This is the great thing about life, in this place at this time... we have the privilege to choose where we want to indulge our interests, looney as they may be.
Had a 14 hour nap yesterday afternoon (5pm), woke up had some coffee and 1.5 cigars. Lunch and finishing 2nd cigar then a nap. Some days are just better than others.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
@TRayB said:
30.9 miles in 2:05, just under 15mph average. I'm happy with that.
Wish I could exercise like that again. I need to take a 20 minute rest after 10 minutes of moderate activity thanks to my new immune system dysfunction. Sucks getting old, cherish your good health.
I certainly need a recovery day after a ride of that length, Edward. I'll turn 57 in October, and have not been physically fit for extended periods of time. I have mostly been in reasonable shape, but my cardio-vascular fitness has been lacking. I am working to remedy that shortcoming, and bicycling has gone a long way to that end, especially considering bad knees that prevent running (which I generally loathe) and hiking more than a few miles (which I would love to do, but it puts me in great pain for several days afterwards).
In a few weeks, we will be doing a 30-miler in Manassas, VA. I don't expect the time or average speed to be near as good, the ride has over 1200 feet of vertical gain, so 12 mph average would be a win for me.
Biking is also something my wife and I can do together, and taking weekend or even just day trips for a riding event has been good for our relationship, too.
(My "Like" is for cherishing good health. I hope you can recover yours. I like that you try, and get outside for walks and work on your property.)
I like a certain cigar-selling page's fiver sales, but wish they gave the ability to filter their list of thousands of fiver packs by size and price. It's kinda tedious scrolling through a list of hundreds or thousands of blends to find something I want, or am willing to buy at a certain maximum price.
I used to manufacture and install those many many years ago. Skip school to haul the tubing up and down the east coast.
I sure am liking this one!! Should have done it years ago.
Mines almost 25 now. 24x42 Went back and welded all the joints. Added windows, insulation, and OSB inside. The clear panels on the roof have dry rotted now and need switched out.
You do know it’s still September?
MOW badge received.
Stocked up on pumpkin spice? My wife is a decorating nut but not even she starts this early.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
The stores are all stocked with candy corn, it must be the season.
😂 No pumpkin spice for me good sir.
This is the great thing about life, in this place at this time... we have the privilege to choose where we want to indulge our interests, looney as they may be.
I see what you did there @peter4jc
I was going to post something in a couple of threads but didn't want anyone to know I'm online right now.
Replaced a broken light switch.
The obstacle is the way.
The baby my daughter and SIL are adopting was born today. 3+ lbs. Premie. Other than that he or she is relatively healthy.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Got some shade...

October Herf at Steve's!!!
Maybe November
MOW badge received.
Had a 14 hour nap yesterday afternoon (5pm), woke up had some coffee and 1.5 cigars. Lunch and finishing 2nd cigar then a nap. Some days are just better than others.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I keep getting up to let him back in but he just sits and stares. Then I sit back down.
The obstacle is the way.
We are near Cape May, NJ, for the night, and a 30 mile bikes and beers ride tomorrow morning. We are staying in a 19' RV/camper thru airbnb.
Just loaded the travel case for probably my last boat day in the northwoods.
I used to manufacture and install those many many years ago. Skip school to haul the tubing up and down the east coast.
30.9 miles in 2:05, just under 15mph average. I'm happy with that.
I sure am liking this one!! Should have done it years ago.
Wish I could exercise like that again. I need to take a 20 minute rest after 10 minutes of moderate activity thanks to my new immune system dysfunction. Sucks getting old, cherish your good health.
I certainly need a recovery day after a ride of that length, Edward. I'll turn 57 in October, and have not been physically fit for extended periods of time. I have mostly been in reasonable shape, but my cardio-vascular fitness has been lacking. I am working to remedy that shortcoming, and bicycling has gone a long way to that end, especially considering bad knees that prevent running (which I generally loathe) and hiking more than a few miles (which I would love to do, but it puts me in great pain for several days afterwards).
In a few weeks, we will be doing a 30-miler in Manassas, VA. I don't expect the time or average speed to be near as good, the ride has over 1200 feet of vertical gain, so 12 mph average would be a win for me.
Biking is also something my wife and I can do together, and taking weekend or even just day trips for a riding event has been good for our relationship, too.
(My "Like" is for cherishing good health. I hope you can recover yours. I like that you try, and get outside for walks and work on your property.)
I like a certain cigar-selling page's fiver sales, but wish they gave the ability to filter their list of thousands of fiver packs by size and price. It's kinda tedious scrolling through a list of hundreds or thousands of blends to find something I want, or am willing to buy at a certain maximum price.
I admit to sometimes searching the page after it finally loads for terms like Cameroon, etc.
Welcome back!! Missed you buddy. Had us worried!
Been a rough year but I’m still here. Ended up with a few stents but I feel like I can breath again finally.
Mines almost 25 now. 24x42 Went back and welded all the joints. Added windows, insulation, and OSB inside. The clear panels on the roof have dry rotted now and need switched out.
Stop at the pumpkin patch /cider mill on the way to a softball game

My favorite cigar list here
My dual keyboard is now singular, only works on the second device, the button to connect to a first device is kaput.
Removed some of the original wirering in my garage. I disconnected it soon after I moved in. Cleaning the garage today.
That splice wasn't in a box or even taped. Only the wire nuts had tape.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
That’s fun!
MOW badge received.