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  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome to all the new guys and gals I have missed recently !!!
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • IrishAJIrishAJ Posts: 135
    I am new on here as well did the lurking and decided to post myself I've been smoking for a couple years now and seeing on here all the smokes gives me ideas to sample all new things. Being in South Florida got allot of cigar shops so I'm able to try different cigars daily I've upgraded my humidor already but it can never stay full. I have been smoking allot of the San Lotano Ovals the Alec Bradley Presnado and the Liga Privada undercrown if you guys have any other suggestions that would be great

    Since it seems you're a full-bodied fan, I'd recommend anything from the Diesel line, the Man O' War Ruination and Armada and the Cu-Avano Punisher.
    A good mixed taste brand would be Drew Estates, if you want to expand your taste buds they're nice and consistent in a good way. Also from one of the sisters welcome to the threads!
  • IrishAJIrishAJ Posts: 135
    Hello fellow cigar lovers! I figured I have been creeping long enough and should finally start posting. I have really enjoyed the great information on the forums and the playful banter! I have been smoking cigars regularly for only about a year. I am a high school math teacher and find a cigar very relaxing after eight hours of working with teenagers. I look forward to the many interactions with you all. Tony
    ...Send me your address and I'll send a nice little welcome to the forum package, I'll keep it at 5 cigars...
    Why was this so funny? Are you saying i don't know how to count to 5 and the math teacher is going to call me on it? Why don't you step up and send me your addy and I'll prove to you I can count to 5............

    Easy, Trigger! Wasn't laughing at you, that was my maniacal "Ima get you, sucka" laugh. Stay tuned for further details. As for the addy, there are enough brothers with it. If you really want it, I'm sure it will make itself known....
    Dan, I wasn't calling you out, my friend, your addy was easy to get, damn, I wasn't supposed to say that, oh well, it was Roberto99, that was being called out. And, as of yet, he hasn't bothered to send my his addy, maybe he just can't get his hands to stop shaking to type.........

    I will put a 5 stick bounty out there for anyone who can provide his addy to me.....
    Really? I was under the impression your questions were rhetorical.
    Don't be usin' no college words on me.I was just kidding it was rhetorical, MUWAHAHAHAHA..........
    Since when do you boys know how to count?
  • IrishAJIrishAJ Posts: 135
    Hey guys, been lurking for a month or so after finding the sprint sale and decided I would start posting. I've smoked cigars randomly for a five years, but never consistent until my wife decided to buy me a humidor two years ago. It's been downhill since then.
    Down hill into what? Paradise?
  • IrishAJIrishAJ Posts: 135
    I'm actually getting a little scared. I think I might need to go out and have a smoke to settle down.
    Beware of exploding mail boxes ;p
  • bbass2bbass2 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭
    Not paradise yet because I still have a single desktop, but close! Paradise would be my entire basement converted into a live-in humidor.
  • My first post, been lurking here for a few weeks. Started smoking cigars last summer and have come to really enjoy the entire experience. the CCOM forum has been a great learning tool. Have found Alec B and La Aroma de Cuba to be my favorite brands so far. Just when I think I have enough smokes I find something else I gotta try... Thanks for the great forum! Brett
  • bbass2bbass2 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭
    Just when I think I have enough smokes I find something else I gotta try... Brett
    I don't think very many people around here, including myself, have ever thought they have enough smokes! It would not take much thought for my "want" list would greatly exceed my inventory.
  • bbass2bbass2 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭
    PS: welcome! :D
  • I posted on here a few days ago and have really been enjoying reading through many of the threads. People keep posting pics of all their goods, and I have one question. How do people get so many cigars? Do people just buy a bunch of samplers? or is there somewhere that people can buy a bunch of singles at a low cost?
  • taythegibstaythegibs Posts: 2,025
    Welcome to all of the new people

    I posted on here a few days ago and have really been enjoying reading through many of the threads. People keep posting pics of all their goods, and I have one question. How do people get so many cigars? Do people just buy a bunch of samplers? or is there somewhere that people can buy a bunch of singles at a low cost?
    it depends on who it is. I started off buying singles from a B&M, then a few samplers a few samplers, and recently i have been buying 10 packs off of the Sprint Sale (if you do this watch it for a few days before you buy anything.) there is also a lot of trading and bombing that goes along in here. Say member A bought a Box of a cigar but wasn't going to smoke them all member B might offer up a trade of a few fivers for half of the box or something similar. Almost forgot, SALES and SPECIALS, they pop up all of the time and some are hard to pass up (i.e. the reason i am here is because of a special this past winter of a CAO sampler plus a lighter and a cutter for $15)

    I know my writing probably sounds odd but ive been writing a psych paper and its got me all funked out.
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Welcome to all of the new people

    I posted on here a few days ago and have really been enjoying reading through many of the threads. People keep posting pics of all their goods, and I have one question. How do people get so many cigars? Do people just buy a bunch of samplers? or is there somewhere that people can buy a bunch of singles at a low cost?
    it depends on who it is. I started off buying singles from a B&M, then a few samplers a few samplers, and recently i have been buying 10 packs off of the Sprint Sale (if you do this watch it for a few days before you buy anything.) there is also a lot of trading and bombing that goes along in here. Say member A bought a Box of a cigar but wasn't going to smoke them all member B might offer up a trade of a few fivers for half of the box or something similar. Almost forgot, SALES and SPECIALS, they pop up all of the time and some are hard to pass up (i.e. the reason i am here is because of a special this past winter of a CAO sampler plus a lighter and a cutter for $15)

    I know my writing probably sounds odd but ive been writing a psych paper and its got me all funked out.
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    NEWBIES to the CCOM forum, break the ice here with a small introduction or something to make you feel a bit comfortable posting on the forum. We now have over 900 members, but less that 10% of them post with any kind of regularity.

    So don't be shy just cuz you're new, most of us (if not all ) will welcome you with open arms and be happy to have you as part of the community so long as you are decent and respectful.

    Disclaimer: I by no means speak for the community at large, but I've got a hunch that quite a few people would agree with me.

    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • Roberto99Roberto99 Posts: 1,077
    Welcome to all the newcomers that I've missed!
  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭
    Welcome to all that I have missed welcoming.
  • TropeanTropean Posts: 7

    Been an occasional cigar smoker for all my adult life (now 48 years old). Just back from a trip to Florida where my interest was seriously re-ignited (booo). With warmer weather coming to my home in the suburbs of NYC, I'm interested in learning from a community what I should and shouldn't be trying, where I should and shouldn't be shopping, etc. Thanks in advance for your willingness to share some knowledge.
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Welcome Tropean, this forum is filled with substantial info, knowledgeable botl for all your questions, and lots of fun!!
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭

    Been an occasional cigar smoker for all my adult life (now 48 years old). Just back from a trip to Florida where my interest was seriously re-ignited (booo). With warmer weather coming to my home in the suburbs of NYC, I'm interested in learning from a community what I should and shouldn't be trying, where I should and shouldn't be shopping, etc. Thanks in advance for your willingness to share some knowledge.
    check out the new please read thread, has lots of info for ya!
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • adamsajadamsaj Posts: 2
    Hi everyone, another new guy here. I have smoked a few cigars over the last couple of years, but never really got into it. Then a couple of weeks ago I got an email from the CCOM guys titled "we want you back"... And now I seem to be sucked in. Anyway, I look foreward to getting to know you all.
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Hi everyone, another new guy here. I have smoked a few cigars over the last couple of years, but never really got into it. Then a couple of weeks ago I got an email from the CCOM guys titled "we want you back"... And now I seem to be sucked in. Anyway, I look foreward to getting to know you all.

    Welcome, brother! A few bits of advice:
    1: Buy a cooler. A big one!
    2: Go to Sam's Club and purchase the largest pack of Manpons they sell.
    3: Buy an even bigger cooler.
    4: Beware of anyone named Greg, Mike, Steve, or Daniel. These are evil people who like picking on others.
    5: Read the "NEWB" threads. They have tons of info.
    6: Ask tons of questions and feel free to interact.
    If none of these options seem appealing, then my best advice would be to build an underground bomb shelter and hide until the screaming stops. Welcome aboard, you belong to us now... MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  • Medic45Medic45 Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭
    Howdy all, I'm Brian 35 from kentucky. I am new at this whole Cigar Aficianado business. I was referred to this site from my good buddy Toombes. Hope to see ya'll around...
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Welcome Brian (medic45) .. It's nice to have you here.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Welcome aboard the cigar train gentleman ... ticket please !
  • Medic45Medic45 Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭
    Thank you all for the GREAT WELCOME..
  • greg2648greg2648 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭
    Howdy all, I'm Brian 35 from kentucky. I am new at this whole Cigar Aficianado business. I was referred to this site from my good buddy Toombes. Hope to see ya'll around...
    Any friend of Toomes is a friend of ours. Now, send me your address so I can bomb your azz.
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Howdy all, I'm Brian 35 from kentucky. I am new at this whole Cigar Aficianado business. I was referred to this site from my good buddy Toombes. Hope to see ya'll around...
    Any friend of Toomes is a friend of ours. Now, send me your address so I can bomb your azz.

    Dang, that was quick! Duck and cover, Brian! Greg don't play around.
  • Medic45Medic45 Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome to the new botls.
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • Medic45Medic45 Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭
  • hello my name is david new to the forum. my frends have recently got me started. last night i smoked my first cain maduro was not bad. allso had a swisher sweet peach. would like to know what to start out with? the cain maduro was a little strong fore me. any info welcome thanks.
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