BoTL and The GUN...Military thread

So as hijacked from previous post who else is out there?
Active, Reserve or former?
Let the 'brotherly' smack talk!
Active, Reserve or former?
Let the 'brotherly' smack talk!
I wasn't in during any wars...Somalia was ending and Bosnia was a NATO deal. I wouldn't worry about the past, you never know what you could have done to might have been there with them and not made it back either. I feel you on the comraderie though...I miss a few of my friends from when I was in. There is nothing like partying with fellow jarheads.
BTW, I got the V mads in...Thanks greatly.
Cigar restriction? Sounds like me(well...the wife to be exact) when i overshoot the cigar budget LOL!!
Andy, I feel you brother. My cigar funds have dried up for a while too. My truck died last week, so now I need to save to get the part to fix it. I think its the fuel pump but have a couple more checks to run on it before I'll know for sure.
Also, I'll deny it if anyone asks but some Marines are good guys. I just have to keep the Army-Navy rivalry alive and well. Besides, they can't help themselves that they aren't man enough to do 12-15 month deployments and have to go home to momma after 6-8 months. LOL
Hell, I'd deny it too but I am one we can be a bit 'different' and it is fun. I always pick on army friends, saying they can't shoot or march. I'm pretty sure its not that we aren't man enough, maybe it is true that MARINES are SMARTER than
The way I understand y'alls rotation is that you are much larger and that is what the army is made for...holding ground. Marines are smaller and more mobile...essentially a combat element as a whole, take the ground then move-on to take more ground. We operate completely different.
WTF????.....Game on Ron!
So it all boils down to efficiency? We can pack up 7 squadrons of 6 to 12 aircraft each, all of our tools, equipment, gear and personal belongings and be on a ship underway in 48 hours, which can be put anywhere in the world. Close air Support...Navy, Corpsmen...Navy, Battlefield Communications...Navy, SEALS...Navy, Equipment Transport...Navy, Amphibious Assault...Navy. We can refuel, replenish, restock and re-arm all underway, during flight ops at 25 knots. It's not that were not "man enough" to do 12-15 month deployments, but when you got your **** together, 6-7 months is all it takes....Son!
The Chief has spoken...