we are blessed/cursed here, tomatoes, peppers and onions were in the ground the last week of February, tomatoes are beginning to ripen, by late may it will be too hot for tomatoes to set fruit, whats on will ripen then they are done until August when I will plant more and in September they will start making fruit. peppers will survive the heat but thats about it
10-day forecast looks good so we went ahead and put the bigger plants in the ground. Got 24 tomato plants, 24 lettuces, 13 tomatillos, and 7 basils in the ground so far.
Radish, beet, spinach, and lettuce seeds are starting to sprout now too.
And still have about 30 tomatoes and 30+ peppers in flats.....running out of room in the beds though and I don't really want to make another one. So we'll be digging up hostas & day lilies to make way for the remaining peppers and 'maters.
@jgibv WOW that is a big garden. Your going to have enough tomatoes to feed an army
Would love to do a pepper seed trade/swap with you after your harvest. Always looking for new peppers to plant
Sure hope you're right about the tomatoes @WaterNerd . We will can the majority of them and hope to have enough to last us through the winter. Last year was not a very good year for our tomatoes.
And we can certainly swap some pepper seeds in a few months. I don't do anything crazy (like the super-hots), just jalapenos, poblanos, and bells this year.
Would have done some cowhorns & serranos too but I must not have saved any seeds from them because I couldn't find any in my "seed stash".
Transplanted fennel and mint today. Beets,lettuce,carrots,radishes,chard,kale,english peans,onions, potatoes and sugar snaps. all up and growing. My other started tomatoes in pots and bought 12 tomato plants at a local greenhouse.We will set the tomatoes in with a little bone meal and turkey sh--. I'm searching for local blueberry bushes as we have room for 8 plants. Basil is still in flats as it has been cold and I'm waiting for the soil to warm. Going to direct seed cilantro into our spice bed tomorrow. Next week the pole beans and squashes are going in.
We had three and a half inches of rain in less than two hours last week. It's finally started to dry in the past three days. Got most of the beds planted although I plant pole beans and cucumbers twice, a half a bed at a time two weeks apart to stretch the growing season.
So we put out the peppers thinking the weather was safe to put them out. We had a pretty severe rain storm and it destroyed quite a few plants. Hoping most of them will recover.
But spent this last weekend making a raised garden bed for momma. Gotta put the dirt in and then trasfer stuff from their pots into it.
Oh yeah, it's cinder block frame ($40 in blocks), then framed cedar boards around it. I think I have just under $100 into the whole thing. I made it with the cinder blocks, so it will last. The boards around it are set up so that if they rot, which they will in this area, I just remove and replace.
In Fumo Pax Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Morels and chanterelles, mmmmm, can't be beat....
Wife found 1 this morning by the mulberry tree too, first time we've seen them in that location.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
All containers & flats will stay outside as the weather permits.
sowed my lettuce, radish, beets, kale, & spinach seeds today. Hope to see sprouts within a week or 2
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Life is good for those who know gardening.
Soil. Food. Health.
Nuff said.
Gotta keep the vampires (aka monster-in-law) away, you know.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Radish, beet, spinach, and lettuce seeds are starting to sprout now too.
And still have about 30 tomatoes and 30+ peppers in flats.....running out of room in the beds though and I don't really want to make another one.
So we'll be digging up hostas & day lilies to make way for the remaining peppers and 'maters.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Would love to do a pepper seed trade/swap with you after your harvest. Always looking for new peppers to plant
And we can certainly swap some pepper seeds in a few months. I don't do anything crazy (like the super-hots), just jalapenos, poblanos, and bells this year.
Would have done some cowhorns & serranos too but I must not have saved any seeds from them because I couldn't find any in my "seed stash".
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Improved Meyer Lemon Dwarf
Suffolk Red Seedless Grape. We just transplanted it. It's doing much better.
Pink Grapefruit Blueberry. It's loaded this year and they are yummy!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Next week the pole beans and squashes are going in.
They are still small but in a few months they will be nice and full
And lookin' good there Allan @WaterNerd ! Your peppers are wayyyy ahead of mine, but you have that bright California sunshine!
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
need to get out and do some weeding, fertilizing, & spray for bugs this weekend.
cherry tomatoes
butter lettuce
tomato rows
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
We had a pretty severe rain storm and it destroyed quite a few plants. Hoping most of them will recover.
But spent this last weekend making a raised garden bed for momma.
Gotta put the dirt in and then trasfer stuff from their pots into it.
Oh yeah, it's cinder block frame ($40 in blocks), then framed cedar boards around it.
I think I have just under $100 into the whole thing.
I made it with the cinder blocks, so it will last.
The boards around it are set up so that if they rot, which they will in this area, I just remove and replace.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...