Both vehicles had to be towed, the officer was on the scene within a couple of minutes. Raked half the van, mashed the side mirror, front fender assembly,lights, bumper and messed up the steering. Not going to be a cheap fix. The officer said "I know exactly what happened" when she saw the tire tracks. $1,000 deductible, don't think it will raise our premiums. I took Rachel out for dinner but asked her to drive, for therapy, the accident shook her up pretty good.
Bought a cabinet for our records, managed to fit all the various boxes and crates in this one cabinet near the turntable. Seems like record sides lasted longer when I was young. Whole mix of stuff from my Wife and my late SIL and my parents, some of them mine when I dumped my collection to go to CDs. I hear new vinyl is going for $50 now.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
At @Patrickbrick@Vision would anyone like to comment on these floors. Keep in mind I was given 20 boxes if end run sh>t I picked through in order to get enough for this room.
Actually it may have been 24 or 30 idk it's been so long all I know is out of all of that I had to go threw the boxes 3 times to get enough for for 16'x20- but free 3/4" oak is free
The leftover scrap stuff makes great kindling if that’s a no kiddin’ wood burner and not a pellet weenie. (BTW, it looks waay too close to those sheetrock walls and that curtain....)
I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
landscaping mapping out the position of the raised bed gardens in back, time spent with shovels and pick mattocks, and then battening down the hatches and rolling up the outdoor blinds since it appears a storm is blowing in tonight. Scattered showers expected tonight.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
Visited the new office for the first time for a lunchtime Octoberfest celebration and had a couple of Paulaner Hefe Weizen. The office has a great view of the South end of the bay.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
Rescued my wife (600 mile drive) after a kid in a speeding pickup sideswiped the front drivers side of her camper.
Did the kid stop or hit and run?
Both vehicles had to be towed, the officer was on the scene within a couple of minutes. Raked half the van, mashed the side mirror, front fender assembly,lights, bumper and messed up the steering. Not going to be a cheap fix. The officer said "I know exactly what happened" when she saw the tire tracks. $1,000 deductible, don't think it will raise our premiums. I took Rachel out for dinner but asked her to drive, for therapy, the accident shook her up pretty good.
Hope she’s alright Edward. @silvermouse
Thanks for your concern and for letting me whine. Rachel is fine, shaken and sad her lovely van has suffered another mishap.
Maybe we should all send Rachael a 5'er to cheer her up.
Lol,that would just piss her off, Peter..."more cigars??????!"
Would she prefer pipe tobacco? I'm glad to hear that she's OK.
Glad Rachel is okay.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Bought a cabinet for our records, managed to fit all the various boxes and crates in this one cabinet near the turntable. Seems like record sides lasted longer when I was young. Whole mix of stuff from my Wife and my late SIL and my parents, some of them mine when I dumped my collection to go to CDs. I hear new vinyl is going for $50 now.
I have to say I may have installed this fireplace for my wife but I love baking myself in the livingroom on occasion
At @Patrickbrick @Vision would anyone like to comment on these floors. Keep in mind I was given 20 boxes if end run sh>t I picked through in order to get enough for this room.
Actually it may have been 24 or 30 idk it's been so long all I know is out of all of that I had to go threw the boxes 3 times to get enough for for 16'x20- but free 3/4" oak is free
They were installed correctly, its all about staggering the joints.
MOW badge received.
Well believe it or not handsome I did this one too lol
Lots of imperfections in the pieces but I've grown to like it unless those dumb kids spill something on it and it's next to impossible to clean.
The leftover scrap stuff makes great kindling if that’s a no kiddin’ wood burner and not a pellet weenie. (BTW, it looks waay too close to those sheetrock walls and that curtain....)
Don't worry the heat n glo tiara 1 has a 3/8 clearance requirement it a gas stove I have a remote that turns on my fire love the lazy
We’re doomed.
The great annual leaf harvest has begun!
Watching a few blue jays defend their territory from some encroaching grackles (I think). Very entertaining
cutting and splitting firewood.
With a maul, hammer and wedges, or do you have a mechanical splitter?
splitting maul, a little tough on my joints so I don't do too much in a given day.
landscaping mapping out the position of the raised bed gardens in back, time spent with shovels and pick mattocks, and then battening down the hatches and rolling up the outdoor blinds since it appears a storm is blowing in tonight. Scattered showers expected tonight.
Took a page from @silvermouse’s book and split a heapin’ pile o’ kindling. Seems no matter how much I have, it only lasts the week...
Driving Old Dirty Pete the past couple days and remembering how much other people can't drive worth a spit....

Finally remembered
Visited the new office for the first time for a lunchtime Octoberfest celebration and had a couple of Paulaner Hefe Weizen. The office has a great view of the South end of the bay.