What are you reading tonight ...

Since we have every other what do you like thread, I figured a what are you reading would be appropriate. Feel free to discuss, recommend, etc.
Right now I'm reading Catcher in the Rye not doing a whole lot for me at the moment but I haven't hit a point yet that quite explains all the rambling. That said that at least its been entertaining so far.
One of my favorite books is Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedas(lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers). The whole book all you can say, he's one Lucky b@stard.
Right now I'm reading Catcher in the Rye not doing a whole lot for me at the moment but I haven't hit a point yet that quite explains all the rambling. That said that at least its been entertaining so far.
One of my favorite books is Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedas(lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers). The whole book all you can say, he's one Lucky b@stard.
CCNA ICND1 CCENT book. I better pass this freakin test.
Now I'm reading "Hollywood Crows" by Joseph Wambaugh. Good cop story.
And late last night I started a book my wife got me for Christmas, How Football Explains America, by Sal Paolintonio. Good first chapter.
then i started to think about it. Im on page 85.
im such a nerd
As for me, I'm in a slump...I am halfway through Brave New World and about halfway through Noam Chomsky's Failed States. I plan to finish off BNW soon, but Chomsky is hard for me to digest as well, so it may be some time before I get around to finishing that one.
Jozer - is that Huxley?
Yea I finished Catcher last night. It made you think and its more of a discussion book, than it is an entertaining book. Must be why it appeals so much to your wife and mine, maybe they should call each other and discuss. We could smoke a cigar in peace? ha
I think I'm going to go grab The House of Mondavi today as my next read. Luko mentioned it earlier and I looked it up. Now I'm interested.
As far as reading, I really like a good "thinking" book, but Catcher in the Rye just didn't seem very deep to me. I suppose I look for a book to make a statement. Stuff like The Time Machine, Fahrenheit 451, or Player Piano. Although I do like a good book that is purely for entertainment as well, but it has to keep my attention the whole way. The Catcher in the Rye just seemed to be a basic picture of an immature jerk and his relationship with his sister. I had another immature jerk to deal with in A Clockwork Orange, but that book was so much better because it said something, other than simply painting a static picture.
I meant a discussion book not a thinking book. You know what I mean, a book that is its best when people are discussing it amongst each other not one person thinking and dissecting. I'm trying to think of another book like that. Maybe Huckleberry Finn
Duty, glad to hear you are doing well.
Maddy, I tend to hold conversations with myself, so maybe that's why the discussion books don't really do anything for me
Maddy, I'm confident you'll like The House of Mondavi.