Longest one day paddle I did with it was the day after 9/11.
I put in on Lake James and headed down lake 14 miles to the dam. No planes in the sky, no other boats afloat. I dug in, got my rhythm and made the 28 mile down and back paddle in about 3 and a half hours. Carbon fiber paddle helped.
Yep, I've been on large lakes, big rivers and the ocean. With about of 35lbs of camping gear in the hull I could bury the bow in standing white caps. A wet ride but way cool.
Have to grab the boat and take it to the dealer to get the last 2 things fixed. Trim gauge and auto bilge. I told them I'd wait until after memorial day if I could take it and use it before then.
Edit: added picture of me and my favorite boy...the one who helps
Hey look, @VegasFrank! He’s one of the 10%!
If only ford would offer a v8 option on the rangers.....
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
10% of?
@Diver43 Frank loves to say 90% of Fords are still on the road….the other 10% made it home. 😂
Ahhh fix or repair daily
Current Designs Gulfstream, 16' 10" 37lbs kevlar. My third kayak. Sweet ride,

You must have a lake up near you Rodger.
Yep, Lake James NC is about a hour down the mountain. 120 miles of shore line.
I looked it up. That is a serious kayak.
Longest one day paddle I did with it was the day after 9/11.
I put in on Lake James and headed down lake 14 miles to the dam. No planes in the sky, no other boats afloat. I dug in, got my rhythm and made the 28 mile down and back paddle in about 3 and a half hours. Carbon fiber paddle helped.
My truck and the flame azaleas that are coming on now.
My daily driver 2023 Corolla. Great car. Getting 40mpg

That thing is super fast on the water. I was on a Cobra Fish n Dive and couldn't keep up and she was going sloooow
Yep, I've been on large lakes, big rivers and the ocean. With about of 35lbs of camping gear in the hull I could bury the bow in standing white caps. A wet ride but way cool.
These were rentals, but it would be nice to get back on the water again. I need to work out transport for my two kayaks.

Have to grab the boat and take it to the dealer to get the last 2 things fixed. Trim gauge and auto bilge. I told them I'd wait until after memorial day if I could take it and use it before then.
Edit: added picture of me and my favorite boy...the one who helps
Wasn't fast enough to get the final picture
Picked up this bad mama jama last night.
Awesome. Was that the same dude or different? Looks great. Now on to the build out 🤙🏼
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Different dude just north of Nashville. The ordering of parts has already started!
Ohh and I already sold the useless 3rd row seats to help pay for even more parts.
This would be so good for congested cities here in the states.
If your still looking and can get to the Florida Panhandle, i have a kayak trailer for sale
Don't tell @Bob_Luken!
You can tell @Bob_Luken but he won't listen.