Trust me, I don't ever lift them. I have a system to get them into the Rubbermaid Brute drums, which are on rollers. Back in the factory, the industrial engineers had a saying, "If you want to find the easiest way to do something, give the job to a lazy man."
@peter4jc said:
4 bags total. Some are ~70K, others ~ 60K.
Trust me, I don't ever lift them. I have a system to get them into the Rubbermaid Brute drums, which are on rollers. Back in the factory, the industrial engineers had a saying, "If you want to find the easiest way to do something, give the job to a lazy man."
I've told people that for years.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
I went to my daughter's house today to install a new receptacle in their kitchen, on a wall between the dining room and the kitchen. I was hoping for an easy job, just cutting a hole in the kitchen wall within the same stud cavity as receptacle in the dining room, and feeding it from that receptacle. I expected plaster and lathe, but when I removed the receptacle from the dining room wall and started poking around, I found brick. Turns out, the wall used to be an exterior wall, and the kitchen was an addition. I persevered though, with a lot of chiseling and chipping and dirt. All is well though, quad GFCI receptacles are installed, and it works.
@Jrflickster said:
Got all the new duct work in finally now just have to connect the long has this taken @rsherman24 you and @Rdp77 keep good track for me.
Edit: after looking at the photo I still need to run intake to the furnace too
Had a cat show up a few days ago. I was hoping it would move on but I saw it hunting birds at our feeders. It was in our dog fenced yard so I tried to run it off by chasing it around the yard as I was banging on a five gallon plastic bucket with a stick. The cat was bouncing off the fence while trying to get out. It finally hit a wood slat section and climbed out. I was hoping that would run it off. The cat was a big male.
It didn't leave. I saw it the next day. I didn't want to kill it as I have killed more than I should have in my life.
I needed to have it gone so I got out a live trap and set it baited in the shadows and put some sticks around the trap to camo it. Sure enough I soon had the cat in the trap and it was pissed. I saw me coming a growled and hissed and banged around enough to move the trap. I backed up my truck, dropped the tail gate, put on heavy gloves and hoisted Mr.Cat into the bed. Five miles down a dirt road I found a place to turn it loose. That cat tried to hook me as I was fumbling around with the release snap.I finally got the the trap open, stood back and Mr. Cat left the trap like it was shot out of a cannon. It hit the woods.
If it shows up again Ill have to take drastic measures.
@11thGenSoutherner said:
Watched a 21 gun salute with 3 cannons.
70mm WW1
70MM WW2
100MM Vietnam War cannon
Imagine if those cannons were aimed 180*. I have a small airport nearby and sometimes when a private jet flies low overhead I imagine what an enemy feels during a war when they get strafed. Those cannons make me wonder the same thing. God, war must be awful. Thank Him that we here, except for a few dear brothers, haven't gone through that.
How heavy are the bags?
4 bags total. Some are ~70K, others ~ 60K.
Trust me, I don't ever lift them. I have a system to get them into the Rubbermaid Brute drums, which are on rollers. Back in the factory, the industrial engineers had a saying, "If you want to find the easiest way to do something, give the job to a lazy man."
I've told people that for years.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
What’s better than one busted ac unit you ask? How about 2?!?!

Nice.What quit?
Blower motor. Replaced it and the capacitor for $125. All good now.
The problem with ACs is they only quit working in the warm weather.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Great! That means you can come to Milwaukee, right?
If only the other unit wasn’t going to cost me $7k, I would be.
I know a guy
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
That would make a nice vacation but I'd have to have @IndustMech watch the kids for the weekend
Got all the new duct work in finally now just have to connect the long has this taken @rsherman24 you and @Rdp77 keep good track for me.
Edit: after looking at the photo I still need to run intake to the furnace too
I went to my daughter's house today to install a new receptacle in their kitchen, on a wall between the dining room and the kitchen. I was hoping for an easy job, just cutting a hole in the kitchen wall within the same stud cavity as receptacle in the dining room, and feeding it from that receptacle. I expected plaster and lathe, but when I removed the receptacle from the dining room wall and started poking around, I found brick. Turns out, the wall used to be an exterior wall, and the kitchen was an addition. I persevered though, with a lot of chiseling and chipping and dirt. All is well though, quad GFCI receptacles are installed, and it works.
Like 3 years
My favorite cigar list here
Had a cat show up a few days ago. I was hoping it would move on but I saw it hunting birds at our feeders. It was in our dog fenced yard so I tried to run it off by chasing it around the yard as I was banging on a five gallon plastic bucket with a stick. The cat was bouncing off the fence while trying to get out. It finally hit a wood slat section and climbed out. I was hoping that would run it off. The cat was a big male.
It didn't leave. I saw it the next day. I didn't want to kill it as I have killed more than I should have in my life.
I needed to have it gone so I got out a live trap and set it baited in the shadows and put some sticks around the trap to camo it. Sure enough I soon had the cat in the trap and it was pissed. I saw me coming a growled and hissed and banged around enough to move the trap. I backed up my truck, dropped the tail gate, put on heavy gloves and hoisted Mr.Cat into the bed. Five miles down a dirt road I found a place to turn it loose. That cat tried to hook me as I was fumbling around with the release snap.I finally got the the trap open, stood back and Mr. Cat left the trap like it was shot out of a cannon. It hit the woods.
If it shows up again Ill have to take drastic measures.
Feral cats are hell on wildlife.
while researching dietary approaches to deal with the symptoms of PDR and prednisone I found this and am going to give it a try:
If that cat comes back I'll make a hat out of it.
I can see you in one, lol
Watched a 21 gun salute with 3 cannons.
70mm WW1
70MM WW2
100MM Vietnam War cannon
Cigars are great and so is this
American GI Museum in south College Station TX
Cigars are great and so is this
Imagine if those cannons were aimed 180*. I have a small airport nearby and sometimes when a private jet flies low overhead I imagine what an enemy feels during a war when they get strafed. Those cannons make me wonder the same thing. God, war must be awful. Thank Him that we here, except for a few dear brothers, haven't gone through that.
@rsherman24 Mark it on the calendar
House done
Let's not talk about the garage though
About damn time
When are doing the garage?
It's not currently on the schedule
Steel roof is next
You're a busy guy @Jrflickster.
That was I fine how do ya fùckin do this mornin….

It's so cute.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.