Impeachment of the Month Hearing.

I watched from the opening gavel. A lot of pompous falderal from pencil neck Shitf. Family histories and patting selves on backs. Nunes called it like it is. If you missed his opening remarks you should make every effort to find it and listen to them, he did not pull his punches. Of course it went over Shift's head, he won't have to answer for his BS stunts.
I hate leaving but I need a shower (probably need another one after the hearing) and then to the bank to put my affairs in order (long overdue) and buy some dog food.
I will return and glue myself to the TV and the hearings. This is as historic as it gets and I hope everyone watches.
I hate leaving but I need a shower (probably need another one after the hearing) and then to the bank to put my affairs in order (long overdue) and buy some dog food.
I will return and glue myself to the TV and the hearings. This is as historic as it gets and I hope everyone watches.
Nothing will be accomplished and nobody will feel any consequences for their lies.
The only thing that will happen is the smear campaign may damage Trump at the voter box next year, if the Democrats can drag it out long enough. Who I would really like to see prosecuted is Schiff.
I would definitely Red Flag him.
Where is pelosi in all this mess?
Where is chuckie glasses?
Are some dems hiding under the kitchen table?
Beyoncé Set To Perform At Trump Impeachment Halftime Show
Looks like Saint Joan of The Golden Arches is another complete fail.
I hope these "witnesses" are at least getting paid for their travel expenses.
When the elections come around how many snowflakes, efeminat weenies, green haired involuntary celibates, libs, dems and other assorted losers will remember the c.rap pelosi and shitf tied to pull while doing nothing they were hired to do.
The other thing that Washington is sooooooooooo good at is conning us into thinking what they do actually matters (I know it can and does, sometimes) and takes our focus off of local and state issues. What my mayor and aldermen, and my state legislature and governor do has waaaaay more impact on my everyday life. I'd have to really think hard to come up w/ something the Feds have done that has changed how I live (other than potentially, the FDA/cigar fiasco).
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Is he/she pulling a schiff?
They showed a witness. I said to myself, "he looks familiar." Looked him up.
President of the student government at my college when I was a freshman.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
He did a royal rip on the dems and Shitf. And unlike the dems and Shitf he had the video and witnesses to back it up.
I'm sure Shitf will portray him as a noble hero and the pedestal will be high.
Problem is he has changed his testimony too often to be believed. And Shitf will block any attempt to bring that up.
He loves power and sides up to anyone of influence.
But who knows, maybe he will have an epiphany and fess up.
Got Caught big time
They are eating his lunch
He is back to drinking a lot of water.......