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  • cubbychubbycubbychubby Posts: 29
    Hello fellow forum members, I am Cubby Chubby and my name is Paul. I am a Chicago transplant living in Dallas. Dallas is a great place to live, just don't try to get a good pizza here, LOL. I've been smoking gars for about 20 years, and have been lurking around here for a week or so. I've already gotten some good tips, and look forward to sharing my addiction to all things cigars. Peace.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Welcome aboard chubster
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Welcome fellow Cubs Fan...It's good to see a fellow chicago guy here..there is a trade off, sacrafice the fine food for the better weather. April will soon be here along with new hope for our beloved boys in Cubbie Blue.
  • capsfanxcapsfanx Posts: 29
    Hey guys, I figured I should post in this thread also I guess. I am new to cigars and can see myself getting hooked already. I found this site and have learned alot already. I did not know much about cigars until reading up on here.

    Some quick info on me: My name is Jamie I have lived in Florida for the past 5 years. Love it here. Came from the Washington DC area. I am a huge football addict!! I grew up in WV so WVU is my favorite team, second being Florida since I live here now and have been following them closely for the past 5 years. I work in Gainesville alot so it made it that much easier.

    I also coach Pop Warner football. One of the most fun things I have ever done. With football being such a passion of mine, to be able to coach these young players and see them develop a love and passion for the game is a blast. I am also a video game addict. I play online with my XBOX 360 and my PS3. If any of you guys are into gaming and want to play sometime my LIVE tag is CAPSFAN and my PSN name for PS3 is capsfanx.

    We are huge hockey fans as well. When we lived in the DC area we had season tickets to the Washington Capitals. That is where my name I use for gaming and forums came from, being a CAPS fan!

    Everyone seems to be such a huge help on here. Very refreshing to find a site like this where pretty much everyone is willing to help anyone out.

  • Hi, my name is Wendell and I live in SoCal. I have smoked cigars of and on for years...until my borther in law kept bringing cigars over and forced me to smoke'm. Now I'm spending (wisely I must say) my hard earned cash on cigars. I just rec'd my first online order of Punch and Partagas Black Lable cigars. I have a lot of questions so, I will search the forums for anwers and/or post up and ask away. Looking forward to spending some time here!
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Welcome Wendell. Where abouts in Socal are you located?
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    partagas black label is a good smoke...Ipersonally love the punch gran puro...try these if u hav'nt already
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    More people must be getting into the Punch Gran Puro's though ... both the b&m's that I got them from are out this weekend
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Dubya D:
    Hi, my name is Wendell and I live in SoCal. I have smoked cigars of and on for years...until my borther in law kept bringing cigars over and forced me to smoke'm. Now I'm spending (wisely I must say) my hard earned cash on cigars. I just rec'd my first online order of Punch and Partagas Black Lable cigars. I have a lot of questions so, I will search the forums for anwers and/or post up and ask away. Looking forward to spending some time here!
    Hey Dubya, First of all Welcome. There are plenty of answers here, it's a great place to visit.
  • dutyjedutyje Posts: 2,263
    Hey all.. I'd like to (re)introduce myself :)

    Been a while since I hopped on here. I went all Rush Limbaugh on those pain killers after my surgery. Good stuff. But now I need to return to the waking world and figure out what year it is.. etc. Actually, I did that last week, but I had lots of other stuff to catch up on and we had 60 people over at the house on Saturday for an annual event. Still cleaning up, spackling, inventorying, etc. I have to read back over everything I've missed, but I'll pipe up again here soon. Good to see y'all again!
  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
    Welcome back, doody! Glad to hear everything's okay in your world.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Hey duty ! Welcome home. Not much has changed, hows the hoof doin' ?
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Hey all.. I'd like to (re)introduce myself :)

    Been a while since I hopped on here. I went all Rush Limbaugh on those pain killers after my surgery. Good stuff. But now I need to return to the waking world and figure out what year it is.. etc. Actually, I did that last week, but I had lots of other stuff to catch up on and we had 60 people over at the house on Saturday for an annual event. Still cleaning up, spackling, inventorying, etc. I have to read back over everything I've missed, but I'll pipe up again here soon. Good to see y'all again!
    Welcome home doody. Did the bad wheel earn you any extra turns on the water pillow ride?
  • dutyjedutyje Posts: 2,263
    Welcome home doody. Did the bad wheel earn you any extra turns on the water pillow ride?

    The hoof is healing remarkably well. They re-attached the two pieces of bone with a metal plate and 5 screws. I wasn't allowed to put any weight on it for 10 days (actually 8, because I scheduled my appointment for before the weekend.. I had to get out of that splint). When I went to the doctor last Thursday, they unwrapped it and did some new x-rays and things looked good. I was on crutches and given permission to put weight on my heel while standing on crutches. That's the new plan until my next appointment on the 23rd.

    However, after our party had ended on Saturday night (well, Sunday morning), I remembered that I needed to lock our garage door (the opener broke, so I had to disengage it and now we have to lock it manually). I went downstairs, and in my frustrated intoxication, discarded the crutches and walked. It felt... not bad. I went back upstairs and claimed that my foot is now miraculously healed.

    I've been getting around on one crutch ever since, and occassionally walking around. I expect to be climbing by January, and I swear I almost feel like I could play our hockey game on Wednesday, just two weeks after the surgery. I have no idea what the doctors will say about this, but I feel pretty good. There's still plenty of pain, but nothing unbearable, and the flexibility is coming back quickly. The tendons are still pulled tighter than guitar strings, but my foot has plenty of strength. So yeah, recovery is going very nicely. Unless I'm **** it all up by walking on it. I guess I'll find that out next week :)
  • NSIOpsNSIOps Posts: 18
    Hello everyone. I am here to introduce myself. I new on the forums, a bit new to cigar smoking but I really love it. I am an ex Coastie and Ex Air Force vet around Dallas. Just saying "Hi" and I guess I will see everyone around.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Hello everyone. I am here to introduce myself. I new on the forums, a bit new to cigar smoking but I really love it. I am an ex Coastie and Ex Air Force vet around Dallas. Just saying "Hi" and I guess I will see everyone around.
    Welcome and thanks for your service.
  • tshawtshaw Posts: 178
    Welcome to the most welcoming and helpful cigar forum on the web :) I agree with maddy, thank you so much. You deserve some stogies after your years of service eh? enjoy!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Hello everyone. I am here to introduce myself. I new on the forums, a bit new to cigar smoking but I really love it. I am an ex Coastie and Ex Air Force vet around Dallas. Just saying "Hi" and I guess I will see everyone around.
    Hey NSIOps.. Welcome to the group.. Hope you visit often ..
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    welcome to the club
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Hey buddy, from Active Duty Navy to Retiree, welcom to the board. Just be careful, spend too much time here and you'll be looking for a bigger humidor!
  • rdnstnrdnstn Posts: 993 ✭✭
    Welcome NSIOps, I'm in TX too although about 3-4 hrs south on I-35. And I'm active duty Army living on Randolph AFB right now. You better heed Jetmechs advice though, although it has very little to do with spending time on here so you might as well break down and just get the bigger huni now.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Hey buddy, from Active Duty Navy to Retiree, welcom to the board. Just be careful, spend too much time here and you'll be looking for a bigger humidor!
    This seems to be a common issue with members here. I speak from experience...two new humidors and a couple hundred cigars later, thanks to the suggestions of the fine folks here.
  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
  • Hello everyone my name is Carl and I am from Buffalo NY.  Just really getting into cigar smoking and I can honestly say I love it.  Pretty new to forums as well, and with that said hope to see you all around.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    welcome aboard Carl -sit back and enjoy as the cigar enthusiasists on this forum are more than adequate at answering most any question
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Hello everyone my name is Carl and I am from Buffalo NY.  Just really getting into cigar smoking and I can honestly say I love it.  Pretty new to forums as well, and with that said hope to see you all around.
    Hey Carl, Oh wait, that's the way that kid always greeted Billy Bob Thorton in the movie Sling Blade. " Hey, Carl !" Welcome to the group, visit often.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Hello everyone my name is Carl and I am from Buffalo NY.  Just really getting into cigar smoking and I can honestly say I love it.  Pretty new to forums as well, and with that said hope to see you all around.
    Hey Carl, Oh wait, that's the way that kid always greeted Billy Bob Thorton in the movie Sling Blade.
    Mmm Hmm.
  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
    Welcome aboard, Carl.
  • Hello everyone. I'm new to this board, as well. Been smoking cigars for about 16 years now. Looking forward to getting acquainted. Oh . . and "Here we go Steelers, here we go!"
  • Welcome, and Im not a Steelers fan, but Flacco sure is taking a lot of Saccos
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