Our rescue is a bit smaller than most. She only weighs in at about 13-14 ounces.
When we got her she was abused and neglected to the point of being near death, Had mites and was near naked.
After a few days of good food and medication she began to perk up, even stood up straight. While watching TV on the sofa, she laid her head against me ear and in a little girls voice I heard "i love you" I immediately told the wife that she is not going back or leaving us.
Nikita is now a aprox 17 year old African Grey Parrot. She has a vocabulary of around 200 words, and countless noises and whistles. She can mimic the sounds of your cell phone after only hearing them once. So well that you will come from the other room to answer your phone or see who is texting or emailing you. Don't bother changing your ringtone, she will learn that after the phone rings only a few times. I have the theme from Game of Thrones as mine, she doesn't seem to be able to copy the bass
Logistics cannot win a war, but its absence or inadequacy can cause defeat. FM100-5
Got a new rescue 2 days ago. Meet BACON. Been giving him Sea Salt and Truffle flavored potato chips. Seasoning from the inside out.
When's the pig roast?
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Wow, they are coming from all directions. Another rescue. Meet Bella, orphaned at 6 months. Very sad little horse, but one of the older mini horse rescues is watching over her.
Well Well Well We have been waiting for a miniature horse and a miniature donkey to give birth for what seems like years. My wife has just informed me the donkey is down, and in the shelter we made for just such an event. She has told me to keep it quiet because it is Seth's, our grandson, favorite mini. And it is his birthday. Wouldn't the timing be perfect.....
We had a baby. Pumpkin finally popped. A little baby mini mule. Pumpkin was starting to look like one.
Both are doing well. All of the other horses have seen the baby and approve. A little worried about severe weather moving in. I wanted to name it 5 Vegas Nugget. Where do wives come up with those looks?
An organic pet food company was forced to issue a recall after samples of its product tested positive for a drug commonly used for euthanasia. The recall affects Party Animal’s Cocolicious Beef & Turkey dog food as well as its Cocolicious Chicken & Beef dog food.
Since so many of us have pets should I, would you guys like a separate heading for pet food recalls.
150lb 7 year old female English Mastiff rescued 2 years ago. We have 11k into her. She had a tough life. Laying in man cave while I'm smoking a stick. And a younger Treeing walker coonhound we rescued also 2 years ago. Also enjoys man cave on hot day.
My next door neighbor has two hounds of some sort. He told me they were bred for their voice. I'll bet you could hear either of them a couple miles away in the woods. Very loud with a very strong timbre to their voice.
He's had them since before he moved in a couple years ago and, to my knowledge, they've never been out if their back yard. Why would a person have dogs of that type if not for **** hunting or something similar? Just to annoy their neighbors??
United Pet Group, a Virginia-based manufacturer of pet
supplies, is voluntarily recalling multiple packages of rawhide dog chew
products due to possible chemical contamination.
The recall, which is limited to dog chew products that contain rawhide, involves the following products:
Product Name: American Beefhide
Size: All package sizes and/or weights
Expiration Date: 06/01/2019 through 05/31/2020
Lot Code: Only products with lot codes that start with AH
Product Name: Digest-eeze
Size: All package sizes and/or weights
Expiration Date: 06/01/2019 through 05/31/2020
Lot Code: Only products with lot codes that start with AH, AV, A, AI, AO, or AB
Rawhide Dog Chews Recall Expands to Include More Brands
June 19, 2017 — United Pet Group, a division of Spectrum Brands, Inc., is voluntarily expanding its recall of multiple rawhide dog chew products to include private label brands.
The recall was initiated due to possible chemical contamination and includes the affected brands and products below.
Can someone explain to me why people think it is a good idea to tie up a dog out in the yard all day long, barking non-stop? Then when you talk to them about it, they give you that, "we can't leave it inside, cause it tears things up."
Well, dumbass, it tears things up, because YOU didn't take the time with it to train it properly. And.......if you can't spend the time with the damn thing, get rid of it. Because you are the problem, not the dog.
This one person, gave me the "Doesn't your dog bark?" If my dog barks, you best pay attention, cause either you are someplace you shouldn't be or someone is in his space and he's telling you that you get one warning.
Then they give me that, "yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" Well, leaving a dog outside all day on an 80 degree day with no water is neglect. Neglect is a fine-able offense. Then there are noise ordinances, even on the outskirts of town and that is a fine. So, since I promised momma a long time ago, I wouldn't smash in someone's face for being stupid, there are things that I can do without doing it.
Listening to a small yappy dog barking all day is one of those really irritating noises and I have no problem telling those people as much.
Anyways, that's my rant. LOL!
In Fumo Pax Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
We have 2 dogs that are driveway alarms. Anyone comes down the road we know about it. We have 2 dogs that are the night watch. Any coyotes or foxes attempting murder are met by Annie and Mad Max. The only other barking is low key at my BR door and it means "give us a treat". Good system. There is one more. A kind of low level growing from River telling me to move Cally and Mat from his spot on the bed.
Yeah, well, R2knee2 has a yap dog. Yap dogs gotta yap. It's what they do.
Sweet little thing tho.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Yeah, well, R2knee2 has a yap dog. Yap dogs gotta yap. It's what they do.
Sweet little thing tho.
Do you tie it up outside all day to bark non-stop? I understand that yappy dogs are yappy dogs, but if you leave it tied up outside all day, to bark non-stop, then you are part of the problem.
Not a fan of little yappy dogs to start with, but have no understanding why anyone would tie them up out in their yard all day. Then again, I'm sure that the eagles and hawks won't mind it. LOL!
In Fumo Pax Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
We have had a few problems with Possums here. I know, east coasters call them Opossums, but here, they are possums, Anyways, this possum was rummaging around the shed the other night, so we put out a live trap and figured we'd check it once in a while and relocate it.
Well, this morning, the trap had something in it, but it wasn't a possum, it was a very large pissed off raccoon.
So we took it out into the woods and let it go, but now I don't know how many of the damn things are coming into the shed.
Our dog was so pissed off at the raccoon that he wouldn't even let momma near the cage. LOL!
In Fumo Pax Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
This is Joey, fresh from the vets for a checkup, shots, snip snip and an ID implant. We actually found him on the side of the road a few months ago, hit by a car and shaking like a leaf. Thought we had a family for him but we took him back, he was being mistreated. He has turned into a real little hugger and loves it here.
Sidney our Pit is on the way to the vets. Does not look good.
He literally came to live here when he followed me home. Sweet beautiful dog. He would have been a house dog but we have a little dog with a Napoleon complex and Sidney would have ate him. So Sidney had his own area and watched over the chickens (and ate their eggs when we gave him one) all day. Everyone visited him regularly and I made sure he had treats like everyone else. He was a chubby roly poly happy guy and Annie and him would frequently be seen playing together.
We don't like putting our little friends to sleep, we much rather they went quietly in their sleep from old age. I don't think Sidney is even 10 years old.
Good news, the vet thinks he will be OK after a hosing out and some heart med and something else. We will know in 2 days. I just realized I do not have a single photo of sidney, maybe I'll get the chance to correct that.
Just heard from the vet. It's all bad, and the inevitable will happen this afternoon. He was such a good dog. A pitbull that loved everyone and would even lay on his back while the smaller chickens picked the fleas and ticks off him. RIP Sydney. Paraphrase one of our great philosophers: "When I die, if there are no dogs in heaven, I want to go where the dogs are".
When we got her she was abused and neglected to the point of being near death, Had mites and was near naked.
After a few days of good food and medication she began to perk up, even stood up straight. While watching TV on the sofa, she laid her head against me ear and in a little girls voice I heard "i love you" I immediately told the wife that she is not going back or leaving us.
Nikita is now a aprox 17 year old African Grey Parrot. She has a vocabulary of around 200 words, and countless noises and whistles. She can mimic the sounds of your cell phone after only hearing them once. So well that you will come from the other room to answer your phone or see who is texting or emailing you. Don't bother changing your ringtone, she will learn that after the phone rings only a few times. I have the theme from Game of Thrones as mine, she doesn't seem to be able to copy the bass
We have been waiting for a miniature horse and a miniature donkey to give birth for what seems like years.
My wife has just informed me the donkey is down, and in the shelter we made for just such an event.
She has told me to keep it quiet because it is Seth's, our grandson, favorite mini. And it is his birthday. Wouldn't the timing be perfect.....
Pumpkin finally popped.
A little baby mini mule.
Pumpkin was starting to look like one.
Both are doing well. All of the other horses have seen the baby and approve.
A little worried about severe weather moving in.
I wanted to name it 5 Vegas Nugget. Where do wives come up with those looks?
Since so many of us have pets should I, would you guys like a separate heading for pet food recalls.
He's had them since before he moved in a couple years ago and, to my knowledge, they've never been out if their back yard. Why would a person have dogs of that type if not for **** hunting or something similar? Just to annoy their neighbors??
i don't understand.....
United Pet Group Recalls Rawhide Dog Chew Products
United Pet Group, a Virginia-based manufacturer of pet supplies, is voluntarily recalling multiple packages of rawhide dog chew products due to possible chemical contamination.
The recall, which is limited to dog chew products that contain rawhide, involves the following products:
Product Name: American Beefhide
Size: All package sizes and/or weights
Expiration Date: 06/01/2019 through 05/31/2020
Lot Code: Only products with lot codes that start with AH
Product Name: Digest-eeze
Size: All package sizes and/or weights
Expiration Date: 06/01/2019 through 05/31/2020
Lot Code: Only products with lot codes that start with AH, AV, A, AI, AO, or AB
Product Name: Healthy Hide (including Healthy Hide Good-n-Fit and Healthy Hide Good-n-Fun)
Size: All package sizes and/or weights
Expiration Date: 06/01/2019 through 05/31/2020
Consumers can find expiration dates and lot codes on the back of the package.
According to United Pet Group’s recall notice, certain manufacturing facilities in Mexico and Colombia, as well as a Brazilian supplier,>
They do do look comfortable in their new home. This one is Bella.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Rawhide Dog Chews Recall Expands to Include More Brands
June 19, 2017 — United Pet Group, a division of Spectrum Brands, Inc., is voluntarily expanding its recall of multiple rawhide dog chew products to include private label brands.
The recall was initiated due to possible chemical contamination and includes the affected brands and products below.
Then when you talk to them about it, they give you that, "we can't leave it inside, cause it tears things up."
Well, dumbass, it tears things up, because YOU didn't take the time with it to train it properly. And.......if you can't spend the time with the damn thing, get rid of it. Because you are the problem, not the dog.
This one person, gave me the "Doesn't your dog bark?"
If my dog barks, you best pay attention, cause either you are someplace you shouldn't be or someone is in his space and he's telling you that you get one warning.
Then they give me that, "yeah, what are you gonna do about it?"
Well, leaving a dog outside all day on an 80 degree day with no water is neglect.
Neglect is a fine-able offense. Then there are noise ordinances, even on the outskirts of town and that is a fine.
So, since I promised momma a long time ago, I wouldn't smash in someone's face for being stupid, there are things that I can do without doing it.
Listening to a small yappy dog barking all day is one of those really irritating noises and I have no problem telling those people as much.
Anyways, that's my rant. LOL!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
We have 2 dogs that are driveway alarms. Anyone comes down the road we know about it.
We have 2 dogs that are the night watch. Any coyotes or foxes attempting murder are met by Annie and Mad Max.
The only other barking is low key at my BR door and it means "give us a treat".
Good system.
There is one more. A kind of low level growing from River telling me to move Cally and Mat from his spot on the bed.
Annie resting from the night watch,
Sweet little thing tho.
I understand that yappy dogs are yappy dogs, but if you leave it tied up outside all day, to bark non-stop, then you are part of the problem.
Not a fan of little yappy dogs to start with, but have no understanding why anyone would tie them up out in their yard all day.
Then again, I'm sure that the eagles and hawks won't mind it. LOL!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I know, east coasters call them Opossums, but here, they are possums,
Anyways, this possum was rummaging around the shed the other night, so we put out a live trap and figured we'd check it once in a while and relocate it.
Well, this morning, the trap had something in it, but it wasn't a possum, it was a very large pissed off raccoon.
So we took it out into the woods and let it go, but now I don't know how many of the damn things are coming into the shed.
Our dog was so pissed off at the raccoon that he wouldn't even let momma near the cage. LOL!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
We actually found him on the side of the road a few months ago, hit by a car and shaking like a leaf.
Thought we had a family for him but we took him back, he was being mistreated.
He has turned into a real little hugger and loves it here.
I think he ways about 3 ounces.
He literally came to live here when he followed me home. Sweet beautiful dog.
He would have been a house dog but we have a little dog with a Napoleon complex and Sidney would have ate him.
So Sidney had his own area and watched over the chickens (and ate their eggs when we gave him one) all day. Everyone visited him regularly and I made sure he had treats like everyone else. He was a chubby roly poly happy guy and Annie and him would frequently be seen playing together.
We don't like putting our little friends to sleep, we much rather they went quietly in their sleep from old age. I don't think Sidney is even 10 years old.
Good news, the vet thinks he will be OK after a hosing out and some heart med and something else. We will know in 2 days. I just realized I do not have a single photo of sidney, maybe I'll get the chance to correct that.
He was such a good dog. A pitbull that loved everyone and would even lay on his back while the smaller chickens picked the fleas and ticks off him.
RIP Sydney.
Paraphrase one of our great philosophers:
"When I die, if there are no dogs in heaven, I want to go where the dogs are".