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Whatcha smokin tonight?



  • nickgonzonickgonzo Posts: 146
    Padilla 1932 I got in a PIF, I really enjoyed it! night yall!
  • gaberoxgaberox Posts: 824
    Had a RP 1961 toro with a month in the humi. was a very very pretty looking cigar. Amazing construction, burn and draw with an amazing looking wrapper. Flavor was very nice through the 1st half. Wasnt paying to much attention to pick out flavors but coffee, rich tobacco and a little citrus maybe. Slight spice on the outset. Probably needed more rest as it got harsh toward the last 3rd and I know these are pretty new. Would love to try another one. Overall a very nice experience.

    Had a Padilla habano next which was no where near ready. Only been in the humi for a day. Also had some construction problems as the cap was applied very poorly. This made for a sloppy cut. Flavor was not bad at all but the wrapper just split all the way down the side about half way through. I was kinda upset the 5 pack I got came in a plastic bag with no cellos and 2 of them had damaged wrappers at the head. Gona let these sit for a good while before trying another. It did however burn very evenly for the amount of it I did get to smoke.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Did you like the mx2? I found it to have more flavor.
    MX2 had a nice kick to it, I remember it left me feeling a bit queasy, so I have held off trying it again. I do have another that I got from our pal Maddy, Chocolate taste, early on changing to woody. Growing in strength as the cigar burned nicely. Sweet and smooth..again nice flavor, construction, and burn. But, not a box purchase for me.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    today i smoked a Room 101... the new brand from Camacho. It has honduran and dominican tobaccos.
    wrapper: semilla 101 (honduras)
    binder: Honduran
    filler: honduran, dominican

    it started out kinda flat but took off in the second third. the last third toned down again. its not the best thing camacho has put out but its worth a shot.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Had a Gurkha Park Avenue Churchill good but not really memorable. I'll come back in 3 months to see what it's like then.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I wasn't a fan of the Park Avenue, very light and wasn't very flavorful to my tastes...

    I had three cigars today, a nub conni this morning, and a camacho liberty 08 followed by a gurkha empire III. Both of the last two really made my office smell good!
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Went out on the patio and smoked a La Aroma de Cuba while watching Chinatown. The movie was excellent and the cigar was pretty good, the first half was a bit underwhelming but the second half improved quite a bit. The only downer was that it was freaking cold outside on the patio.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    I have had 5 cigars in the last two days. Last night I started with a Hemingway Between the lines. As cool as they look I'm just not getting into them. Then I had a ISOM Monti #2 that I got in Switzerland May 07. Then I finished with a Cask Strength II. Not sure how long I've had it. Maybe 8 months????

    Today, I started with a Cain Habano. This cigar reminds me exactly of the Triple Ligero. Burn got messed up but corrected itself. Then on the way home from the gig I had a Cain Maduro. This tasted similar to the Habano but different enough. Same thing with the burn, fixed itself. I'm all smoked out!
  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    After coming 2nd place in a costume contest ($50 Tab at my favorite bar) I smoked a Graycliff 1666... Pretty good flavor but burned a wee bit hot and the coffee/espresso turned to burnt grounds... but still a great stick for free!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    After coming 2nd place in a costume contest ($50 Tab at my favorite bar) I smoked a Graycliff 1666... Pretty good flavor but burned a wee bit hot and the coffee/espresso turned to burnt grounds... but still a great stick for free!
    so basically like drinking starbucks coffee? ouch, sorry lassy.
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Posts: 2,567
    I've done a few over the past few days. I smoked a 5 Vegas Gold which is one of my favorite everyday smokes. I had some Gray Goose Vodka and Cran Grape Juice with this. Needless to say it was a little over powered by the drink but still a good mid-day smoke and light on my taste buds. Then I moved onto one of the box pressed micro-batches from Gurka w/Jack & Coke. Another good smoke but I tried to stay away from the drink so as not to over power the smoke. Finally I found a very good match. Nica Libre 1990 and Hazelnut Coffee. Let me start off by saying I'm not a fu fu coffee guy. I started drinking coffee in the Army and like it strong or stronger. If you are looking for a great complement to the coffee nutty chocolate flavor of this smoke try it out. It tasted like I was smoking a chocolate coffee stick. It was amazing! So guys raid your girlfriends and wives coffee and make some hazelnut coffee for a great pair with the Nica Libre 1990!!!
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    After coming 2nd place in a costume contest ($50 Tab at my favorite bar) I smoked a Graycliff 1666... Pretty good flavor but burned a wee bit hot and the coffee/espresso turned to burnt grounds... but still a great stick for free!

    Were you dressed as a can of Miller Lite ?
  • Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Posts: 930
    I had a 601 Green this morning. Definitely a good smoke, but I kinda hyped up too much in my head. I'll be picking more up though. If I'm not too wiped out after work when I get off tonight, I might enjoy a smoke, but I'm not sure what yet. I might go with the Diesel since I haven't had one in a couple of days.
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Posts: 2,567
    Tonight is the Graycliff 1666 as I pass out candy to the kiddies.....j/k that would be rude. This one is for the fallen master mind behind Graycliff and all the other BOTL that have passed. RIP On a different note Happy Halloween be safe out there as there is an extra hour in some places for the bars to be open tonight.
  • Poker_SlobPoker_Slob Posts: 1,269 ✭✭✭✭✭
    For passing out candy tonight...I choose a Graycliff 1666 and The Dalmore Cigar Malt scotch as the drink of choice this evening.
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Posts: 2,567
    Poker Slob:
    For passing out candy tonight...I choose a Graycliff 1666 and The Dalmore Cigar Malt scotch as the drink of choice this evening.
    Nice choice all I had left was Jameson so it will have to do for tonight. How was your GC 1666 mine is awesome!
  • HugemooseHugemoose Posts: 458
    I had a Ccom Brazilian Label Robusto the other night. Wow. Just.....wow. I no longer have peach fuzz on my fingers anymore because of that cigar. I am such a huge fan a maduros this was right up my alley. Sweet, smooth, rich, no real spice......simply perfect. Just my kind of cigar.

    As soon as I have room I will be getting a box of these. The only real question now is what size should I get?!
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Last night I smoked the JDN Antano I got from Jozer and WOW! What a flavor bomb this thing was! Very strong flavorful cigar and I was very impressed! This is one I will be getting more of without a doubt! I smoked it down to the nub and was wishing I had about 3 more inches... I know I know... Thats what she said! lol Before anyone else goes there! haha

    After that I smoked a CI Legends Don Pepin and I honestly wasn't too impressed. I've had 2 or 3 of the different legends blends now and none of them have blown me away. This one just didn't have as much flavor. My friend was smoking the new La Aroma de Cuba Don Pepin blend and it was fantastic. I had a few puffs off of it and it was great! Not nearly as stong as the JDN I was smoking at the time, but such a smooth flavor. I will be getting some of those as well!
  • I have developed a habit of lunching at my local B & M on Saturday's. Today I tried the Oliva Series V torpedo. It was even more powerful than I remembered. It really tore me up a lot more than I expected. I will definitely have to order some from CCOM for aging.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Had a Don Pepin Tabacos Baez belicoso this afternoon, very tasty cigar but the draw was very tight. Later was a La Aurora Cien Años belicoso, this cigar has one of the nicest prelight aromas I've smelled but the flavor fell short of the mark. Getting ready now to go out and enjoy an Oliva Serie V Maduro...hopefully I survive this one.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    Just finished a Gurka Empire II. THis one was not bad. I didn't Nub it. I just got home and it wasn't done and I didn't feel like smoking it tomorrow but the last two inches were going down hill. Not as fast as the Empire I though.
  • Had a Perdomo Grand Cru Corojo and wow great smoke!
  • HaysHays Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭
    Tried my first Chateau Real at the B&M today... Overall, I wasn't entirely impressed... but it wasn't bad.
    ¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen

    ¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Had an Arganese Maduro Figurado.... kinda creamy might let a few of them age.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    I had a Ccom Brazilian Label Robusto the other night. Wow. Just.....wow. I no longer have peach fuzz on my fingers anymore because of that cigar. I am such a huge fan a maduros this was right up my alley. Sweet, smooth, rich, no real spice......simply perfect. Just my kind of cigar.

    As soon as I have room I will be getting a box of these. The only real question now is what size should I get?!
    I highly reccomend the Corona, the wrapper is such a flavor bomb and it really gets to shine in that size.

    After that I smoked a CI Legends Don Pepin and I honestly wasn't too impressed. I've had 2 or 3 of the different legends blends now and none of them have blown me away.
    Have you tried the Orange (RP) or Purple (Graycliff) labels yet? Those two are by far the best in that series IMO, and both are very good smokes.

    Had a Nording with about 5 months on it last night, one of the little Torpedos. Man, these things just get better the longer they sit. I am really wishing I had picked up the Toros or Robustos instead of the Torpedos now though. Right now I am having a Pinar del Rio Clasico. Nothing spectacular, just your run-of-the-mill Connecticut. Not bad for a morning smoke.
  • HugemooseHugemoose Posts: 458
    I had a Ccom Brazilian Label Robusto the other night. Wow. Just.....wow. I no longer have peach fuzz on my fingers anymore because of that cigar. I am such a huge fan a maduros this was right up my alley. Sweet, smooth, rich, no real spice......simply perfect. Just my kind of cigar.

    As soon as I have room I will be getting a box of these. The only real question now is what size should I get?!
    I highly reccomend the Corona, the wrapper is such a flavor bomb and it really gets to shine in that size.
    Good to know....thanks! I had been looking at the torpedo but I almost don't want to commit to a box until I try all the sizes. It is a shame ccom is out of stock on the huge Brazilian label sampler. I will give them a call in a awhile and work something out. I can't wait to have more of these on hand!
  • shamrockedshamrocked Posts: 285
    I had a Ccom Brazilian Label Robusto the other night. Wow. Just.....wow. I no longer have peach fuzz on my fingers anymore because of that cigar. I am such a huge fan a maduros this was right up my alley. Sweet, smooth, rich, no real spice......simply perfect. Just my kind of cigar.

    As soon as I have room I will be getting a box of these. The only real question now is what size should I get?!
    I highly reccomend the Corona, the wrapper is such a flavor bomb and it really gets to shine in that size.
    Good to know....thanks! I had been looking at the torpedo but I almost don't want to commit to a box until I try all the sizes. It is a shame ccom is out of stock on the huge Brazilian label sampler. I will give them a call in a awhile and work something out. I can't wait to have more of these on hand!
    Yea i have been wanting to split that huge sampler with a friend but they have been sold out online for a while - i ended up deciding to buy some shorter smokes and went with the cao brazilia cariocas. Thanks for the toro suggestion too alien ... i never know what size to go with in a lot of cigars and tend to always gravitate towards robusto sizes
  • Just finished a Perdomo Habano Maduro in the robusto size....good quality smoke, nothing too special though.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I had a Ccom Brazilian Label Robusto the other night. Wow. Just.....wow. I no longer have peach fuzz on my fingers anymore because of that cigar. I am such a huge fan a maduros this was right up my alley. Sweet, smooth, rich, no real spice......simply perfect. Just my kind of cigar.

    As soon as I have room I will be getting a box of these. The only real question now is what size should I get?!
    I highly reccomend the Corona, the wrapper is such a flavor bomb and it really gets to shine in that size.

    After that I smoked a CI Legends Don Pepin and I honestly wasn't too impressed. I've had 2 or 3 of the different legends blends now and none of them have blown me away.
    Have you tried the Orange (RP) or Purple (Graycliff) labels yet? Those two are by far the best in that series IMO, and both are very good smokes.

    Had a Nording with about 5 months on it last night, one of the little Torpedos. Man, these things just get better the longer they sit. I am really wishing I had picked up the Toros or Robustos instead of the Torpedos now though. Right now I am having a Pinar del Rio Clasico. Nothing spectacular, just your run-of-the-mill Connecticut. Not bad for a morning smoke.
    I have actually had the Orange label and wasn't all that impressed. It wasn't a bad smoke by any means, but I didn't think it was that great. I haven't tried the Purple yet, but I think my buddy has a couple in the humi.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Yesterday was a DE Tabak Especial , a always delicious smoke IMHO , 2nd smoke yesterday was a CAO Criollo Pampa , I believe 4.5 x 38 ... I am really enjoying these smaller smokes, excellent flavor wood and nuts ummmmm ...Don't know if I'll get one in tonight or not ...
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