Home Non Cigar Related

Things I Hate



  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Waiting to have a test.. Insurance authorization, doctors on vacation all 3 at one F'n time.. This will last all damn summer.. Geez us thanks a bunch
    I feel ya man. The entire system f'n sucks!

    I hate how people live. I mean wtf? So you want someone to come to YOUR HOME to fix something and you live like pigs and don't even clean up. So many freaking people! Today I had to turn away money cuz my client lives like a ... well not sure what I would call it, pigs are cleaner. The entire house reeked of dogs/cats and cigarettes. I was there for 2 minutes and had to leave. Now I freaking smell like it and I have 4 other clients to see today. Now I have to go home and shower and burn these clothes! Also the freaking keyboard was so damn dirty the keys were mostly stuck in the down position! IIIICCCCKKKK!
    I know I did some home health care...people just don't respect themselves or others when they live like that... Very sad...
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭

    lol.. E-V-I-L!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    not sure that they are evil... i just dislike the people that tend to shop there.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    not sure that they are evil... i just dislike the people that tend to shop there.
    I dislike the people that tend to work there.

  • macs-smokesmacs-smokes Posts: 587
    Drunk drivers and hit and runs... just got into one tonight... no-one hurt in our car. But jacka$$ hit at least 3 others. But Denver police investigation into is going well... 3 phone calls back to verify.
  • perkinkeperkinke Posts: 1,572 ✭✭✭
    Drunk drivers and hit and runs... just got into one tonight... no-one hurt in our car. But jacka$$ hit at least 3 others. But Denver police investigation into is going well... 3 phone calls back to verify.
    that's awful man, but glad you walked away from it. Lost my fiancee to a drunk when I was 21. It's something we still take too lightly as a society; as the son of an alcoholic I understand the disease but drunk drivers still get off far too lightly when they hurt someone. Hope you're not injured badly and hope the *** resists arrest and the cops beat his ass good.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Drunk drivers and hit and runs... just got into one tonight... no-one hurt in our car. But jacka$$ hit at least 3 others. But Denver police investigation into is going well... 3 phone calls back to verify.
    that's awful man, but glad you walked away from it. Lost my fiancee to a drunk when I was 21. It's something we still take too lightly as a society; as the son of an alcoholic I understand the disease but drunk drivers still get off far too lightly when they hurt someone. Hope you're not injured badly and hope the *** resists arrest and the cops beat his ass good.
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    i hate my credit union, they decided to do a core update to there systems and i cant review my account, check balances, make transfers or even pay bills, and now i just found out i cant take money out and this will be going on until tuesday, WTF to the that!
  • macs-smokesmacs-smokes Posts: 587
    @ perkinke I hear what you are saying... no-one was injured in our vehicle... it would have been comical to watch on TV. It all comes down to personal responsibility. If we had found him wrapped around a pole (we chased him after he pulled away) I am sure his head would have hit the steering wheel. As it was he eluded us in a city we are not native to, and the police have an accurate description with partial license number. Time to quell the irritation within. (Easier said than done)
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    i hate my credit union, they decided to do a core update to there systems and i cant review my account, check balances, make transfers or even pay bills, and now i just found out i cant take money out and this will be going on until tuesday, WTF to the that!
    Never put all your eggs in one basket.. I have three separate accounts to avoid such mishaps.. Well also to hide funds, but that's another story.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hate how my wife judges me by the actions of her ex husband...who was a drug addict, cheater, gambler, porn addict etc.... So, if it's a F'n holiday and I want a second cigar....well then that's the gateway to smoking 2, 3 or 4 a day!! Geezus I'm 52 woman get off my ass!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,917
    i hate my credit union, they decided to do a core update to there systems and i cant review my account, check balances, make transfers or even pay bills, and now i just found out i cant take money out and this will be going on until tuesday, WTF to the that!
    Never put all your eggs in one basket.. I have three separate accounts to avoid such mishaps.. Well also to hide funds, but that's another story.
    I think that's illegal. They can't be closed for more than either 2 or 3 days.
  • perkinkeperkinke Posts: 1,572 ✭✭✭
    Always having to take the high road.

    Right now I'd really like to tell my last ex just how many of her friends warned me that she was likely to bolt because she has a hard time not being the put together one in a relationship. Or that the reason we hadn't talked commitment was that every time it was even remotely raised her response was "go slow, not ready to commit." But what good would that serve? She walked 6 months ago and I sure as hell don't want her back, and we still have a close friend in common who would feel guilty if she knew how things ended. Argh, why do I always get to have the ulcers from not being able to just blow and tell people what I really think of them and damn the consequences??

    Damn, and now I sound like a douche with a martyr complex, hate that too.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hate that catchy little hippie folk song that the chick sings on the Toyota Prius TV commercial. I try to hit the mute button as fast as I can but dammit that little ditty gets in my head so bad. I must subconsciously like it. Quick! Somebody play me a Dodge Truck commercial voiced by Sam Elliott. (Yes, the "Beef! It's what's for dinner" guy.) Sam Elliott & a big-ass Dodge tearing up the turf is the antidote for hippie folk jingles.

  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    i hate my credit union, they decided to do a core update to there systems and i cant review my account, check balances, make transfers or even pay bills, and now i just found out i cant take money out and this will be going on until tuesday, WTF to the that!
    Never put all your eggs in one basket.. I have three separate accounts to avoid such mishaps.. Well also to hide funds, but that's another story.
    I think that's illegal. They can't be closed for more than either 2 or 3 days.
    well they were'nt closed, you can apply for a home loan, you can apply for a credit card, you can apply for a bank account,you can deposite ,you just could not withdraw and your deposites will post after its been completed, but according to them at the time it's a "core system processing update" basicly the upgraded the home server to a new computer, started on june 28 10pm finished june 2 12am, they did a revamp last yr but did not effect the accounts this way, still hate them, i used to have 2 different banks but then since i only used one to save, they found a way to start charging fees, so i shut em down to the one now --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,917
    i hate my credit union, they decided to do a core update to there systems and i cant review my account, check balances, make transfers or even pay bills, and now i just found out i cant take money out and this will be going on until tuesday, WTF to the that!
    Never put all your eggs in one basket.. I have three separate accounts to avoid such mishaps.. Well also to hide funds, but that's another story.
    I think that's illegal. They can't be closed for more than either 2 or 3 days.
    well they were'nt closed, you can apply for a home loan, you can apply for a credit card, you can apply for a bank account,you can deposite ,you just could not withdraw and your deposites will post after its been completed, but according to them at the time it's a "core system processing update" basicly the upgraded the home server to a new computer, started on june 28 10pm finished june 2 12am, they did a revamp last yr but did not effect the accounts this way, still hate them, i used to have 2 different banks but then since i only used one to save, they found a way to start charging fees, so i shut em down to the one now --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Oh, they were still open you just couldn't withdraw. That is different so I was wrong. They cant be completely closed for more than 3 days. I think it was an old FDR thing.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,917
    Bob Luken:
    I hate that catchy little hippie folk song that the chick sings on the Toyota Prius TV commercial. I try to hit the mute button as fast as I can but dammit that little ditty gets in my head so bad. I must subconsciously like it. Quick! Somebody play me a Dodge Truck commercial voiced by Sam Elliott. (Yes, the "Beef! It's what's for dinner" guy.) Sam Elliott & a big-ass Dodge tearing up the turf is the antidote for hippie folk jingles.
    Sounds like a prescription for watching, "The Sacketts". I still have that two disk movie on VHS.....
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ya' know what I hate?


    We are currently unable to serve your request

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  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    Ya' know what I hate?


    We are currently unable to serve your request

    We apologize, but an error occurred and your request could not be completed.

    This error has been logged. If you have additional information that you believe may have caused this error please report the problem here.
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yellowjackets .....

    Must have stepped on/near their nest while mowing, got stung on the leg like 5 times. Luckily got away before they started swarming me.....

    This means war ... it's on.
    These fvckers are goin down....

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yellowjackets .....

    Must have stepped on/near their nest while mowing, got stung on the leg like 5 times. Luckily got away before they started swarming me.....

    This means war ... it's on.
    These fvckers are goin down....
    I've got traps surrounding the house...like 15 of them and they're stuffed. Haven't had a problem yet this year! Good luck on your killin spree!
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yellowjackets .....

    Must have stepped on/near their nest while mowing, got stung on the leg like 5 times. Luckily got away before they started swarming me.....

    This means war ... it's on.
    These fvckers are goin down....
    I've got traps surrounding the house...like 15 of them and they're stuffed. Haven't had a problem yet this year! Good luck on your killin spree!
    Thanks Jim. Got the spot marked with a brick so I don't step on it again. Emptied about 2 cans of ortho bee spray into the hole and surrounding grass. Haven't seen any flying in/out for a while. Will see if it works.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    The first day back at work after vacation!
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    I hate that some idiots started running their mouths and spreading rumors. Courtesy of their stupidity, I had to shut down my tattoo business...
  • perkinkeperkinke Posts: 1,572 ✭✭✭
    I hate that some idiots started running their mouths and spreading rumors. Courtesy of their stupidity, I had to shut down my tattoo business...
    Damn man, I am so sorry.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Posts: 2,833 ✭✭✭
    I hate that some idiots started running their mouths and spreading rumors. Courtesy of their stupidity, I had to shut down my tattoo business...
    Damn man, I am so sorry.
    One God, One Truth
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    I hate that some idiots started running their mouths and spreading rumors. Courtesy of their stupidity, I had to shut down my tattoo business...
    Damn man, I am so sorry.

    Thanks, guys, but it's cool. I actually feel less stressed out without the knowledge that I "have to get the flash" drawn up or being in a hurry to get to an appointment. Downsizing and doing strictly appointments on who I want, when I want was probably the best thing I've done.
  • Amos_UmwhatAmos_Umwhat Posts: 9,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hate walking into what passes for a tobacco store, asking if they have pipe tobacco and being shown a wall full of mislabelled cigarette tobacco, right above the roll-ur-own machines and tubes, and then when I look at them I get:

    "Oh. You mean like you smoke in a pipe?"

    yeah, that kind of pipe tobacco
    WARNING:  The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme.  Proceed at your own risk.  

    "If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." --  Mark Twain
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