I broke something you can't get anymore so instead of repiping this whole thing I'm doing my best to take a bunch of stuff laying around the shop and make it work.
Just be sure to make it work and last. I hate discovering band aides on bullet holes and having to redo everything. Having met you my post is more sarcastic I know you take care of **** like a boss!
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
I noticed that my @Stubble nubber was not going into the cigar smoothly and smashing the head of the cigar so between cigars tonight I cleaned the prongs with cloth (a handkerchief) and it went into the second cigar as smooth as butter.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
Being on call is the worst part of my job hands down. So far* not the worst day though fixed a couple and sold 1 so atleast get my commission on that one on top of overtime and call in pay
I spent about an 1 1/2 hours snow blowing this morning. My neighbor has a skid loader with a bucket, he spent significantly less time clearing his drive than I did mine. Plus he did the sidewalks for the whole block and swiped through my large driveway a couple of times. I gotta get me a skid loader...
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
@Hobbes86 said:
I spent about an 1 1/2 hours snow blowing this morning. My neighbor has a skid loader with a bucket, he spent significantly less time clearing his drive than I did mine. Plus he did the sidewalks for the whole block and swiped through my large driveway a couple of times. I gotta get me a skid loader...
Where will it end?
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
@silvermouse said:
cleaned the coffee roaster; emptied and refilled the kitty litter (wood pellets, either for stoves or stable bedding, make good cheap litter).
Those wood pellets are a Godsend. We used them for years and were extremely satisfied with them. The guar gum used to hold the pellets together completely neutralizes the odor of cat urine and I would defy folks to tell that we had cats by the odor of the litter box.
If more people were aware of that fact there’d probably be a lot fewer cats wandering the neighborhood and using other folks’ yards as their potty.
Our cats were indoor cats, safe from being hit by cars or trapped by irate neighbors….
Blew out the drive & the road. Again. Restocked the firewood rack in the garage and the kindling box. Temperature’s starting to drop back below 0 again…it was nice while it lasted.
I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
Every winter the ramp just outside the main hangar doors gets a layer of hard packed snow where the planes are towed in & out and that causes undue stress on the nose gear struts. Spent a few hours with a shovel peeling that hardpack up. Stuff peels right off when it’s blistering cold.
I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
**** heidelbergensis
This early human species had a very large browridge, and a larger braincase and flatter face than older early human species. It was the first early human species to live in colder climates; their short, wide bodies were likely an adaptation to conserving heat. It lived at the time of the oldest definite control of fire and use of wooden spears, and it was the first early human species to routinely hunt large animals. This early human also broke new ground; it was the first species to build shelters, creating simple dwellings out of wood and rock. H. heidelbergensis was also the first hunter of large game animals; remains of animals such as wild deer, horses, elephants, hippos, and rhinos with butchery marks on their bones have been found together at sites with H. heidelbergensis fossils. Evidence for this also comes from 400,000-year-old wooden spears found at the site of Schöningen, Germany, which were found together with stone tools and the remains of more than 10 butchered horses.
**** heidelbergensis
This early human species had a very large browridge, and a larger braincase and flatter face than older early human species. It was the first early human species to live in colder climates; their short, wide bodies were likely an adaptation to conserving heat. It lived at the time of the oldest definite control of fire and use of wooden spears, and it was the first early human species to routinely hunt large animals. This early human also broke new ground; it was the first species to build shelters, creating simple dwellings out of wood and rock. H. heidelbergensis was also the first hunter of large game animals; remains of animals such as wild deer, horses, elephants, hippos, and rhinos with butchery marks on their bones have been found together at sites with H. heidelbergensis fossils. Evidence for this also comes from 400,000-year-old wooden spears found at the site of Schöningen, Germany, which were found together with stone tools and the remains of more than 10 butchered horses.
I have above average number of Neanderthsl genetic fragments, h.heidelbergensis is thought to be a precursor by some. Not that this quiz is more than entertainment.
Supposed to have 2 teeth pulled yesterday, but one was too close to my sinuses! Dentist chickened out on that one! Now I have to go to an oral surgeon! Sucks!
Not a bad view for part of the drive this morning
I picked up a larger snowblower last night, with electric start, mind you.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
I broke something you can't get anymore so instead of repiping this whole thing I'm doing my best to take a bunch of stuff laying around the shop and make it work.
Just be sure to make it work and last. I hate discovering band aides on bullet holes and having to redo everything. Having met you my post is more sarcastic I know you take care of **** like a boss!
MOW badge received.
Didn't know where else to put this...
An interesting look at the Mercator map and how we've looked at the world incorrectly.
Accurate maps! A strange hobby of mine (yes I'm a dork shut up). Here's some I like:
Authograph (the most accurate flat map)

Goode Homolosine
Belongs in the "Flat Earth" thread.......
My wife has to look at maps upside down to make sense to her........
I noticed that my @Stubble nubber was not going into the cigar smoothly and smashing the head of the cigar so between cigars tonight I cleaned the prongs with cloth (a handkerchief) and it went into the second cigar as smooth as butter.
Being on call is the worst part of my job hands down. So far* not the worst day though fixed a couple and sold 1 so atleast get my commission on that one on top of overtime and call in pay
I spent about an 1 1/2 hours snow blowing this morning. My neighbor has a skid loader with a bucket, he spent significantly less time clearing his drive than I did mine. Plus he did the sidewalks for the whole block and swiped through my large driveway a couple of times. I gotta get me a skid loader...
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
you just got a snow blower...
cleaned the coffee roaster; emptied and refilled the kitty litter (wood pellets, either for stoves or stable bedding, make good cheap litter).
Where will it end?
It will never end, @Yakster, never...
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Those wood pellets are a Godsend. We used them for years and were extremely satisfied with them. The guar gum used to hold the pellets together completely neutralizes the odor of cat urine and I would defy folks to tell that we had cats by the odor of the litter box.
If more people were aware of that fact there’d probably be a lot fewer cats wandering the neighborhood and using other folks’ yards as their potty.
Our cats were indoor cats, safe from being hit by cars or trapped by irate neighbors….
Blew out the drive & the road. Again. Restocked the firewood rack in the garage and the kindling box. Temperature’s starting to drop back below 0 again…it was nice while it lasted.
It hit 60 here today, if that helps.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
61 here, but got down to 34 last night.
Nova was not happy
She went superNova.
Today I did laundry.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Every winter the ramp just outside the main hangar doors gets a layer of hard packed snow where the planes are towed in & out and that causes undue stress on the nose gear struts. Spent a few hours with a shovel peeling that hardpack up. Stuff peels right off when it’s blistering cold.
took this quiz,

**** heidelbergensis
This early human species had a very large browridge, and a larger braincase and flatter face than older early human species. It was the first early human species to live in colder climates; their short, wide bodies were likely an adaptation to conserving heat. It lived at the time of the oldest definite control of fire and use of wooden spears, and it was the first early human species to routinely hunt large animals. This early human also broke new ground; it was the first species to build shelters, creating simple dwellings out of wood and rock. H. heidelbergensis was also the first hunter of large game animals; remains of animals such as wild deer, horses, elephants, hippos, and rhinos with butchery marks on their bones have been found together at sites with H. heidelbergensis fossils. Evidence for this also comes from 400,000-year-old wooden spears found at the site of Schöningen, Germany, which were found together with stone tools and the remains of more than 10 butchered horses.
I would have pictured you as HomoNaledi
I have above average number of Neanderthsl genetic fragments, h.heidelbergensis is thought to be a precursor by some. Not that this quiz is more than entertainment.
Supposed to have 2 teeth pulled yesterday, but one was too close to my sinuses! Dentist chickened out on that one! Now I have to go to an oral surgeon! Sucks!
Just got home from another sleep study. It's not a bad experience, really, but think we'll draw the line at two.
I feel for you, Charlie. I know I'm headed down that road too if I could just find the courage to find a dentist and take the first step.