorite connies.

  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Posts: 775
    Just finished a Nica Libre that I'd been resting for 13 months. Not bad but more spicy than I remember.
  • Duke2Duke2 Posts: 393
    This morning after dropping the wife's Honda off for an oil change I enjoyed a Hoyo De Monterrey Excaliber Epicure Maduro before the temps reached 105 degrees. It's 10:59 pm here and it is still 89.
  • dbeckomdbeckom Posts: 2,193 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Morro Castle

    "Any cigar smoker is friend, because I know how he feels." Alfred de Musset

     "A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you." Unknown

    “A pipe is to the troubled soul what caresses of a mother are for her suffering child.”  Indian Proverb
  • pbchevopbchevo Posts: 712
    cao maduro x2
  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭
    Black Pearl Classic.
  • kevin1323kevin1323 Posts: 294
    Morro Castle

    What did you think of it? I have a few sitting from a custom sampler Tim put together.
  • Duke2Duke2 Posts: 393
    This morning I sat outside under the shade of a large Pine Tree with a cup of coffee and a Gurkha Black Dragon. Finished the Black Dragon just as the temp was getting a head start on it's way to 105 degrees.

    I am so ready for Fall.
  • dbeckomdbeckom Posts: 2,193 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Morro Castle
    What did you think of it? I have a few sitting from a custom sampler Tim put together.
    That was my first and only one and I loved what I had of it. About half way through I dropped it on the concrete and it split about 2/3 of the length. I've gotta get more soon!

    "Any cigar smoker is friend, because I know how he feels." Alfred de Musset

     "A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you." Unknown

    “A pipe is to the troubled soul what caresses of a mother are for her suffering child.”  Indian Proverb
  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    Having a Carlos Torano Dominico with a cup o joe. Oh yea, loving it. Thanks Alienmisprint...

  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Had a Gran Habano #1 with my cup o joe this morning.

  • gaberoxgaberox Posts: 824
    Regular production Triunfador in the 42rg. Its ok not great. Never tried the original but heard it was much better, same as the Guapos maduro which is on my "to try" list.
  • dbeckomdbeckom Posts: 2,193 ✭✭✭✭✭
    5 Vegas Miami

    "Any cigar smoker is friend, because I know how he feels." Alfred de Musset

     "A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you." Unknown

    “A pipe is to the troubled soul what caresses of a mother are for her suffering child.”  Indian Proverb
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Posts: 2,963 ✭✭✭
    La Differencia Cubana. Nice mild smoke with a sweet/earthy flavor and kelner-esque musk. These were originally blended by kelner and they still have that signature flavor. It's like a poor man's AVO Domaine.
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