@Yakster said:
My daughter's laptop wouldn't boot yesterday. She got a new pen tablet and I think it may have had something to do with shutting down the computer with the tablet plugged in, but I don't know. Nothing we tried would work.
I decided to pull the battery, but found that after searching the house and the garage that I didn't have the tiny Torx T4 bit to remove the bottom cover screws. I quick email to my neighbor and I found out he had a set.
He left the screwdrivers in the rocks between our houses and I bravely went out front and sanitized and retrieved the bits. Removed the screws, unplugged the battery, held the power button down for ten seconds, plugged the battery back in and snapped on the bottom cover and everything is working fine now. I did remember to put the screws back in and I didn't even end up with any extra parts.
Luckily, my daughter is on Spring Break so she didn't need the laptop for school. I ordered the right bits from Amazon, they are expected some time in May.
problem with electronics is you can't fix 'em with either duct tape or WD-40. What have we brought upon ourselves?
I weighed out two grams of Robusta coffee from India that @silvermouse gave me and I recently roasted up and 16 grams of a Guatemala coffee that I roasted up and fixed a nice espresso shot in my Robot manual espresso machine. Nice tasting and woke me up. I've been wondering why I've been feeling so lethargic working from home these last five weeks, I think it's because I've only been drinking one cup of coffee a day.
Earlier, I set out the mini cones in the back yard and kicked a soccer ball around them to get the blood pumping. I did this yesterday too after my Wife told me I couldn't walk around the block without wearing a mask and expect to be let back in the house when I got back and since I was only thinking of taking a walk to enjoy a pipe I decided to stay at home.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
For the first time in twenty years, my boss just randomly texts me at 8:30 am and says I can lock up the shop and take the rest of the day off. I was home and back in bed in less than an hour.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Baked 4 bread loaves (3 go to the sig other & her family) and made up a batch of city chicken. Did haackbratten yesterday so lunch is covered fir the week.
I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
I bailed for a while, emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it, cleaned and started steaming a Dungeness crab, fed the dog, now I'm back on the conference.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
@Yakster said:
City chicken? Is that like City Chinese on South Park?
Back in the day, early 20th Century, chicken was pretty spendy, pork wasn't. City chicken is cubed pork tenderloin, seasoned, run onto a short skewer, breaded, then deep fried. Bonus points if you shape it like a drumstick. I don't. Recipe I use is my grandmother's.
I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
Hit the hay last night at 12:10am. Got up to pee at 5:30, went back to sleep, and next thing I know it's 11:25. I guess that's what happens when you live with a clean conscience, you sleep like a spanked baby. And now I'm finishing my second cup of coffee, after 1pm.
Training day (week?). 38 company mandated CBT courses to slog through. Such exciting topics as workplace violence and 8 (count 'em!! EIGHT) on PPE items. Didn't know I needed a whole course on how to wear safety glasses.
I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
problem with electronics is you can't fix 'em with either duct tape or WD-40. What have we brought upon ourselves?
Lucky for me, our winters go directly into summer, so no spring cleaning for this guy.
Nailed up some solar lights to the fence. I don't think one of them is working, we'll find out later which one.
I weighed out two grams of Robusta coffee from India that @silvermouse gave me and I recently roasted up and 16 grams of a Guatemala coffee that I roasted up and fixed a nice espresso shot in my Robot manual espresso machine. Nice tasting and woke me up. I've been wondering why I've been feeling so lethargic working from home these last five weeks, I think it's because I've only been drinking one cup of coffee a day.
Earlier, I set out the mini cones in the back yard and kicked a soccer ball around them to get the blood pumping. I did this yesterday too after my Wife told me I couldn't walk around the block without wearing a mask and expect to be let back in the house when I got back and since I was only thinking of taking a walk to enjoy a pipe I decided to stay at home.
For the first time in twenty years, my boss just randomly texts me at 8:30 am and says I can lock up the shop and take the rest of the day off. I was home and back in bed in less than an hour.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Shaved myself with the straight razor, I normally listen to classical but decided to put on Cheech and Chong Los Cochinos instead.
got a semi-annual hair cut, still on the fence about shaving off my ratty beard.
Did someone say haircut?
looks like the shearing at the local farm's annual sheep festival. Your dog looks about as happy as the sheep.
Baked 4 bread loaves (3 go to the sig other & her family) and made up a batch of city chicken. Did haackbratten yesterday so lunch is covered fir the week.
City chicken? Is that like City Chinese on South Park?
On a Zoom conference with my family. I'm the only guy, they're all talking about hairstyles. The minutes are just dragging by so slowly...
I bailed for a while, emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it, cleaned and started steaming a Dungeness crab, fed the dog, now I'm back on the conference.
Back in the day, early 20th Century, chicken was pretty spendy, pork wasn't. City chicken is cubed pork tenderloin, seasoned, run onto a short skewer, breaded, then deep fried. Bonus points if you shape it like a drumstick. I don't. Recipe I use is my grandmother's.
Hit the hay last night at 12:10am. Got up to pee at 5:30, went back to sleep, and next thing I know it's 11:25. I guess that's what happens when you live with a clean conscience, you sleep like a spanked baby. And now I'm finishing my second cup of coffee, after 1pm.
Training day (week?). 38 company mandated CBT courses to slog through. Such exciting topics as workplace violence and 8 (count 'em!! EIGHT) on PPE items. Didn't know I needed a whole course on how to wear safety glasses.
Down by the river... Not Neil Young...

Going to get my garden going tomorrow, finish the trim in my hallway, and get more scotch, since I suddenly have lots of time on my hands.
MOW badge received.
My lazy ass will finally pack some boxes as well.
MOW badge received.
You going to put on some shorts or sweat pants and house slippers, Patrick?
I need Scotch too.
Absolutely not!
MOW badge received.
Made a smoothie to share with the family with the Ninja.
Fixed it for you.
^ Great movie
Death by powerpoint
Deposited checks with the mobile banking app after updating weekly reports.
Now I'm looking for a Lancero to light up.
Well it's pouring like a **** and 38 outside, guess I'll have a beer and garden stuff tomorrow.
MOW badge received.
Another fun filled day of powerpoint training geared for the lowest common denominator.
Sorry you have to sit through that ^.