Went to In-N-Out to pick up lunch and got a Cheeseburger Animal Style with chopped chillies, fries light well, and an iced tea and I'm starting to feel better now.
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Yesterday, up at 4:30 for grits and an egg. At my studio at 5:00 made some of Peter's famous bean coffee and burned a robusto.
Painted for two hours. Hit the grocery store when it opened and out in 1/2 hour. Got home and put away the food, grabbed up my walking stick and hit the old log trail. Back after a hour and a half and planted a flat of Collards for our winter garden. Tried to catch up on the mowing and mowed for 45 minutes. Opened up my other's kiln shed. Lucy sold all the parts to build a large gas kiln and a guy was coming over to get the parts. When the guy arrived with a U-Haul started to help him load. Loaded up 1200 soft fire bricks at 3lbs each. Then the 300 hard fire bricks at 10 lbs each. Next the 28 kiln shelves at 15lbs each. All the gas lines and assorted heavy angle iron. Good thing he had a dually truck as we figured about 4000 pounds. Had a supper salad from the garden and hit the rack at 8:00. Sore and walking like a crab this morning. Good thing I been working out.
Got out of bed yesterday, walked to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee and my heart rate jumped from 55 bpm to 176. I am envious, Rodger, even light work for 10 minutes leaves me exhausted. Wasn't like that last year until a couple of vax shots. Could be coincidence or causation. Been nothing but trouble since then.
The power went down today, a fairly rare occurrence, right in the middle of golf and my cigar. It came back on 30 min. later, which was pretty good since they predicted 2 hours. The suckiest part was resetting all my clocks and appliances, which took another 30min.
Been picking up fallen apples in a orchard on my walk. I leave them on a deer trail that intersects my walking path. Deer scoop them up. Blackberries are in and I've got three places I get a snack on the way back.
Heard several Coyotes howling down in the spring hollow last night. This is the second time within a week that I heard them. I expect they are after the yearling whitetails. I have to go down there and do a scout. Going to hang my 10/22 by the door.
27.5 miles on the new road bike today, averaging 14 mph. Thinner tires, lighter bikes, different ergonomics, makes a difference in average speed. Passed a lot of harvested PA broadleaf tobacco fields and tobacco leaves hanging in drying barns here in Lancaster County, PA.
Heading to Duke for my three month CT scan.
Finally made it to the farmers market for dilly beans she only had 1 jar...better than nothing I guess
Glad you made it…but uhhhh…what the hell is a dilly bean????
Pickled green beans silly
You pickle them silly and then they're dilly. You northerners are weird. I've never heard of them either.
If I highlight an unfamiliar word or phrase on my phone, a panel at the bottom appears with an explaination. Dilly for Dill seasoning.
helping my Wife set up her classroom for the new school year. I'm starting to get hungry and it's impeding my spirit of helpfulness.
Went to In-N-Out to pick up lunch and got a Cheeseburger Animal Style with chopped chillies, fries light well, and an iced tea and I'm starting to feel better now.
Discovered this morning that I hadn't won the MegaMillions lottery last night. Oh well, guess I'm going to work tomorrow.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
So Thursday is your first Monday this week?
Second monday.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Yesterday, up at 4:30 for grits and an egg. At my studio at 5:00 made some of Peter's famous bean coffee and burned a robusto.
Painted for two hours. Hit the grocery store when it opened and out in 1/2 hour. Got home and put away the food, grabbed up my walking stick and hit the old log trail. Back after a hour and a half and planted a flat of Collards for our winter garden. Tried to catch up on the mowing and mowed for 45 minutes. Opened up my other's kiln shed. Lucy sold all the parts to build a large gas kiln and a guy was coming over to get the parts. When the guy arrived with a U-Haul started to help him load. Loaded up 1200 soft fire bricks at 3lbs each. Then the 300 hard fire bricks at 10 lbs each. Next the 28 kiln shelves at 15lbs each. All the gas lines and assorted heavy angle iron. Good thing he had a dually truck as we figured about 4000 pounds. Had a supper salad from the garden and hit the rack at 8:00. Sore and walking like a crab this morning. Good thing I been working out.
Got out of bed yesterday, walked to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee and my heart rate jumped from 55 bpm to 176. I am envious, Rodger, even light work for 10 minutes leaves me exhausted. Wasn't like that last year until a couple of vax shots. Could be coincidence or causation. Been nothing but trouble since then.
Here's to hoping it turns around for you, Edward, and for any other of us old coots that need some improvement.
Hang in there Edward, us youngsters depend on our Elder Statesmen
The power went down today, a fairly rare occurrence, right in the middle of golf and my cigar. It came back on 30 min. later, which was pretty good since they predicted 2 hours. The suckiest part was resetting all my clocks and appliances, which took another 30min.
Been picking up fallen apples in a orchard on my walk. I leave them on a deer trail that intersects my walking path. Deer scoop them up. Blackberries are in and I've got three places I get a snack on the way back.
Black berries? Hopefully not the ones left by the deer. Don't eat those.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
They are easy to tell apart. The ones left by deer don't have seeds and they aren't as sweet.
You probably know about the yellow snow too, right?
Heard several Coyotes howling down in the spring hollow last night. This is the second time within a week that I heard them. I expect they are after the yearling whitetails. I have to go down there and do a scout. Going to hang my 10/22 by the door.
Think I might have caught a cold. Y'all don't come over for at least a week. Bet I caught it from of one you, anyway.
Nolite Oblivisci Peniculus Dentes
Feel better soon, Chris.
Thanks. 👍👍
Nolite Oblivisci Peniculus Dentes
Definitely have a cold.

Nolite Oblivisci Peniculus Dentes
27.5 miles on the new road bike today, averaging 14 mph. Thinner tires, lighter bikes, different ergonomics, makes a difference in average speed. Passed a lot of harvested PA broadleaf tobacco fields and tobacco leaves hanging in drying barns here in Lancaster County, PA.
Still not clear how this happened but sawyer had an accident yesterday

Good Lord!
I bet whoever was on the other end of that hook got Sawyer to go exactly where they wanted him to go.