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    NorCalR1NorCalR1 Posts: 4,197 ✭✭✭✭✭

    82 and blue skies

    If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience :D
    If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....

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    TX98Z28TX98Z28 Posts: 2,448 ✭✭✭✭✭

    ^^^About the exact same here today, snows all gone, everyones landscaping is fried! So post to rain for days straight now.

    If you quote me do the @TX98Z28 in your text or I won't be notified of your quote, Thanks.
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    CtheHamCtheHam Posts: 205 ✭✭✭✭

    It actually got up to 57 today. Hopefully when I get home tonight a lot of our snow will have melted. Looking at the low 50's this weekend too. Unfortunately I found out I have to work this weekend, so I will not really be able to get out and enjoy it.

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    ShawnOLShawnOL Posts: 8,752 ✭✭✭✭✭

    First 70* day of the year and enjoying a smoke outside.

    Trapped in the People's Communits Republic of Massachusetts.

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    silvermousesilvermouse Posts: 19,726 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Got up to 55° here but again dropping to overnight lows in the 20's by Sunday. Looks like we will have just enough wood to make it through mid-April.

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    First_WarriorFirst_Warrior Posts: 3,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    20 two nights ago and 66 today. Historically we have our biggest snows in March but that was 30 years ago. To quote B. D. " the times they are a changing"

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    webmostwebmost Posts: 7,713 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yesterday demonstrated why Spring is such a popular idea., Threw a leg over my Versys650LT at 9:30 and arrived home at 6. I can tell you that the custom bucket seat I put on last month works... not even a whimper of monkey-butt all day.

    “It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)

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    Trykflyr_1Trykflyr_1 Posts: 2,503 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Not quite spring yet

    I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
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    peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 15,751 ✭✭✭✭✭

    ^^^how can the RealFeel be warmer than the actual air temp?

    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
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    Trykflyr_1Trykflyr_1 Posts: 2,503 ✭✭✭✭✭

    It's dead calm and really dry.

    I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
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    deadmandeadman Posts: 8,813 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is there a big difference when both numbers are negative

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    YaksterYakster Posts: 26,421 ✭✭✭✭✭

    It's a beautiful, sunny day in California but I'm spending it inside except for a few minutes when I had to rescue the one-eyed herf dog from being stuck under the rain gutter downspout. I then gave him a shower to wash off the stinky mud and decomposed leaves that he had all over him.

    I'm wanting to take my laptop to the patio to work, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get away yet today. Supposed to rain on Sunday.

    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
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    Trykflyr_1Trykflyr_1 Posts: 2,503 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @deadman said:
    Is there a big difference when both numbers are negative

    It's noticeable, surprisingly. This time of year the sun starts having an effect. It's still cold enough to frostbite exposed skin in 15 minutes or so, but it feels a lot warmer due to radiant warmth. Get into shadow and you're reminded right quick.

    I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
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    ShawnOLShawnOL Posts: 8,752 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Trykflyr_1 said:

    Not quite spring yet

    You couldn't pay me enough to live somewhere where it's below zero ten months of the year. I don't know how you do it.

    Trapped in the People's Communits Republic of Massachusetts.

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    Trykflyr_1Trykflyr_1 Posts: 2,503 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Three dog night. Too bad I only have one...

    I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
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    YaksterYakster Posts: 26,421 ✭✭✭✭✭

    How's the Colorado Snowpocolypse @raidermike? Someone posted this on PSD.

    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
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    CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Posts: 8,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2021

    60-70° most of last week and may have hit 80 one day. Starting this week off with 8" of snow.
    At this point at least we can say it won't last long.

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    TBonzTBonz Posts: 554 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Mid 70s here on the coast (Oriental, NC) yesterday. Upper 40s today...60s and 70s the rest of the week...Rain tomorrow...

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    Poker_SlobPoker_Slob Posts: 1,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Mrs. Slob and I live close to Buckley AFB. We got between 18 to 20 inches of snow. Fortunately, warmer temps and sunshine should have it melted in a couple days or so.

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    Trykflyr_1Trykflyr_1 Posts: 2,503 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Single digits here, but there's no - in front....yet. At least it's 40 degrees warmer than last week.

    I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
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    raidermikeraidermike Posts: 276 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Yakster said:
    How's the Colorado Snowpocolypse @raidermike? Someone posted this on PSD.

    That's a crazy pic!

    Well we got to our place around 5p.m. today from our 5 days out in Moab, UT. The streets were well maintained and clear here and throughout our drive over the mountain passes.

    Though our neighborhood doesn't get maintained by the city, there's a local resident who has a tractor and does some clearing. We asked another neighbor to clear our driveway....he used our snowblower, so that was nice to come home to! At our local mall, there's snow mounds 20' high!!! It's been relatively warm, and as spring snow storms go, it's melting very quickly. It'll be in the low 60's by this weekend!!!


    Things are about to get interesting...

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    IndustMechIndustMech Posts: 4,737 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad you made it home safe, Mike

    I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
    Let's eat, GrandMa.  /  Let's eat GrandMa.  --  Punctuation saves lives

    It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.

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    YaksterYakster Posts: 26,421 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, that's good news indeed!

    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
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    d_bladesd_blades Posts: 3,812 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Pretty wild reports of a tornado about 7 miles south of the house last night. Woke up to an inch of snow this morning.

    Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.

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    RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 8,961 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just got tied off in the Nick of time. Torrential rain, high winds, serious lightning and supposed to get hail

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    VegasFrankVegasFrank Posts: 17,127 ✭✭✭✭✭

    71 and sunny here, but my leg is freaking hot.

    Disclaimer:  All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
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    Cam_91Cam_91 Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Might just live on the golf course this weekend

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    Trykflyr_1Trykflyr_1 Posts: 2,503 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Still spring.....

    I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
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