
Who here remembers when Martin Luther King used to smash in the storefronts and grab all the liquor bottles?
Well, surely we all remember Mohandas Ghandi encouraging his fellow citizens to barbarically torture animals and to destroy the private property of persons having no connection to power?
There's a difference between "protests" and outright thuggery for the sake of personal gain.
Which are we seeing today?
Why are the Hollywood personalities (e.g. Jamie Foxx) coming out in public media and saying that they "support the protesters"?
I'm not seeing any protesters. Just thugs, vandals, vicious criminals looting and destroying.
What's the logic?
One bad actor, in one Northern city committed a crime. And has been arrested. And is being charged.
So, all across the country punks and thugs are going to commit other crimes and expect NOT to be arrested?
My, how "Woke".
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
There were riots in Reno... seriously... Tear gas. Flash bangs. National Gaurs. Riots... when I googled Reno police brutality the latest thing that came up was in 2017 when they were called for a fight on a school bus, and placed their hand on a kids shoulder to keep him in his seat... I have never seen our police accused of racism, brutality, or any of this other crap. They even responded to the riots by saying (quote from police chief) “People are angry. People are upset. They last thing they or us need is a lot of arrests. As long as they don’t hurt anybody we will not be making any arrests. Property can be replaced.”
There was absolutely zero reason for even raised voices in Reno, much less riots.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
You'd be surprised (or maybe not) how many of these rioters are white liberal dipshits who think they're helping. Check out Twitter. Yes, there are videos of black people looting but there are many videos to the contrary. The Minneapolis PD has said many of those arrested aren't even from MN. It's Antifa fools that think they're helping.
Click on this and it'll take you to Twitter (you don't need an account) and look at the replies.
It’s all just an excuse for some to riot. As seen in Reno.
You get more minorities out to vote Democrat if there's a race war going on. Sickening.
None of that would be going on if they would just sit down and smoke a cigar together.
This map is of the internet outages across the nation yesterday.
I found it interesting that the outages coincide with the riots.
Not sure what to make of it, but found it interesting.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I'd like to see the daily internet outage map. I'm sure it looks just like that.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Finding history maps is a little difficult.

I did find some from January to April and they are all over the board.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Because the only places densely populated enough to show up on an 'outage map' have enough people to riot. Purely correlation, no causation.
Hmmm interesting. Looks largely the same except more intense in the major areas. Maybe somewhat due to protests, but moreso because people in those areas were streaming and querying news services for info about their particular areas.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I don't know about all this protesting, all I'm seeing is burning businesses and vehicles. Stores being looted, deranged individuals shooting others and committing crimes.
Sad to see peoples life long businesses burnt to the ground for absolutely no reason at all. If it was MY store I'd sit in there with a lot of fire power and when the animals break in and enter and I feel "I am in fear of my life" ...Well y'all can guess what happens.
My friends step dads automotive upholstery business got broken into once or twice, robbers always broke in through the back door to the shop. Well, his step dad had enough of that and setup a 12Ga. with a line attached to the door to pull the trigger at a certain point...the 3rd time was the last time they had a break in at the shop.
@TX98Z28 I completely agree with the first two paragraphs. One of the things I appreciated most about Texas when I lived there, the right to defend yourself and your property. Sadly, much of America would rather coddle the thieves, protecting their "right" to steal your property, harm your family, and destroy your home or place of business.
However, regarding the last paragraph:
I know of a case where someone did that at his home, never thinking about his teenage daughter sneaking out her bedroom window at night, and then using her key to come back in through the door in the wee hours. Booby traps can backfire.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
The problem is when peaceful protests become un-peaceful and the government doesn't squash it. Let's the ass holes think they should keep doing it.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Throw a brick, get shot. Throw a Molotov, get shot. Keep in line, no problem.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
In 1995-ish, over 800,000 (estimates ranged from 800k to 1.2 mil) people descended on Washington DC to a peaceful demonstration.
Other than trash, there was little reported damage.
And less than 30 people had minor injuries due to a bomb threat being called in by someone outside of the protest.
Protests can be peaceful and productive, but you cannot have the morons of today organizing it.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
That's for sure
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
There comes a time when the authorization of force becomes a necessity.
When they are pushing police cars at police, then those police shouldn't have to be standing back and watching it go on.
I am not a huge fan of govt intervention, but the National Guard should be implemented.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Very sad to hear that, personally I would never setup a shotgun to fire when a door was opened but my friends step dad did. The step dad's also a successful business man and "meth addict" so that could explain some things. Guy was racking in 17k a week or more when he and the shop employees were cranked up, they would work non stop for 2 weeks straight, sleep for days and repeat the process. My friend always wondered why his step dad never went to bed/sleep when he was young, found out later on why.
Looks like celebrities are putting money in to bail out protesters.
Kind of like Nero fiddling, while Rome burns?
These people have such hatred for Trump that they would rather see the country burn?
I guess I don't get it.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
All the white people in overseas countries making comments on how it’s is in America is really starting to piss me off. MF you don’t live here, never even visited so just go back to posting,” is peanut butter and jelly really a thing in America?”
There are now hundreds of thousands of people marching around in Paris. Paris doesn't have a reason to be upset, and people in Paris weren't protesting like this at the end of last year when Chinese police were practically invading Hong Kong. I can't help but wonder if this isn't really just a bunch of people who are angry about being kept inside and out of work by their governments, and are using this as a straw-man for protesting government overreach without realizing it, because seriously, what does Paris have to do with this?
London and Berlin also for days now.
Huge numbers protesting in Charlotte and surrounding towns but peaceful to date.
^^^unless blacks are unfairly treated in Paris, and they have a legitimate gripe, I would think you're onto something. And there's a sizeable chunk of people in Paris that hate their government and would protest anything. I doubt they're trying to show solidarity w/ George Floyd.
Antifa. Local communists. Agent provocateurs. Soros funded goons.
Yeah, that's how revolutions are made, baby. It's a NEW world, now.
I caught a brief bit of a news report on the radio today saying that Parisians were marching in protest of a young black man killed during a police chase...FOUR YEARS AGO. I guess that's lassaiz-faire demonstration.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Laid back, they’ll get around to it eventually