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Things I Hate



  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    Walking on rocks in slip on cowboy boots. Thats all I wear, and all they have here is rocks and sand.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Walking on rocks in slip on cowboy boots. Thats all I wear, and all they have here is rocks and sand.
    I like your style. Did you bring em with you or did you order them?
    Light 'em up.
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    The price of textbooks.

    If I had spent what I was expected to at the campus book store it would have cost me about 600 dollars this semester. Just in books. My Chemistry book was $210 new, and 160 used. 160 dollars for a used friggen book! A book that's probably been in the bathroom! Multiple times!
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    The price of textbooks.

    If I had spent what I was expected to at the campus book store it would have cost me about 600 dollars this semester. Just in books. My Chemistry book was $210 new, and 160 used. 160 dollars for a used friggen book! A book that's probably been in the bathroom! Multiple times!
    Everything about higher education is an overpriced ripoff.

    Unfortunately, it is (IMHO) a NECESSARY overpriced ripoff...

  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    The Sniper:
    The price of textbooks.

    If I had spent what I was expected to at the campus book store it would have cost me about 600 dollars this semester. Just in books. My Chemistry book was $210 new, and 160 used. 160 dollars for a used friggen book! A book that's probably been in the bathroom! Multiple times!
    Everything about higher education is an overpriced ripoff.

    Unfortunately, it is (IMHO) a NECESSARY overpriced ripoff...

    Yep. Took me ten years to figure that out, and come back to school, but it is.

    I actually found that book's earlier edition, which is almost exactly the same, for about 40 bucks. Pretty happy with that. Found my Trig book, which was the same $210 price for 5 bucks! Also an earlier edition, but essentially the same. One nice thing about the really bohemian professors is they actually encourage this.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    The fact that I worked my ass for this one client and gave her special pricing and she ripped me on my evaluation...
    Motherf***ing B*tch!!!

  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    Walking on rocks in slip on cowboy boots. Thats all I wear, and all they have here is rocks and sand.
    I like your style. Did you bring em with you or did you order them?

    Tuff Box Baby! Oh yeah, I had to wait for 2 months but they got here. They streched unbelievably in the break in period so I will probably have to order a new pair while im here. I got 1 set of roppers and one set of slip ons.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Walking on rocks in slip on cowboy boots. Thats all I wear, and all they have here is rocks and sand.
    I like your style. Did you bring em with you or did you order them?

    Tuff Box Baby! Oh yeah, I had to wait for 2 months but they got here. They streched unbelievably in the break in period so I will probably have to order a new pair while im here. I got 1 set of roppers and one set of slip ons.
    Nice! I just emailed my mom asking if she'll send me mine.
    Light 'em up.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    2 Things I hate - Does anyone else hate following a da_mn septic tank pumping truck ... in the RAIN ?!?!?! Is it me or are those things just as gross and nasty looking as I think they are . I know their neccesary but dam_n thats a nasty looking ride . I don't / won't get close to one on the road , I guess I have a phobia of them haha !

    #2 - Any restaraunt , especially fast food ,managers please feel free to jump in on this one . I go to a local fast food burger joint ( national chain ) near my house about once a week. EVERY time I order a hamburger plain , nothing at all on it , just meat and bread for wife , and thats actually how I say it . I order myself a cheeseburger , mayo , ketchup and thats all .
    Every single time they ask me " do you want cheese on that hamburger ?" and " do you want CHEESE on that CHEESEBURGER ? " WTF !!!
    No , no I DON"T want CHEESE on that hamburger , you dumbfu_ck , if I did I would have ordered a CHEESEBURGER !!!
    And yes , I DO want CHEESE on that CHEESEBURGER , you dumbfu_ck , thats why it is called a CHEESEBURGER !!! If I didn't want CHEESE on it I would have ordered a hamburger dumbas_s !!!

    Now is it just me or who's to blame here ? Are we , as consumers , Too stupid to figure out if we want a cheeseburger to just order a damn cheeseburger ? That some 18 year old has to ask us if we want cheese on a cheeseburger ? Has anyone ever or ever heard of someone ordering a cheeseburger and said " I don't want cheese on that cheeseburger but was too dam_n stupid to order a hamburger or vise versa with the hamburger ??? WTF ?!?
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Not to disagree with your point Gene, I quite agree. One thing though...I have ordered a cheeseburger with no cheese before, reason being that the place doesn't offer a hamburger and the person I was ordering for didn't want cheese. Having said that, I felt like a damn fool ordering a cheeseburger with no cheese.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Not to disagree with your point Gene, I quite agree. One thing though...I have ordered a cheeseburger with no cheese before, reason being that the place doesn't offer a hamburger and the person I was ordering for didn't want cheese. Having said that, I felt like a damn fool ordering a cheeseburger with no cheese.

    I just had to get that rant off my chest Joe . I could see how in your situation and a limited menu it could work out that way and be a understandable question. I guess I really wonder with these guys offering both cheese and hamburgers , who actually made the decision to ask those questions ? Does management tell them to ask ? Do they do it thinking they are being careful not to screw-up the order ? Or do they think people are so mindless nowadays going about their daily life they must be treated like children ? Who knows !!!
  • HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭
    lol gmill this cracked me up. I attribute it to the ubiqitous 'upsale'. i.e. Do you want to supersize that? Do you want the extended warranty with that? Would you like to sign up for our frequent *whatever* club? How about the extra premium upcharge charge, hmm? hmm?
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Not to disagree with your point Gene, I quite agree. One thing though...I have ordered a cheeseburger with no cheese before, reason being that the place doesn't offer a hamburger and the person I was ordering for didn't want cheese. Having said that, I felt like a damn fool ordering a cheeseburger with no cheese.

    I just had to get that rant off my chest Joe . I could see how in your situation and a limited menu it could work out that way and be a understandable question. I guess I really wonder with these guys offering both cheese and hamburgers , who actually made the decision to ask those questions ? Does management tell them to ask ? Do they do it thinking they are being careful not to screw-up the order ? Or do they think people are so mindless nowadays going about their daily life they must be treated like children ? Who knows !!!
    I'm sure it's a lot of things Gene. Remember, as the consumer you're too dumb to know what you really want. On the flip side, that 16 year old working the register is too dumb to realize what the words "cheese" and "burger", when put together in a clever fashion, translate into. And lastly, corporate greed, they want to charge you an extra $.45 for that cheese even if you already ordered a cheeseburger, because, well, you know, more cheese is always a good thing...right? Smile [:)]
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Went by KFC on my way home tonight and got a container of macaroni and cheese ( for some reason I really like their mac and cheese ) . The young lady did not ask me if I wanted macaroni in my macaroni and cheese and she didn't ask if I wanted cheese in my macaroni and cheese , she just gave me my macaroni and cheese with a pleasant smile ( she had all of her teeth and they were the color teeth are supposed to be - white ) and said " Have a good night sir ! " .

    Ahhhhhh ... Thank you KFC !!!

    If you don't understand why this is in this thread read back a few posts at my previous rant .
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Went by KFC on my way home tonight and got a container of macaroni and cheese ( for some reason I really like their mac and cheese ) . The young lady did not ask me if I wanted macaroni in my macaroni and cheese and she didn't ask if I wanted cheese in my macaroni and cheese , she just gave me my macaroni and cheese with a pleasant smile ( she had all of her teeth and they were the color teeth are supposed to be - white ) and said " Have a good night sir ! " .

    Ahhhhhh ... Thank you KFC !!!

    If you don't understand why this is in this thread read back a few posts at my previous rant .
    Did they offer you Bacon bits on your mac and cheese? If not is go back and file a complaint with the manager! ;-)
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Went by KFC on my way home tonight and got a container of macaroni and cheese ( for some reason I really like their mac and cheese ) . The young lady did not ask me if I wanted macaroni in my macaroni and cheese and she didn't ask if I wanted cheese in my macaroni and cheese , she just gave me my macaroni and cheese with a pleasant smile ( she had all of her teeth and they were the color teeth are supposed to be - white ) and said " Have a good night sir ! " .

    Ahhhhhh ... Thank you KFC !!!

    If you don't understand why this is in this thread read back a few posts at my previous rant .
    Did they offer you Bacon bits on your mac and cheese? If not is go back and file a complaint with the manager! ;-)

    What !?!? You can get Bacon Bits !!! That little hussy ......... hahaha !
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    PuroFreak, I know you love you some Whataburger....
    Light 'em up.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    People who don't read the newspaper, then act surprised when they walk in and see that a quake hit Japan, or that Libya has a revolution against Gaddhafi or what's going on in Wisconsin. Some people shouldn't be voting if they have no idea what's going on in the world.
  • i hate when i come home from a long day of work, and fight with my fckn girlfriend......not good.. then i go and smoke and then it relaxes me!!!!
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    People who don't read the newspaper, then act surprised when they walk in and see that a quake hit Japan, or that Libya has a revolution against Gaddhafi or what's going on in Wisconsin. Some people shouldn't be voting if they have no idea what's going on in the world.

    +1 {caveat: the ones I deal with like this are soldiers; you know the people sent to quell revolutions and such. What Really kills me is when these people out rank me!}
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    PuroFreak, I know you love you some Whataburger....
    Hell yea! lol Had Whataburger Thursday night for my 2am meal! Bacon and Cheese Whataburger!
  • undulacundulac Posts: 1,129
    Upper respiratory infections.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    PuroFreak, I know you love you some Whataburger....
    Hell yea! lol Had Whataburger Thursday night for my 2am meal! Bacon and Cheese Whataburger!
    God I miss that place.
    Light 'em up.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    When people think that because they outrank me and my soldiers they can do whatever they want to in my area. I'm sorry? Yes I said, 'My Area'. I am the NCOIC of this area, do not confuse your rank with my authority. I have the authority of the PMO and the personal blessing of the Provost Marshal himself. As long as I am right (when it comes to this subject, 'My Area', I am right 99% of the time) the PM will back me up. DO NOT ARGUE with me or ARBITRARILY piss me, or my soldiers, off. It won't bode well for you.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    I'm pretty laid back 99% of the time, but lately it's been when people call me or ask me incessantly about things that I've already answered or am working on. "Have you taken care of ____ yet?" Do you see it taken care of or did you receive what you asked for, you dumb f%&k?!?
    Light 'em up.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Hate when the wife gives me a list of household chores to do while she does "political statistics" homework (read: watch tv).
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    When people make up regulations and expect me not to have them show them to me in writing. I was a Drill Sergeant, and a recruiter, if you can't show it to me in a reg, FM, DA Pam, or policy letter... IT DOESN'T EXIST!
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    People who don't read the newspaper, then act surprised when they walk in and see that a quake hit Japan, or that Libya has a revolution against Gaddhafi or what's going on in Wisconsin. Some people shouldn't be voting if they have no idea what's going on in the world.
    +1.....and "I voted because they dont like abortion"....or the like quote, shoudnt be voting either.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    When people make up regulations and expect me not to have them show them to me in writing. I was a Drill Sergeant, and a recruiter, if you can't show it to me in a reg, FM, DA Pam, or policy letter... IT DOESN'T EXIST!
    Amen. They try and pull that **** here all the time.
    Light 'em up.
  • badge54fdbadge54fd Posts: 241
    Night shifts
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