@Sleddog46 said:
My Corona virus antidote. A bourbon and and a cigar. Alcohol is an antiseptic so I'm taking it internally so I'm good. The cigar is a B&L Salvation " how prophetic.
Found this tracker map for the Corona Virus. This is one amazing map shows the whole world with accurate statistics, goes off confirmed cases not speculation of carriers. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
If you quote me do the @TX98Z28 in your text or I won't be notified of your quote, Thanks.
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
@ShawnOL said:
Almost makes me think it would be better if we all got it at once and be done with it.
Atsa way we always did before.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
China, population 1.386,.000,000 with 81k cases = 0.000058442
Italy population 60,000,000 with 13k cases = 0.000216667
Thumbnail: your Italian is about four times as likely to be down with this
Course, the stats are so slippery anyways
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
@ShawnOL said:
Almost makes me think it would be better if we all got it at once and be done with it.
That's the exact opposite of what we need. Not enough ventilators to go around at that point. I'm 44 and healthy, so I ain't gonna die or need a ventilator, but what about all of you plus 60s out there?
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
China, population 1.386,.000,000 with 81k cases = 0.000058442
Italy population 60,000,000 with 13k cases = 0.000216667
Thumbnail: your Italian is about four times as likely to be down with this
Course, the stats are so slippery anyways
I am not following what you have stated with the numbers you crunched. All the world map shows is confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered cases. It’s interesting to see because it shows the whole world, every country with a confirmed case, even by state or providence, not just the USA.
If you quote me do the @TX98Z28 in your text or I won't be notified of your quote, Thanks.
It was a joke and a statement about analyzing data to draw a conclusion.
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
@ShawnOL said:
Almost makes me think it would be better if we all got it at once and be done with it.
That's the exact opposite of what we need. Not enough ventilators to go around at that point. I'm 44 and healthy, so I ain't gonna die or need a ventilator, but what about all of you plus 60s out there?
This is interesting because I was on a walk around the neighborhood yesterday and spoke with my neighbor who is going on 50. He said he wants to get the damn virus so he doesn’t have to worry about it, says it will help his body build a natural immunity to it...he’s also a doctor. If you ask me I don’t want to get sick, not Corona, Influenza, etc.
Interesting how views differ from religion to politics to just getting sick.
If you quote me do the @TX98Z28 in your text or I won't be notified of your quote, Thanks.
China, population 1.386,.000,000 with 81k cases = 0.000058442
Italy population 60,000,000 with 13k cases = 0.000216667
Thumbnail: your Italian is about four times as likely to be down with this
Course, the stats are so slippery anyways
I am not following what you have stated with the numbers you crunched. All the world map shows is confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered cases. It’s interesting to see because it shows the whole world, every country with a confirmed case, even by state or providence, not just the USA.
That's my point is that all the sites I've see only show the number of cases ... not how many cases per thousand or per million. 81k Chinese is a drop in the bucket compared to 13k Italians. To see the likelihood, you have to factor in the population. We, for instance, have nearly six times as many people as Italy, but a fourth the population of China. Are we more apt to see a quarter as many infected as China, or six times as many as Italy? That's a wide gap, ~20k versus ~2k.
It's like comparing the scoring in the NFL versus the XFL. The XFL had eight teams & lasted half a season. The real comparo should be per game.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
So what I have seen a lot of is recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus in the first place -- good handwashing -- but what I have NOT seen a lot of is advice for what happens if you actually get it or any respiratory flu, which many of us will. So as your friendly neighborhood RN, let me make some suggestions.
You basically just want to prepare as though you know you’re going to get a nasty respiratory bug, like bronchitis or pneumonia. You just have the foresight to know it’s coming.
Things you should actually buy ahead of time (not sure what the obsession with toilet paper is?): Kleenex, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) in 325 mg tablets, Ibuprofen (Advil) in 200 mg tablets, Mucinex, Robitussin or whatever your generic cough medicine of choice is (check the label and make sure you're not doubling up on acetaminophen - some brands like DayQuil have it included and you don't want that). You want a cough medicine with both a cough suppressant and expectorant. Vix vaporub for your chest is also a great suggestion. (Also I should think this would go without saying, but editing to add that of COURSE if you have a medical contraindication to any of these over the counter meds, you should not take them. If you are on blood thinners, for example, no Advil for you — if you are on blood pressure meds, you need to be careful about which cough medicine you take. Check with your doc or pharmacist if you’re even the slightest bit unsure and these aren’t meds you routinely take for a cough/cold)
If you don’t have a humidifier, that would be a good thing to buy and run in your room when you go to bed overnight. (You can also just turn the shower on hot and sit in the bathroom breathing in the steam). If you have a history of asthma and you have a prescription inhaler, make sure the one you have isn’t expired and refill it/get a new one if it is.
This is also a good time to meal prep: make a big batch of your favorite soup to freeze and have on hand. Whatever your favorite clear fluids are to drink (Sprite, juice, ICE waters, Fresca, whatever floats your boat), stock your pantry with those. Maybe get some nice soothing tea too!
For symptom management, use the meds I mentioned. For a fever over 101, alternate Tylenol 650 mg and Advil 400 mg so you’re taking a dose of one then the other every 3 hours (ie Tylenol at 9 am, Advil at noon, Tylenol at 3 Pm etc)
Drink A TON, hydrate hydrate hydrate. Rest lots. You should not be leaving your house except to go to the doctor, and if you do, wear a mask (regular is fine, you don’t need an N95).
You DO NOT NEED TO GO TO THE ER unless you are having trouble breathing or your fever is very high and unmanaged with meds. 90% of healthy adult cases thus far have been managed at home with basic rest/hydration/over-the-counter meds. We don’t want to clog the ERs unless you’re actually in distress. The hospital beds will be used for people who actively need oxygen/breathing treatments/IV fluids.
If you have a pre-existing lung condition (COPD, emphysema, lung cancer) or are on immunosuppressants, now is a great time to talk to your PCP or specialist about what they would like you to do if you get sick. They might have plans to get you admitted and bypass the ER entirely.
One major relief to you parents is that kids do VERY well with coronavirus— they usually bounce back in a few days, NO ONE under 18 has died, and almost no kids have required hospitalization (unless they have a lung disease like CF). Be sure to use kids formulations of OTC meds and dose appropriately for their age/weight, and ask the pediatrician if you have any questions about medication safety for your child’s age.
China, population 1.386,.000,000 with 81k cases = 0.000058442
Italy population 60,000,000 with 13k cases = 0.000216667
Thumbnail: your Italian is about four times as likely to be down with this
Course, the stats are so slippery anyways
I am not following what you have stated with the numbers you crunched. All the world map shows is confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered cases. It’s interesting to see because it shows the whole world, every country with a confirmed case, even by state or providence, not just the USA.
That's my point is that all the sites I've see only show the number of cases ... not how many cases per thousand or per million. 81k Chinese is a drop in the bucket compared to 13k Italians. To see the likelihood, you have to factor in the population. We, for instance, have nearly six times as many people as Italy, but a fourth the population of China. Are we more apt to see a quarter as many infected as China, or six times as many as Italy? That's a wide gap, ~20k versus ~2k.
It's like comparing the scoring in the NFL versus the XFL. The XFL had eight teams & lasted half a season. The real comparo should be per game.
You can't look at it as 81,000 cases out of 5 billion Chinese and then say the disease is rare. That's the kind of short-sightedness that'll get you killed, whether you're talking Corona 19 or standing down range during an AR-15 instructional. "The bullet is less than a half of an inch wide and there is a plane at the end of this range that is 900 ft². The chances of me getting hit are very small." Insanity.
The disease is clearly very highly contagious and easily communicable. if you fall into one of the at-risk categories, I would stay the hell away from other people and not try to prove how tough you are or how this is some sort of liberal disease by trying to get it.
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
This Joe Rogan podcast that @VegasFrank posted is pretty darn interesting. His guest appears to be a genuine recognized expert, full of epidemiology up top here, all kinds of frank, and totally believable. Joe, as you know, is addicted to knowledge of all sorts, & knows how to ask smart questions. It takes a while to listen to all of this podcast; but that's cause the expert shares a wide and surprising pile of goodness.
His expert says, for example, that the obsessive handwashing trope is mostly just busywork.
He says we're in for a longish haul.
He's pretty clear we need to make more supplies and drugs here; not in China.
He explains why these things come from China ("wet markets").
I recommend a listen.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
I read that S. Korea is fighting this COVID-19 with anti-HIV and anti-Malaria drugs.
"Lopinavir and ritonavir are sold under the name Kaletra and are designed to treat HIV. In South Korea, a 54-year-old man was given a combination of these two drugs and had a significant reduction in his levels of the coronavirus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there could be benefits to using Kaletra in combination with other drugs." https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2020/03/12/South-Korea-experts-recommend-anti-HIV-anti-malaria-drugs-for-COVID-19/6961584012321/
"Love is a dung heap, Betty and I am but a c.o.c.k. that climbs upon it to crow."
Trying to decide how to self-isolate with two employees coming in 4 days a week. We may have to furlough them in order to protect our health since we both are in our 70's and my wife is severely asthmatic. If we do we will continue to pay them. Not even sure if we will open the shop this coming summer--depending on how this plague plays out. Tough decisions.
Possible to work in different rooms or with masks so they don't spread anything to you or to at least keep a distance between you guys?
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
That ^ is a possibility if I can line up enough work for them on the days they are not here. Tiny workroom and they handle all the tools, door knobs, security keypad, et cetera and the virus lasts 2 or 3 days, minimum, on surfaces. I'll have a better handle on this next week, right now it is stressful. But that's what cigars are good for.
So, all restaurants and bars closed as of today, except for take out! Caterers closed since Friday because no gatherings more than 250 people! Not a good way to start the ice cream season! This sucks! I thought I might be able to start paying my suppliers some invoices from December! Not just yet, I guess!
We're under Shelter at Home orders for the next three weeks.
Alameda County joined Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties with the City of Berkeley on a legal order directing their respective residents to shelter at home for three weeks beginning March 17. The order limits activity, travel and business functions to only the most essential needs. The guidance comes after substantial input from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and best practices from other health officials around the world.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
Went for a hair cut. It was the first time I didn’t have to wait. Said I was the first/only customer at that point.
11pm to 7am curfew for 16 and under.
Called work to check on them, I was told to not even think of stopping by. They are about to have all non essential employees work from home.
Sanitizing from the inside out...
Found this tracker map for the Corona Virus. This is one amazing map shows the whole world with accurate statistics, goes off confirmed cases not speculation of carriers.
Poor China and Italy

@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Almost makes me think it would be better if we all got it at once and be done with it.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Atsa way we always did before.
China, population 1.386,.000,000 with 81k cases = 0.000058442
Italy population 60,000,000 with 13k cases = 0.000216667
Thumbnail: your Italian is about four times as likely to be down with this
Course, the stats are so slippery anyways
That's the exact opposite of what we need. Not enough ventilators to go around at that point. I'm 44 and healthy, so I ain't gonna die or need a ventilator, but what about all of you plus 60s out there?
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I am not following what you have stated with the numbers you crunched. All the world map shows is confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered cases. It’s interesting to see because it shows the whole world, every country with a confirmed case, even by state or providence, not just the USA.
It was a joke and a statement about analyzing data to draw a conclusion.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
This is interesting because I was on a walk around the neighborhood yesterday and spoke with my neighbor who is going on 50. He said he wants to get the damn virus so he doesn’t have to worry about it, says it will help his body build a natural immunity to it...he’s also a doctor. If you ask me I don’t want to get sick, not Corona, Influenza, etc.
Interesting how views differ from religion to politics to just getting sick.
I didn’t know he was joking. Just found a great, worldwide, informative map and wanted to share it with others is all.
That's my point is that all the sites I've see only show the number of cases ... not how many cases per thousand or per million. 81k Chinese is a drop in the bucket compared to 13k Italians. To see the likelihood, you have to factor in the population. We, for instance, have nearly six times as many people as Italy, but a fourth the population of China. Are we more apt to see a quarter as many infected as China, or six times as many as Italy? That's a wide gap, ~20k versus ~2k.
It's like comparing the scoring in the NFL versus the XFL. The XFL had eight teams & lasted half a season. The real comparo should be per game.
COVID-19 Treatments (from an RN)
So what I have seen a lot of is recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus in the first place -- good handwashing -- but what I have NOT seen a lot of is advice for what happens if you actually get it or any respiratory flu, which many of us will. So as your friendly neighborhood RN, let me make some suggestions.
You basically just want to prepare as though you know you’re going to get a nasty respiratory bug, like bronchitis or pneumonia. You just have the foresight to know it’s coming.
Things you should actually buy ahead of time (not sure what the obsession with toilet paper is?): Kleenex, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) in 325 mg tablets, Ibuprofen (Advil) in 200 mg tablets, Mucinex, Robitussin or whatever your generic cough medicine of choice is (check the label and make sure you're not doubling up on acetaminophen - some brands like DayQuil have it included and you don't want that). You want a cough medicine with both a cough suppressant and expectorant. Vix vaporub for your chest is also a great suggestion. (Also I should think this would go without saying, but editing to add that of COURSE if you have a medical contraindication to any of these over the counter meds, you should not take them. If you are on blood thinners, for example, no Advil for you — if you are on blood pressure meds, you need to be careful about which cough medicine you take. Check with your doc or pharmacist if you’re even the slightest bit unsure and these aren’t meds you routinely take for a cough/cold)
If you don’t have a humidifier, that would be a good thing to buy and run in your room when you go to bed overnight. (You can also just turn the shower on hot and sit in the bathroom breathing in the steam). If you have a history of asthma and you have a prescription inhaler, make sure the one you have isn’t expired and refill it/get a new one if it is.
This is also a good time to meal prep: make a big batch of your favorite soup to freeze and have on hand. Whatever your favorite clear fluids are to drink (Sprite, juice, ICE waters, Fresca, whatever floats your boat), stock your pantry with those. Maybe get some nice soothing tea too!
For symptom management, use the meds I mentioned. For a fever over 101, alternate Tylenol 650 mg and Advil 400 mg so you’re taking a dose of one then the other every 3 hours (ie Tylenol at 9 am, Advil at noon, Tylenol at 3 Pm etc)
Drink A TON, hydrate hydrate hydrate. Rest lots. You should not be leaving your house except to go to the doctor, and if you do, wear a mask (regular is fine, you don’t need an N95).
You DO NOT NEED TO GO TO THE ER unless you are having trouble breathing or your fever is very high and unmanaged with meds. 90% of healthy adult cases thus far have been managed at home with basic rest/hydration/over-the-counter meds. We don’t want to clog the ERs unless you’re actually in distress. The hospital beds will be used for people who actively need oxygen/breathing treatments/IV fluids.
If you have a pre-existing lung condition (COPD, emphysema, lung cancer) or are on immunosuppressants, now is a great time to talk to your PCP or specialist about what they would like you to do if you get sick. They might have plans to get you admitted and bypass the ER entirely.
One major relief to you parents is that kids do VERY well with coronavirus— they usually bounce back in a few days, NO ONE under 18 has died, and almost no kids have required hospitalization (unless they have a lung disease like CF). Be sure to use kids formulations of OTC meds and dose appropriately for their age/weight, and ask the pediatrician if you have any questions about medication safety for your child’s age.
How to flatten the curve, (slow the spread).
No puking or diarrhea? No problem.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
You can't look at it as 81,000 cases out of 5 billion Chinese and then say the disease is rare. That's the kind of short-sightedness that'll get you killed, whether you're talking Corona 19 or standing down range during an AR-15 instructional. "The bullet is less than a half of an inch wide and there is a plane at the end of this range that is 900 ft². The chances of me getting hit are very small." Insanity.
The disease is clearly very highly contagious and easily communicable. if you fall into one of the at-risk categories, I would stay the hell away from other people and not try to prove how tough you are or how this is some sort of liberal disease by trying to get it.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
This Joe Rogan podcast that @VegasFrank posted is pretty darn interesting. His guest appears to be a genuine recognized expert, full of epidemiology up top here, all kinds of frank, and totally believable. Joe, as you know, is addicted to knowledge of all sorts, & knows how to ask smart questions. It takes a while to listen to all of this podcast; but that's cause the expert shares a wide and surprising pile of goodness.
His expert says, for example, that the obsessive handwashing trope is mostly just busywork.
He says we're in for a longish haul.
He's pretty clear we need to make more supplies and drugs here; not in China.
He explains why these things come from China ("wet markets").
I recommend a listen.
I read that S. Korea is fighting this COVID-19 with anti-HIV and anti-Malaria drugs.
"Lopinavir and ritonavir are sold under the name Kaletra and are designed to treat HIV. In South Korea, a 54-year-old man was given a combination of these two drugs and had a significant reduction in his levels of the coronavirus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there could be benefits to using Kaletra in combination with other drugs."
we are told that social distancing is important, meanwhile this is the scene at the airport:

Trying to decide how to self-isolate with two employees coming in 4 days a week. We may have to furlough them in order to protect our health since we both are in our 70's and my wife is severely asthmatic. If we do we will continue to pay them. Not even sure if we will open the shop this coming summer--depending on how this plague plays out. Tough decisions.
This article was too long to post, but here is the link on the necessity of social distancing:
Possible to work in different rooms or with masks so they don't spread anything to you or to at least keep a distance between you guys?
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
That ^ is a possibility if I can line up enough work for them on the days they are not here. Tiny workroom and they handle all the tools, door knobs, security keypad, et cetera and the virus lasts 2 or 3 days, minimum, on surfaces. I'll have a better handle on this next week, right now it is stressful. But that's what cigars are good for.
Half the day gone and only 17 customers. Kinda strange.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
So, all restaurants and bars closed as of today, except for take out! Caterers closed since Friday because no gatherings more than 250 people! Not a good way to start the ice cream season! This sucks! I thought I might be able to start paying my suppliers some invoices from December! Not just yet, I guess!
^Plus in N.J. we are under 8pm to 5am curfew!!!!
We're under Shelter at Home orders for the next three weeks.
Went for a hair cut. It was the first time I didn’t have to wait. Said I was the first/only customer at that point.
11pm to 7am curfew for 16 and under.
Called work to check on them, I was told to not even think of stopping by. They are about to have all non essential employees work from home.